Displaying the most recent of 91920 posts written by

Ruth King


Clinton: Tear down those settlements
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton criticized Israel’s decision to build 3,000 settler homes in east Jerusalem and the West Bank, calling it a setback for peace. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2DtCkJ0EM
Clinton wants Kerry over Rice as replacement
The Blaze
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Clinton wants Kerry over Rice as replacement
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has reportedly taken sides in the question of President Obama’s choice to replace her. She wants Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., over embattled U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice. Clinton gave her first words of support for Rice on Wednesday, yet hardly endorsed her for the job. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2DtBzPX82
West Point’s all in with lesbian wedding
USA Today
Saturday, December 1, 2012
West Point’s all in with lesbian wedding
The U.S. Military Academy’s Cadet Chapel at West Point hosted its first same-sex marriage Saturday. Penelope Gnesin and Brenda Sue Fulton, a West Point graduate, exchanged vows in the regal church in a ceremony conducted by an Army chaplain. They are the first couple to wed at Cadet Chapel at the nation’s oldest military academy. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2DtCCIE4N
Pakistan-born Floridians linked to terror plot
CBS/Associated Press
Friday, November 30, 2012
Two South Florida brothers of Pakistani descent, Sheheryar and Raees Qazi, have been charged with plotting to support terrorists in a plan to use explosives in America, federal prosecutors said Friday. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2DtCNpcic


“Elderly” Israelis save eight lives. In the past week, eight patients received organs from people aged 70 to 80. Israel Transplant reported that since January, eight elderly Israelis, some of whom are over 75 and nearing 80, were the source of life-saving organs. With improved lifestyles and hi-tech scanners, fewer organs are rejected.
Water lily extract combats inflammation. (Thanks to NoCamels) Ben Gurion University researchers have discovered that the leaves and roots of the yellow water-lily (nuphar lutea) have an inhibitory effect on a protein that causes inflammation. This could lead to Inflammatory Bowel Disease medication and cancer prevention.
Another Israeli wonder treatment? During trials by Israel’s Can-Fite BioPharma of its anti-inflammatory CF101 medication, the company discovered that the active ingredient is suitable for treating impotence. Can-Fite only found this out when they saw that patients were not returning all the medication at the end of the trial.
US funds Israeli research into Juvenile Diabetes. The US Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) is funding five Israeli researchers up to $130,000 per year each for up to three years toward investigations into Type 1 diabetes (T1D), which affects an estimated three million individuals in the United States alone.
Revealing the cell replication process. Hebrew University of Jerusalem researchers have isolated rare replicating cells from the livers of mice. This may eventually help develop treatments to increase the cells that produce insulin for diabetics and reduce cell proliferation in cancerous tumours.
The Pluristem story. (Thanks to NoCamels) Here again are the details of the stem cell transplants performed by Israeli doctors using PLX stem cells from Israeli biotech Pluristem. Two of the patients were cured completely and one survived for four months until she contracted an infection in her Romanian home.
Vecoy’s Decoy method to fight viruses. An excellent article explaining the unique technology that Israel’s Vecoy Nanomedic employs to trick viruses to self-destruct. Vecoy’s anti-viral system mimics human cells to entice the virus and then kill it. If the virus mutates, it can no longer infect humans.


The Power of Prager — on The Glazov Gang: With Paul Crowshaw, Dwight Schultz and Michael Finch.
A discussion of Paul Crowshaw’s new film: “Baseball, Dennis and the French.”

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzFNDkbE3TE&feature=youtu.be
2. http://youtu.be/eDAgRSYUiBs

Israel’s Antimissile System Attracts Potential Buyers By THOM SHANKER and WILLIAM J. BROAD

WASHINGTON — The success cited by Israel for its Iron Dome antimissile system in its confrontation withHamas has re-energized American missile defense advocates and generated new interest in the global arms bazaar from nations like South Korea that face short-range rocket threats from hostile neighbors. But even ardent supporters of a continent-size missile shield to […]


http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/nj-ag-visits-mosque-listed-secret-nypd-report-17850606#.ULowp47rNVg NJ AG Visits Mosque Listed in Secret NYPD Report Samantha Henry, abcnews.go.com NEWARK, N.J. December 1, 2012 (AP)  New Jersey Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa quietly visited a Newark mosque Friday that had been listed in a secret report by the New York Police Department, and he reassured worshippers that New Jersey officials do not […]


Legal implication of the United Nations Resolution on Palestine

by Alan M. Dershowitz

“All in all, the United Nations vote will make it harder to achieve a peaceful two state solution, acceptable to both sides.”

The General Assembly vote declaring that Palestine, within the pre-1967 borders, is a “state”, at least for some purposes, would have nasty legal implications if it were ever to be taken seriously by the international community. It would mean that Israel, which captured some Jordanian territory after Jordan attacked West Jerusalem in 1967, is illegally occupying the Western Wall (Judaism’s holiest site), the Jewish Quarter of old Jerusalem (where Jews have lived for thousands of years), the access road to the Hebrew University (which was established well before Israel even became a state) and other areas necessary to the security of its citizens. It would also mean that Security Council Resolution 242, whose purpose it was to allow Israel to hold onto some of the territories captured during its defensive 1967 war, would be overruled by a General Assembly vote—something the United Nations Charter explicitly forbids. It would be the first time in history that a nation was required to return all land lawfully captured in a defensive war.

If all the territory captured by Israel in its defensive war is being illegally occupied then it might be open to the newly recognized “Palestinian State” to try to bring a case before the International Criminal Court against Israeli political and military leaders who are involved in the occupation. This would mean that virtually every Israeli leader could be placed on trial. What this would entail realistically is that they could not travel to countries which might extradite them for trial in the Hague.


http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/2012/12/02/sharia-is-morsis-totalitarian-mandate/ Al-Ahram [2] headline: Huge pro-Morsi rally challenges opponents to ballot-box test Theodore Roosevelt penned these remarkably prescient words [3] in a 1911 letter to his longtime correspondent and friend, Sir George Otto Trevelyan, reflecting upon Roosevelt’s post-presidency visit to Cairo, Egypt, the previous year. The real strength of the Nationalist movement in Egypt…lay not […]


If it were not so painful, it could be funny. Everyone is shocked, simply shocked that Abbas went ahead with his plan for recognition of a “Palestinian” state. I expect that any moment Alan Dershowitz and Ed Koch and assorted fools and grandees of the Jewish organizations will rear their self righteous indignation at the chutzpah of Abbas.

They supported the concept of a “two state (dis)solution”…..blind and deaf to the realities of geographical impossibility, the stated and repeated jihadist and genocidal goals of the so-called peace processors, the masquerade of Palarab “moderation”, and the deadly lessons of the Gaza withdrawal.

Anne Bayefsky got it just right when she said in a National Review Column: ”
“The Palestinian narrative is a fiction. It is deliberately crafted to mirror that of the Jewish people, beginning with the biggest lie of all — that the catastrophe of the creation of the state of Israel is equivalent to the Holocaust.”
And all those who bought into that fiction and endorsed it and promoted it had a large part in enabling the debacle for Israel in the United Nations.
And now what?


Clinton: ‘Obama and I’ restored ties to Europe
“From day one, President Obama and I…
Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2DnrRHzWM
Rice: ‘People know not to mess with me’
The Daily Caller
Friday, November 30, 2012
“And if they haven’t learned, and they try, then they will learn,” U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice says in a book written by a lifelong friend. Read more…
White House has no plans to halt Palestinian aid
The Blaze
Friday, November 30, 2012
There are no plans to withdraw aid to the Palestinian Authority following the United Nations vote to recognize Palestine as an independent state, a White House spokesman said Friday. Read more…
Progressives: Taxes on wealthy ‘just the beginning’
The Hill
Friday, November 30, 2012
A group of House Democrats has formed its own Gang of Six to push for progressive tax reform — in which the expiration of the Bush-era tax rates for the wealthiest Americans is “just the beginning.” Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2DnqlgNys



As we awaken to the spectacle of yesterday’s Palestinian coup in the General Assembly — symptomatic of a colossal failure of American leadership — it is worth underscoring the important op-ed authored by former Attorney General Michael Mukasey and Touro Institute’s Anne Bayefsky in Thursday’s Wall Street Journal.

The piece recounts Susan Rice’s unsavory record as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Ms. Rice, of course, has recently gained notoriety — infamy, really — for her appalling performance as megaphone for the Obama administration’s effort to mislead the country into believing that a protest over an obscure video about Islam’s prophet Mohammed somehow led to the September 11 Benghazi massacre of four Americans, including Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya.

In reality — as the administration well knew when Rice was dispatched to misinform Americans five days after the slaughter — there was no protest. The atrocity was a coordinated terrorist attack, a siege of seven-plus hours during which the commander-in-chief failed to deploy readily available military assets to protect Americans.

It was politically expedient to lie because Obama’s Libya policy created the conditions for a jihadist assault on our personnel. It was also expedient to lie because the attack, by al-Qaeda-connected terrorists, contradicted the Obama campaign theme that the president’s order to kill Osama bin Laden had decimated al-Qaeda.

The ambitious Amb. Rice agreed to do the campaign’s dirty work.

The incident in and of itself should be disqualifying for Rice’s quest to become secretary of State — imagine telling your boss right after the worst malfeasance of a checkered career that you deserved a big promotion. Judge Mukasey and Ms. Bayefsky, however, do the yeoman’s work of marshaling for us, and for the senators who could be asked to confirm Ms. Rice, the facts of that checkered career.