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Ruth King


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/failing-the-mentally-ill Rael Jean Isaac interviews Clayton E. Cramer, author of My Brother Ron: A Personal and Social History of the Deinstitutionalization of the Mentally Ill, 2012, available from Amazon. As terrible stories of random murders of innocents (for example, the mass shootings at the Batman showing in Aurora, Colorado) follow one another with frightening regularity, […]



This week’s syndicated column:

I tweeted recently about shocking news in the Daily Caller that Attorney General Eric Holder, as a Columbia University student and leader of the Student Afro-American Society (SAS), participated in the armed takeover of a vacant campus ROTC office. The takeover lasted five days in the spring of 1970. The online news site added: “Department of Justice spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler has not responded to questions from the Daily Caller about whether Holder himself was armed – and, if so, with what sort of weapon.”

Holder himself has acknowledged participating in a separate takeover of a college dean’s office until SAS demands were met – for starters, transformation of the ROTC office into the Malcolm X Lounge. The Columbia Daily Spectator of April 23, 1970, published the group’s reasons, including: “Columbia’s general contempt toward the beliefs of black students,” “Columbia’s lack of concern for the welfare of black people,” “the general racist nature of the American society” and “the right of black self-determination.”

SAS also demanded a “Black Institute” to “house a black studies program, an all-black admissions board, all-black faculty members, administration and staff,” the Daily Caller says, quoting African-American studies professor Stefan M. Bradley.

This program of black separatism dovetailed with the revolutionary movements of the time. “You must become a cohesive union,” radical lawyer William Kunstler told an enthusiastic student audience at Columbia on April 8, 1970, “who will achieve by any means necessary the end, or at least the halt, of racism, private property and the domination of one sex over another.”


Another Tack: The Dearborn omen Dearborn, Michigan, may have started off as a no-account aggregate of farms and modest homesteads but it would evolve into a singular omen. This once-quintessential emblem of old-time Americana would stand out as a powerful indication of important things to come. Dearborn encapsulates within itself something akin to an ever-unfolding prophesy […]



PLO Chairman and Palestinian Authority President – Mahmoud Abbas – continues to promote the deceptive and misleading claim that the areas lost by Jordan and Egypt to Israel in the 1967 Six Day War constituted 22% – not 5% – of historic Palestine..

His propagation of this dishonest fact was shamelessly repeated in the presence of world leaders at the United Nations last week:

“The two-State solution, i.e. the State of Palestine coexisting alongside the State of Israel, represents the spirit and essence of the historic compromise embodied in the Oslo Declaration of Principles, the agreement signed 19 years ago between the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Government of Israel under the auspices of the United States of America on the White House Lawn, a compromise by which the Palestinian people accepted to establish their State on only 22% of the territory of historic Palestine for the sake of making peace.”

In fact – Israel comprises only 17% of former Palestine, the West Bank and Gaza 5%, and Jordan makes up the remaining 78%.

Abbas’s spurious claim has been repeated on hundreds of Arab oriented web sites asserting that the Jews established the State of Israel on 78% of Palestine in the War of Independence in 1948 and subsequently conquered the remaining 22% – the West Bank and Gaza – in the Six Day War of 1967.

This propaganda has created the perception that Israel now occupies 100% of Palestine, the Arab residents of former Palestine have been deprived of a State of their own in Palestine, and that the only just solution to resolve Arab grievances is the creation of an Arab state in at least that 22% of Palestine captured by Israel from Jordan and Egypt in 1967.


Romney: Libya attack ‘tragic failure’ of security
Fox News
Romney: Libya attack ‘tragic failure’ of security
Mitt Romney Photo Credit:AP

Mitt Romney, fresh off what by most accounts was his victory Wednesday night in the first debate with President Obama, said in a Fox News interview that the deadly consulate attack in Libya was a “tragic failure” of security and that the Obama admiration’s explanations have been “misleading.”…

“Let me note my condolences and sympathy for the families of those who lost their lives,” Romney told Fox News in a joint interview with his running mate, Paul Ryan. “I believe obviously what happened there was a tragic failure. There had been warnings of a possible attack, there were requests … to have additional security forces. They were turned down.”

Romney also accused the Obama administration of giving “misleading information” about the attack.

Read more: http://times247.com/articles/romney-libya-attack-tragic-failure-of-security#ixzz28QJ01XSq
NAACP official: Obama staffer threatened me
CBS News
Thursday, October 4, 2012
The president of the South Suburban Branch of the NAACP alleges a director of the re-election campaign of Barack Obama has threatened and intimidated him because he doesn’t support the president. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz28QIeR2Xr
Jordan king dissolves parliament before protests
On the eve of a protest expected in …
Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz28QIDJ7Ap
Intel officials see North Africa terror ‘cover-up’
Washington Free Beacon
Friday, October 5, 2012
Intel officials see North Africa terror ‘cover-up’
Weeks before the presidential election, President Obama’s administration faces mounting opposition from within the ranks of U.S. intelligence agencies over what career officers say is a “cover up” of intelligence information about terrorism in North Africa. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz28QIQSKZf


http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ Affordable is a dangerous word. Loan sharks always advertise their services as affordable. So do all sorts of “Get It Now – Pay Later” businesses. If it’s affordable, the cost is often hidden or it’s not worth even its affordable cost. Often both. And that’s because the easiest people to rip off are the […]



Between reverences to the majesty of abortion, the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte regularly collapsed into displays of facile jingoism that would have sent liberals for their fainting couches had the streamers in the hall been red instead of blue, or had they occurred in, oh, say, 2004. Opaque and vaguely sinister phrases like “economic patriotism” were bandied about freely, and the laudable extirpation of Osama bin Laden was milked for all it was worth. The frenzy reached its climax with Vice President Biden’s sloganeered boast that “bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive!”

Less than a week later, four Americans were dead in Libya and al-Qaeda flags flew over our diplomatic missions in Benghazi and Cairo on the anniversary of 9/11. The juxtaposition of the campaign brag with the video of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens’s body being dragged through the streets was politically unfortunate for the president — especially given his earlier boast that anti-Americanism would wane under his administration. This perhaps explains, though can never justify, what is now clear about the administration’s persistent denial that the attack was preplanned. Namely, that the White House either was deliberately less than truthful, was cataclysmically incompetent, or both.



“After four years of inhaling President Obama’s smoke, Americans finally may be ready to breathe normally again under Romney-Ryan.”

Slip slidin’ away . . .

Why does America seem to be slouching? Multiple measures have found this country going down, down, down since President Obama’s inauguration.

• The Geneva-based World Economic Forum (WEF) stages an annual pow-wow for top global leaders in Davos, Switzerland. It also ranks nations on competitiveness. When Obama came to power, America had dominated this contest for at least three years. The U.S. quickly stumbled from first place in 2008 to second in 2009, fourth in 2010, fifth in 2011, and seventh today.

Here is how the WEF described the U.S. economy among the 134 countries it evaluated in 2008:

Notwithstanding the present financial crisis, the United States continues to be the most competitive economy in the world, a position it has held for several years. This is because the country is endowed with many structural features that make its economy extremely productive and that place it on a strong footing to ride out business cycle shifts and economic shocks. Thus, despite rising concerns about the soundness of the banking sector and macroeconomic weaknesses, the country’s many other strengths continue to make it a very productive environment.

But after nearly four years of Obama, WEF’s outlook on America had soured dramatically. After examining 144 nations, it concluded on September 4:



Maybe there’s something to be said for clean living after all. Although Mitt Romney is closer in age to the venerable Jim Lehrer than to the callow Barack Obama, it was the Republican nominee who came across in last night’s debate as energetic and vigorous. And if Obama looked put upon when the cameras were on, imagine what he must’ve come home to. You spent our anniversary doing WHAT?!

About the private reaction of Obama’s wife, of course, we can only speculate. But many of his lovers went public with their devastation: “I don’t know what he was doing out there,” wailed Chris Matthews. “He had his head down, he was enduring the debate rather than fighting it.” One expected Matthews to burst into song: “The thrill is gone baby / The thrill is gone away / You know you done me wrong baby / And you’ll be sorry Election Day.”
[image]Associated Press

Even better was Andrew Sullivan: “Look: you know how much I love the guy. . . . But this was a disaster for the president for the key people he needs to reach, and his effete, wonkish lectures may have jolted a lot of independents into giving Romney a second look. Obama looked tired, even bored; he kept looking down; he had no crisp statements of passion or argument; he wasn’t there.” Cue Shania Twain: “So you got the brain but have you got the touch / Don’t get me wrong, yeah I think you’re all right / But that won’t keep me warm in the middle of the night.”

We could spend hours quoting disparaging reviews of Obama’s performances from journalists who were never as head-over-heels as Matthews and Sullivan, but we like to pretend as if we have space constraints, so we’ll just take one representative example, also from the Daily Beast, where our friend Tunku Varadarajan writes: “My God, in the four years that we’ve seen him in the White House, I don’t think we’ve ever seen the president so flaccid, so dull-brained, so jejune, so shifty, so downcast.”

This columnist has to disagree. Obama’s lame performance last night seemed typical to us. We can think of a few occasions in which we’ve seen the president less flaccid, less dull-brained, less jejune, less shifty, less downcast. But only a few.

But these qualities–or, to put it another way, this lack of quality–was harder than usual to miss last night because of the contrast with the highly effectual Romney. One reason it came as such a shock to Obama is that it was the first time in his career that he shared a debate stage with a serious opponent.



Much is being made of the devastating blow that Mitt Romney administered to President Obama in the first presidential debate Wednesday night. Romney was masterful; Obama was incomprehensible. Romney was presidential; Obama was incoherent. Romney schooled Obama; Obama responded by doing the hand motions to “The Wheels On the Bus Go Round and Round.” Republicans and conservatives alike were cheering. Even Romney skeptics like me happily conceded that Romney was the right guy all along. There will be an October surprise from the Obama camp, but they got one themselves Wednesday night.

Obama was rambling, fumbling, stuttering. He was terrible. This was a great night for freedom-lovers. If sixty million Americans were watching, freedom has a shot at resuscitation. Even Obama’s own camp was crestfallen. Bill Maher tweeted: “Obama made a lot of great points tonight. Unfortunately, most of them were for Romney.” And: “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Obama looks like he DOES need a teleprompter.” Maher is noticing only now? Andrew Sullivan tweeted in dismay: “This is a rolling calamity for Obama.”

But is Obama worried? Not for a second. He doesn’t care. Because that’s not his job. Obama is merely the pretty face for the über-left monster. Let’s face it: Obama is merely a figurehead. A happy face for the anti-American, anti-individual, anti-capitalist revolution. He’s a movie star, nothing more. He’s an impressive façade with nothing behind it, like a Hollywood set. But the American people should be concerned about his puppet masters: Reverend Wright, George Soros, Bill Ayers, and a cabal of Islamic supremacist Muslim Brotherhood operatives. That’s who’s running the country.