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Ruth King


Just a couple of weeks back, Haaretz together with the so-called
“Dialogue” public opinion polling group published an enormously biased
and twisted pseudo-poll, one initiated by Hebrew University
far-leftist professor Amiram Goldblum, a founder of Peace Now,
claiming to show that most Israeli Jews are racists and support
apartheid. So obviously nothing this gang does in teh area of opinion
polling should be accepted at face value.

But even this gaggle of Far Leftists cannot hide the ENORMOUS public
support for the military operations against the Gazan savages,
Haaretz headline today reads that over 90% of Israeli Jews (84% when
Arabs are counted) support the operation. That probably really means
that 99.98% of Jews outside of Ben Gurion University support the

There is actually something amusing about those numbers. About 18% of
Israelis are Arabs. When Arabs are added to teh survey results,
support for the war drops by 6%. Well, you do not have to be a
mathematician to understand from this that 2/3 of Israeli Arabs ALSO
are supporting the operations!
Haaretz poll: More than 90 percent of Israeli Jews support Gaza war
Six days into the aerial attack on Gaza, 84 percent of the Israeli public supports Operation Pillar of Defense, with 12 percent opposing it, according to a Haaretz-Dialog poll taken Sunday. The poll surveyed proportional samples of Jews and Arabs, indicating that Jewish support for the war stands at upwards of 90 percent.

The Era of Dictators Moves to the Era of Islamists by Douglas Murray

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3458/dictators-islamists The constant, unabated terrorizing of Israelis does not interest the international community and the media. They only become interested once Israel responds to such attacks. For those of us in America, Britain and Europe, terrorism may be something which we take seriously, but it is not something we must face every single day. As […]

An Arab View… by Khaled Abu Toameh

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3457/arab-view This hostility is the direct result of years of anti-Israel and anti-Western incitement in the Arab and Muslim world — not only toward Israel but also toward the United States. In today’s world of the Palestinians, anyone who talks about peace with Israel is a traitor and a collaborator; but anyone who calls for […]



I received an email from Prof. Ami Citri informing me of the sad news that his father, Prof. Nathan Citri, passed away at home in Jerusalem just before Rosh Hashanah.

Though well past 90 and officially retired from the Hebrew University since 1989, Nathan Citri had never stopped seeking simple solutions to intractable world health problems. Together with Ami’s mother Naomi, who died in 2011, Prof. Citri invented a prototype for bedside kits that detect and identify “superbugs” from blood or urine, yielding lifesaving information within minutes rather than days.

He’d taken the prototype to England to get the ball rolling on developing the kit. When I came to his home to interview him earlier this year, he’d related how the expert with whom he met there predicted it would take a couple of years for the product to be commercialized. “Look at me,” he had told the expert. “I don’t have that kind of time. We need to do this right now.” And so the kit was fast-tracked toward getting the European CE Mark of approval.

I had asked him for his secret to longevity, and his smile faded. He refused to speculate on that, he told me, because he could make no sense of the topic. His parents and teenage sister were murdered by the Nazis – he had escaped to Palestine through the Youth Aliyah rescue project in 1937 – and in 1995 his beloved elder son from his first marriage, Yoav, was killed in an accident. Photos of Naomi and Yoav hung above his workspace, where he was involved in developing yet another medical diagnostic kit until shortly before his death.



New treatment for liver cancer. Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem performed the first operation of its kind on liver cancer sufferer Louis Saznovsky. ‘Irreversible electroporation’ – a direct flow of high-voltage electrical currents – was applied to the malignant tumour, leaving only a few scars where the tumour once was. Since Hadassah’s first use of the new method, more than 200 such operations have been performed worldwide.

Saving the limbs of diabetics. World Diabetes Day was marked in Israel by the announcement that leg catheterisations performed at Haifa’s Rambam hospital over the last two years have prevented 521 diabetics from having amputations. The procedure is available in only a few medical centers in the world.

Another Israeli medication shows promise. Israeli biotech Kamada announced positive results in pre-clinical trials of its Alpha-1 Antitrypsin (AAT) protein. AAT has potential for treating bacterial lung infections and also to prevent implant rejection. AAT is the active ingredient in Kamada’s Glassia , used to treat emphysema.

Israel’s medical marijuana industry. Cannabis is administered without much controversy to over 10,000 Israeli patients, among them aging Holocaust survivors who struggle to cope with disease. Marijuana is illegal in Israel, but medical use has been permitted since the early nineties for cancer patients and those with pain-related illnesses such as Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, and even post-traumatic stress disorder.

Recovery system for stroke victims. Israeli Medical Device Innovations on display at Medica 2012 in Dusseldorf included Motorika’s ReoTherapy. Stroke victims retrain their brains using this unique robotic rehabilitation device, which has been achieving amazing results in recovering limb mobility.

A smart pill-box. (Thanks to Israel21c) About 125,000 people die each year because they failed to take their medication correctly. Israel’s Vaica has a programmable “smart” pillbox called SimpleMed that sends flashing light and sound reminders when a pill needs to be taken, and can alert a call center when a pill is skipped.

Give a standing ovation for this bed. Israel’s Vitalgo Systems’ first product is the state-of-the-art Total Lift Bed™ which is the only hospital-grade bed in the world that can elevate someone safely from a lying to a fully standing position – with zero lifting on the part of the caregiver. (The youtube is a bit unusual.)


NO URL Not including this latest spate of violence between the terrorists of Gaza and Israel, over 800 rockets and Mortar attacks have been launched against the the Jewish state since January 2012. During this period of time, 30 people sustained injuries in March of this year after rocket hits were reported in the southern […]

SWEDEN: Muslim Savages Brutally Beat 87-Year-old Woman Trying to Stop Them From Abusing a Puppy

http://www.barenakedislam.com/2012/11/18/sweden-muslim-savages-brutally-beat-87-year-old-woman-trying-to-stop-them-from-abusing-a-puppy/  The 87-year-old confronted a (Muslim) immigrant gang of five that was assaulting a helpless puppy outside a grocery store. The gang then turned their attention to her, beating her to the ground, where they brutally kicked and punched her until she started bleeding from her private parts. (h/T Maritha B) The sadistic attack is […]


http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=2888 Israel’s collateral damage problem So far, the death toll is 47, most of them children. There is great anger in Egypt. This death toll is not from Israel’s air attacks on Hamas’ weapons facilities, rocket launching pads and offices. It is instead the toll from a horrific collision Saturday between a schoolbus filled with […]


http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/nilegardiner/100189984/benjamin-netanyahu-talks-of-a-battle-between-the-modern-and-the-medieval-he-is-right-and-the-free-world-must-stand-with-israel/ Benjamin Netanyahu talks of a battle ‘between the modern and the medieval.’ He is right, and the free world must stand with Israel The Israeli prime minister’s speech before the United Nations in September is a must-read for anyone who cares about the defence of freedom in the Middle East, and the wider war […]


Hillary and Libya

The policy failure goes beyond the murder of her deputies in Benghazi.

David Petraeus told Congress Friday in closed hearings that the CIA believed from the start that the September 11 attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi were by terrorists. That leaves one VIP who’s still missing from Congressional scrutiny: Hillary Clinton.

GOP Congressman Peter King said Mr. Petraeus’s testimony differed from what the former CIA director told Congress immediately after the attacks. Mr. King also said Mr. Petraeus said that the CIA’s original talking points on the attacks were edited. The altered version became the basis for U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s misleading and now infamous comments blaming the attacks on a YouTube video. Both that discrepancy and the issue of the altered talking points need further digging, especially if Ms. Rice is nominated to be the next Secretary of State.

But Mr. Petraeus wasn’t responsible for lax consulate security or the U.S. policy that led to the Libya debacle. That’s Mrs. Clinton’s bailiwick. Last month in interviews from deepest Peru, the Secretary of State said “I take responsibility” for Benghazi.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Sept. 12 while speaking on the Libya attack.

Except she hasn’t. She was conveniently out of the country for this week’s House Foreign Affairs hearing, and Senate Foreign Relations Chairman John Kerry refuses to hold any hearings on Benghazi. His loyalty may get him a cabinet job, while Carl Levin’s Armed Services Committee also pretends nothing much happened in Libya.

The targets of the attacks and its first victims were diplomats. Chris Stevens died of smoke inhalation in the blaze, becoming the first American ambassador killed in the line of duty in over 30 years. A junior colleague also died. These men were Mrs. Clinton’s “responsibility.” Several hours after the assault on the consulate, members of the jihadist militia Ansar al-Shariah turned on the CIA compound about a mile away, killing two of Mr. Petraeus’s men.

In Congressional hearings last month, career State officials admitted that threat warnings from Benghazi were overlooked and requests for better security turned down. They said Foggy Bottom misjudged the ability of a weak Libyan state to protect them. It’s not clear how high up the chain these concerns went, but over to you, Mrs. Clinton.

For over a week after the attacks, the Administration blamed the YouTube video. Mrs. Clinton didn’t push this misleading narrative in public as enthusiastically as Ms. Rice. Still, she bought into it. The father of Tyrone Woods, a CIA contractor who was killed in Benghazi, told media outlets last month that Mrs. Clinton tried to comfort him by promising that the U.S.-based maker of the video would be “prosecuted and arrested”—though terrorists killed his son.

Beyond the Benghazi attacks is the larger issue of the Administration’s Libya policy, a failure that Mrs. Clinton should also answer for. At the start of the Libya uprising, Washington hid behind the U.N. Security Council to resist calls for intervention. Mrs. Clinton’s department then made the mistake of agreeing to a U.N. arms embargo on both the Gadhafi regime and the rebels. This blunder forced the rebels to look elsewhere for weapons and cash, particularly Gulf states like Qatar that favored Islamist militias.