“Hillary takes this one hard on the chin and she deserves it. The wife of a former U.S. President supported the agenda to blame America first and protect Muslim countries no matter the cost. Hillary climbed aboard to serve a man she couldn’t abide. She knew she would be seen as the most powerful woman in the world. Her legacy as Secretary of State would pave her road to the Oval Office, but she’s under the bus now, and I ask you again, when have you ever seen an ounce, a word, of patriotism from Hillary Clinton?”
Doug Ross is quoting Ed Klein, the author of The Amateur saying Bill Clinton has “assembled an informal legal team” to come up with some strategy to defend Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi strategy, which was insane and irresponsible by any measure. If we have a Marine detachment in Barbados, why wouldn’t we have protected our interests in Benghazi? Perhaps because Hillary has busily and with great import taken on the Muslim cause around the world. She jumped on that bus going in the wrong direction – the vehicle Obama tuned-up in his Cairo speech, and has kept the petal to the metal ever since.