Now that the election is behind us, it’s time for a serious investigation into what did and didn’t take place in Benghazi: an investigation that seeks clear, on-the-record answers to some very important questions. Questions like: 1. What did Obama know and do (and not do), and when did he know? 2. When did […] In the post-Vietnam era of the late 1970s, a weakened and demoralized United States military was sometimes referred to as a “hollow force.” Already on the defensive because of the debacle in Vietnam and deep cuts in military spending in the face of Soviet aggression in Afghanistan, the humiliation of the Carter-era military was […] At the recent “Pumpkin Papers Irregulars” dinner in Washington, D.C., author and commentator M. Stanton Evans joked about his “Law of Inadequate Paranoia,” which says, “No matter how bad you think something is, when you look into it, it is always worse.” The comment generated nervous laughter among a crowd of people concerned about […] Chief Rabbi of Israel Eli Ben-Dahan, a candidate for the Knesset, believes it is time to officially put an end to the Oslo process. The Hamas terrorist organization, in violation of the Oslo Accords, does not recognize the State of Israel, and uses violence against it. Meanwhile tax money transfers from Israel to the […]
“When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross,” Sinclair Lewis wrote in, “It Can’t Happen Here.” But as it turns out, fascism came to America wearing an Obama 2012 photo, filtered through Instagram, and carrying a Koran.
Charles Woods, the father of the murdered SEAL left to die by Obama in Benghazi, reported that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told him, that they were going to “arrest and prosecute” the man behind the Mohammed movie.
Mission accomplished.
Mark Basseley Youssef may be a scoundrel and a liar. His movie may be hideous and false. He may have violated his probation. But there are probation violators all over the country today, roaming free after getting a slap on the wrist for their probation violation. The probation violation is a pretext. Youssef’s imprisonment is for violating Sharia blasphemy laws. Obama is trying to appease the Muslims who rioted and killed over the video, and to do what he can against the freedom of speech now, until such time as he can get “hate speech” laws in place that will enable him to finish the job.
Youssef had one of the top Federal prosecutors in California sicced on him and the same media maggots who threw a hysterical fit when Ari Fleischer merely told Bill Maher to shut up, have nothing to say. Oh pardon me, they do have something to say. They assure us that this political prosecution has nothing to do with the movie.
None of the violations had to do with the content of “Innocence of Muslims,” a film that depicts Mohammad as a religious fraud, pedophile and womanizer.
That’s according to the AP. But according to the Prosecutor actually handling the case… . Some 57 percent of Israeli Jews preferred Romney, only 22% Obama (in my sector of American Israelis it was even more lopsided, a full 85% having cast absentee ballots for the challenger, only 14% for the incumbent). So, naturally, for the most part, November 7, 2012 was not a day of celebration in Israel. […] Blaming Tuesday’s defeat solely on Mitt Romney would be a mistake. It’s true that he wasn’t a perfect candidate, but there’s no such thing as a perfect candidate. It’s true, too, that he’s proven flexible as to his policy positions; but the (Groucho) Marxian line that “if you don’t like my principles, I have […] The umbrella body of Jews north of the Border, the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC), has issued a formal protest to the Church of Scotland, which co-sponsored the Balfour Project’s Conference in Edinburgh on 2nd November. Explains the SCoJeC: ‘The SCoJeC has written to the Church of Scotland, formally protesting at the Church’s […] An anti-Israel speaker has delivered false allegations at Harvard Kennedy School lecture on Middle East peace process. Former Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) spokeswoman and fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center, Diana Buttu, “delivered a lecture that purported to discuss the ‘reality’ of the Middle East peace process, but instead disseminated lies to […] The most inane insta-pundit commentary had it that the 2012 election “hadn’t really changed anything,” what with President Obama still in the White House, the House still in Republican hands, and the Senate still controlled by Democrats. The truth of the matter, of course, is that a great deal changed, somewhere around 11 p.m. […]