MAKING THE WORLD SAFE FOR TERROR As they ran past a Japanese tourist, she said, one of the men fired into the woman’s face from a range of about 15 inches. “They made us get down on our knees,” Ms Dousse said. “And then they started shooting. A man who was very heavy fell […]
Ambassador Susan Rice made a fool of herself and a patsy for “Libya -gate” and pundits are calling for her resignation.
Remember Jimmy Carter’s UN Ambassador Andrew Young? He had a sterling resume. He was an ordained Pastor, a was a member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference during the Civil Rights movement, and was a supporter and friend of Dr. Martin Luther King, with him when he was assassinated in 1968, and a Congressman from Georgia’s 5th district (January 3, 1973 – January 29, 1977). Oh did I mention that he was a Democrat?
In 1977 President Carter appointed him Ambassador to the United Nations. Young immediately caused controversy when, during a July 1978 interview with French newspaper Le Matin de Paris, when he said in reference to dissidents in the soviet Union :”We still have hundreds of people that I would categorize as “political prisoners”in our prisons. Carter referred to it in a press conference as an “unfortunate statement”.
He was a strong advocate of “nation building” in Africa and actively endorsed the advent of Robert Mugabe who has reduced Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) to ashes, famine, epidemic and ruin. He was also an enthusiast for Palestinian “rights.”
On July 20, 1979 Young met with Zehdi Terzi, the UN representative of the PLO. On August 10, news of this meeting became public. The United States was on the record in declaring that no official would meet with any member or representative of the PLO which was non grata until Bill Clinton made it most grata. Congress called for his resignation nd Carter formally and very reluctantly asked him to resign.
P.S. In august of 2006 Young was forced to retire again:
The civil rights leader Andrew Young, who was hired by Wal-Mart to improve its public image, resigned from that post last night after telling an African-American newspaper that Jewish, Arab and Korean shop owners had “ripped off” urban communities for years, “selling us stale bread, and bad meat and wilted vegetables.” What do CNN, The Wall Street Journal, Bibi Netanyahu, a Lebanese website, and Mitt Romney all have in common? They told some truths inconvenient for President Barack Obama. They are now enemies of hope, enemies of change. They are a big pain in the rear for the man who “leads from the rear” by […] One of the reasons why Barack Obama is regarded as the greatest orator of our age is that he’s always banging on about some other age yet to come – e.g., the Future! A future of whose contours he is remarkably certain and boundlessly confident: The future will belong to nations that invest in […]
It remains unclear whether President Barack Obama’s lies about attacks on U.S. embassies will cost him re-election. One thing is certain, however: whatever ambitions Secretary of State Hillary Clinton once held to run for president in 2016 have been damaged beyond repair. Obama was literally asleep when the proverbial “3 a.m. call” came, but Clinton–who bears responsibility for embassy security–was asleep on the job for weeks.
Clinton’s response–“How could this happen in a country we helped liberate, in a city we helped save from destruction?–bears the same naïveté for which she once mocked her Democratic rival in debates and campaign commercials. Both Obama and Clinton suffer the same self-delusion: that the world loves Democrats and hates Republicans, that it loves flower children and hates cowboys. Benghazi is a wake-up call they should not have needed–not after the first 9/11, not after Bill Clinton’s “law enforcement” approach to terror failed.
In that sense, Hillary Clinton has failed her first test as a potential commander-in-chief–just as Obama has failed before. The success of the Osama bin Laden raid will be the enduring legacy of his administration–but the Ft. Hood shootings, the underwear bomber (and its associated intelligence failures), and now the 9/11/12 attacks are symptoms of an administration ideologically consumed with avoiding the reality of radical Islam.
Hillary Clinton has not only carried out the worst of Obama’s foreign and national security policies–she has done so enthusiastically, shouting at Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for 45 minutes in 2010, for instance. Clinton’s deputy, UN Ambassador Susan Rice, has set new lows in both dishonesty and absenteeism. The Tea Party is regularly ridiculed and declared “dead” by the mainstream press and their elitist allies in Washington and Hollywood. Not surprisingly, when Tea Partiers show up and rally by the thousands, they get all but ignored, while 30 Occupy Wall Street crazies in masks will always get wall-to-wall coverage and admiration. TV […]
We know that the mainstream media is in the tank for President Obama. It took them two full weeks to turn their attention to the inconsistencies in the Obama administration’s Libya cover story. So it’s no surprise to find that they’re not covering continuing turmoil in the Muslim world. At all.
Even as the media focuses on whether Mitt Romney wants to roll down windows on airplanes, protests continue outside our embassies around the globe. As Jim Geraghty points out, hundreds of Thai Muslims are massed around our embassy in Bangkok, Thailand; Bangladesh’s police reported that they had picked up a university professor for planning an attack on our embassy in Dhaka; hundreds more Muslims are massing in Calcutta, India, breaking through barricades and trying to break into our embassy; a 200-vehicle convoy of Muslim radicals rabbleroused near the US embassy in Manila, Philippines.
The Obama administration’s sympathies for Muslims around the globe in their war on anti-Islam YouTube videos hasn’t quelled their rage, apparently. Obama can speak over and over again at the UN, and it won’t quell their rage. Until he presents moral clarity and a full-throated defense of free speech rather than giving lip service to the “prophet of Islam,” this nonsense will continue. The great Robert Conquest, whose work provides one of the windows into my forthcoming book American Betrayal, put it so elegantly: “Not even high intelligence and a senstive spirit are of any help once the facts of a situation are deduced from a political theory and not vice versa.” In a national security context, […]
Part two of Course 2: “Origins of Zionism” is now available.
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Part 2: “Struggle to Return” chronicles the Jewish fight for freedom in the Land of Israel long after the destruction of the Second Temple, as well as the efforts of Jews in the Diaspora to return to the Land despite hardship and persecution.
As poet and philosopher Yehuda Halevi wrote in what is perhaps the most famous of all medieval poems:
“My heart is in the East and I am at the ends of the West … it would be easy for me to leave behind all the good things of Spain; it would be glorious to see the dust of the ruined shrine.”
We encourage you to share information about “Zionism 101” with your friends, family, and co-workers, plus anyone else who is interested in learning about the most important development in modern Jewish history.
If you haven’t already, please watch our completed video series on the founding fathers, including Theodor Herzl, Chaim Weizmann, David Ben-Gurion and Vladimir Jabotinsky.
We welcome questions and comments.
David Isaac
Executive Director
Gentlemen, history cyclically reappears
The entire country mourned the passing of iconic songwriter Haim Hefer on this new year’s second day. We were awash in a deluge of nostalgia, which was only fitting, bearing in mind that Hefer was a master of nostalgia. His ability to home in and seize on the singular sentiment of the era proved the hallmark of his prolific output.
And so in 1948, as the Palmach achieved its greatest feats but was already threatened with dismantlement by Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, Hefer wrote a somewhat premature self-lamenting eulogy for the Hagana’s elite strike force. I translated its opening stanza:
Gentlemen, history cyclically reappears.
Nothing is forgotten, nothing disappears.
We’ll yet remember how under a lead barrage,
The Palmach in Syria did march
Hefer tugged hard at the Palmach stalwarts’ heartstrings by recalling its earliest campaigns, like the summer of 1941 missions on behalf of the Allies to prepare for Operation Exporter – the assault on the Levant’s Vichy French forces. (It was then, while capturing strategic bridges, that Moshe Dayan lost his eye).
But Hefer’s observations on the repetitive nature of history apply far more broadly than just to the specifics he lists in his rhyming elegiac. Wherever we turn, we seem to encounter daily reminders that indeed “history cyclically reappears.” So it was on the fifth day of this new year.
Heavily armed terrorists opened fire on Israeli soldiers at the border with Sinai. Such naked aggression in itself was sure to excite no condemnation from pompous pontificators overseas, to say nothing of even generating plain press coverage.
No one abroad paid attention, most likely because no one cared that a 20-year-old corporal, Netanel Yahalomi, was slain by a bullet to the head and that another trooper was wounded. World opinion’s capacity to tolerate the cold-blooded murder of Israelis knows no bounds.