Displaying the most recent of 91920 posts written by

Ruth King

Kosovo PM Thaci Owns A Harem With Female Slaves, Traffics Drugs and Organs, According To Reports

http://www.inquisitr.com/405596/kosovo-pm-thaci-owns-a-harem-with-female-slaves-traffics-drugs-and-organs-according-to-reports/ Kosovo’s Prime Minister Hashim Thaci is facing a wide range of criminal allegations, including owning a harem with 52 female sex slaves, drug trafficking and the sale of human organs. The Prime Minister has been accused of criminal activity in several major European news sources; among them are Berlin-based daily Der Tagesspiegel, The Guardian, […]


Julia Gorin catalogues what the media and the US government continue to ignore: the outrageous treatment of the Serbs which paves the way for a Moslem caliphate in the Balkans…..rsk



Izetbegovic Jr.: Palestinians and Bosniaks See Turkey’s Erdogan as their Leader


The Dutch: We’ll Take on the Easier Organ-trafficking Investigation. You Know, the One that isn’t Albanian-based


War Criminal Fall Guys* Arrested from Kosovo’s “Security Forces”; And: “Serbian Myth” of Greater Albania Becomes Reality



http://www.juliagorin.com/wordpress/?p=2949 1. Obama gets reelected. (Shouldn’t he get a second Nobel?) 2. Palestinians vow to take their case to the UN unilaterally. 3. Hostess closes shop. 4. Hamas launches rockets at Israel. 5. The Palestinians become UN non-member observer state. 6. Croatian and Albanian Nazis are acquitted at The Hague. Given these achievements — and […]

Obama has played Erdogan and the Sunnis for Fools From Mark Langfan

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/12512#.ULf9qYVgMj8 Golda Meir’s famous statement to President Nixon that “By the time you get here, we won’t be here” is as valid today, as it was 40 years ago. Turkey is learning… Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan appears to have lost his mojo as the special Muslim “Mentor” of US President Obama. Turkey was on President […]

Susan Rice’s Enrichment Program Adam Kredo

http://freebeacon.com/category/middle-east/ U.N. ambassador has investments in companies doing business with Iran, disclosure forms show The portfolio of embattled United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice includes investments of hundreds of thousands of dollars in several energy companies known for doing business with Iran, according to financial disclosure forms. Rice, a possible nominee to replace Secretary of State […]


http://www.prudenpolitics.com/newsletter?utm_source=P&P%20Auto%201&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=5373 President Obama is still playing Sir Walter Raleigh, standing between himself and Susan Rice, the ambassador to the United Nations and the designated scapegoat in the Benghazi cover-up. president told his Cabinet as he convened its first session since he was re-elected. “Couldn’t be prouder of the job she’s done.” Secretary of State Hillary […]



WASHINGTON, DC, November 29, 2012 – Even as we speak, the well-tailored [thug] Mahmoud Abbas is over at the UN peddling statehood for his company of terrorists known professionally as the Palestinian Authority. As a first step (like the Miss Congeniality consolation) he’s reaching for “non-member observer status” and it appears that the votes from the General Assembly are in his favor.

Abbas can count on the support of the Europeans, the same people who murdered six million Jews only a few decades ago.

So how did we get to this moment where hijackers, rapists and murderers are this close to being reckoned as legitimate and sovereign?

We begin by tracing it back to that day at the White House, 1993, when Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin shook hands with Yasser Arafat and thereby, in a snap, codified terror as justifiable and placed a confederacy of clowns along the same footing as all other nations, namely Israel. Moral equivalency lived from that day forward.

We go back further to the 1960s, 70s and 80s to recall that it all started with Arafat and his Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which gained tributes for murdering people on trains, planes, ships, automobiles, streets, sidewalks, restaurants and all places where Israelis could be found.

There is no telling the number of Israeli victims to his credit – surely into the thousands – but the numbers were high enough to impress the Norwegian Nobel Committee. So they gave Arafat a Peace Prize. Rabin also got one for capitulation and near-surrender – though not in those words.

From Arafat’s PLO came all the rest, Fatah, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and then some, but they differ only in tribal and trivial rivalries. Otherwise they are all in the same boat when it comes to destroying Israel and imposing sharia law on themselves and upon everybody else.

When Arafat finally met his 72 virgins, Abbas took over the “peace process,” otherwise known as “license to kill.”

Back to our summary…decades back, these goons who invented modern terrorism almost didn’t make it to this day at the UN. Even the Israeli’s had finally had enough and they went ahead and expelled Arafat and his merry men. Jordan offered to take them in, and in they went, guns blazing, and soon enough they tried to take over the entire country, using riots, chaos, rape and murder to call attention to themselves.

King Hussein kicked them out and it was quite a bloodbath; thousands of Palestinians killed by fellow Arabs in what is still known as Black September.

Next? Arafat and his thugs took up residence in Lebanon, where it was Jordan all over again, and maybe worse. Churches were defiled. Lebanese Christians and Muslims were raped and murdered up and down the land and here we go again – out goes Arafat with the rest of his delinquents and malcontents.

From here we find the PLO scattered and demolished. No place to go. The PLO is finished.

Oops. Not so fast. Someone has to come to the rescue. Who would that be? Fellow Arabs? No deal. Been there. Done that.

But you can always count on Liberals to do GOOD – and this is where I come in. At the time I was morning-drive editor for KYW news-radio in Philadelphia (I hated the job, by the way) and I was in Arab-controlled Bethlehem as part of a group of journalists on a fact-finding trip.

After being addressed by the mayor and other Arab dignitaries, we separated for pita and hummus, and I found myself cornered by about 20 leading citizens. These were Palestinian Arab doctors, lawyers, accountants, but mostly shop owners and businessmen.

Here is what they said — please please, go back to America and tell your President and Congress that we do not want Arafat and his PLO! They are scum. We share the same lineage but they are not our brothers. We are doing well here but this will all change if Israel opens the door. (This is my overview of an hour-long conversation.)

But urged on by the Left, voices in the press, actions by the government, Israel opened the door and said to the PLO, “Come on in. Live with us in peace.”


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/ari-lieberman/the-french-connection-to-anti-semitism/ When it comes to the Jews, the French have a long, checkered history of treachery. French anti-Semitism is well known and deeply embedded in French culture. It therefore comes as no surprise that France will likely be the first major Western power to recognize Palestinian statehood, according to a statement released by the French […]



On this week’s Glazov Gang, our guests were Bill Whittle, Conservative Commentator, Tommi Trudeau, producer of films and music videos, and
Leon Weinstein, author of “Capitalism 101.”

The Gang Members discussed Will Conservatives Fight? The discussion occurred in Part II and focused on what the GOP must do to survive and prevail. In Part I the Gang dealt with Confronting Hamas. The discussion focused on the pitfalls of the “ceasefire” and the strategy Israel must pursue to successfully protect itself from its jihadist enemies. Watch both parts of the two-part series below:


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/david-solway/the-problem-with-multiculturalism/print/ Most conservative observers are of the opinion that multiculturalism as it has been understood and practiced is nothing short of a social and economic disaster. And it must be said they are largely, if not entirely, correct. The multicultural project in its contemporary form suffers from two grievous flaws: the filter is too wide, […]