I am ashamed that my country could vote for the PLO, an organization of murderers and Holocaust deniers, that tortures inmates in prison and more.
At the United Nations we are witnessing the creation ex nihilo of a foreign country, which never existed, and accepting the claims of the “Palestinian Arabs”, by giving them the land whose memory kept the Jews together as a people and brought them back to Jerusalem after the Holocaust.
The Western community at the United Nations, including my miserable Italy, just adopted the Nazis’ strateg. Cunning in wickedness, the Germans dangled before their victims the possibility of saving themselves at the expense of other Jews.
In this case, the Jews to be sacrified are all of those living in Judea and Samaria, but ultimately it is the entire State of Israel, since a Palestinian State would only arise upon the fall of Israel.
I am ashamed that my country will vote for the first step towards officially prohibiting Jews or any other faith from living in a certain area, the first since Nazi Germany, which sought a country that was “jüdenrein”, or cleansed of Jews.
I am ashamed that my country will vote for those who plan to take down Theodor Herzl’s picture from the wall of the Knesset, remove the seven-branched candelabra which is the expression of Am Yisrael, abolish the Chief Rabbinate and turn the name of the state into Falastin.
I am ashamed that my country will vote for the PLO, an organization of murderers and Holocaust deniers now officially dedicated to the mass deportation of Israel’s Jews.