As some readers know, I am Washington correspondent for Dispatch International, a new weekly newspaper that appears every Thursday in English, Danish, Swedish and German. Our motto from Thomas Jefferson is our raison d’etre: “Freedom of the press cannot be limited without being lost.” Thus, the paper — helmed by journalist and free- speech-hero Lars Hedegaard of Denmark and the equally strong journalist Ingrid Carlqvist of Sweden — is committed, indeed, came into exstence to print news the rest of media will not. These include stories about Islam, government corruption, immigration, crime and other urgently important features about our life and times that the MSM seek to ignore and deny.
This helps explains why severe and massive cyber attacks on Dispatch International are originating in part from MSM organizations in Sweden!
Here is an excerpt from a letter Dispatch International’s Henrik Raeder Clausen sent out today:
Dear Friends of Freedom,
In the current state of affairs, starting a new and honest newspaper would seem the perfect antidote to the political correctness that poisons the established media, which is why we started Dispatch International. We had expected that to be quite a fight, and we certainly got our share of MSM condemnation and Denial of Service attacks we had anticipated. What we did not expect, however, was the combination of the two – the latest Denial of Service attacks have in part been traced to several established media houses Sydsvenskan, Norrköpings Tidningar, Värnamo Nyheter, Swedish Television SVT and Tredje Statsmakten Media AB.
The names of these Swedish MSM outlets are not familiar to most American readers, but their role as obstacles to the free flow of information in postmodern democratic society, alas, is.