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Ruth King



Washington, DC — October 4, 2011
Judicial Watch, the organization that investigates and fights government corruption, announced today that it has obtained mission expense records and passenger manifests from the United States Air Force related to the June 21-27, 2011, trip taken by First Lady Michelle Obama, her family and her staff to South Africa and Botswana. Judicial Watch obtained the documents pursuant to an August 19, 2011, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Air Force (No. 11-1496)). Judicial Watch is investigating the purpose and itinerary of the trip as well as a breakdown of the costs to taxpayers.
On June 28, 2011, Judicial Watch filed a FOIA requestseeking the mission taskings, transportation records, and passenger manifests for Michelle Obama’s Africa trip. Documents were only provided after Judicial Watch filed suit:

According to U.S. Department of Defense’s published hourly rates for the C-32A aircraft used for the trip, Judicial Watch calculated the total cost to American taxpayers was $424,142 for use of the aircraft (34.8 flight hours x $12,188 per hour). (The C-32 is a specially configured military version of the Boeing 757.) Other expenses – meals (off the plane), transportation, security, various services, etc. – have yet to be disclosed.
The passenger manifests confirm the presence of Obama’s daughter’s, Malia and Sasha on the trip. The two girls are listed as “Senior Staff.” The manifests also list Mrs. Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, and niece and nephew, Leslie and Avery Robinson, as well Mrs. Obama’s makeup and hairstylist (Carl Ray and Johnny Wright).
The expense records also show $928.44 was spent for “bulk food” purchases on flight. Overall, during the trip, 192 meals were served for the 21 passengers on board.


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/hate-laws-are-criminal The end of freedom of speech began with the invention of “hate crimes” as a means to deter and punish crimes committed against an individual or members of a designated or protected “minority.” Hate crimes had their conspicuous genesis under the Civil Rights Act of 1968, which criminalized actions against individuals because of their […]


http://daphneanson.blogspot.com/ “Palestine: Merging Banks Can Reap Huge Dividends” – which argues that the solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict lies with Jordan to the advantage of all parties – is the latest article by Sydney lawyer and international affairs analyst David Singer. ‘Prince Hassan Bin Talal, Jordan’s former Crown Prince and the uncle of Jordan’s current […]

CHEAP DATE?Groupon Offers its Customers 86 Percent Discount to See Bill Clinton Give Speech at London’s Entrepreneur Conference 2012

http://www.thecommentator.com/article/1854/cheap_date_with_bill_clinton Interesting to wake up this morning and find that Groupon customers can save £103.00 to see former U.S. President Bill Clinton give a Keynote speech at the London’s Excel Entrepreneurs Conference 2012. The 86 percent discounted deal can be bought over the next two days. So far over 650 people have bought the deal […]


http://www.thecommentator.com/article/1861/baroness_ashton_steering_eu_towards_blasphemy_laws_ n the aftermath of the demonstrations, riots, and killings in Islamic countries following the publication of the on-line video-clip portraying Muhammad as a violent, lascivious, cruel, and somewhat stupid individual – inflamed by the Islamists who promoted the video themselves – the EU has decided to step into the fray. This was ineptly done […]


CNN debate moderator becomes to the media what the Tet Offensive was to Vietnam: Did she elect Mitt Romney?

She got it wrong. She interfered. She took a side.

Candy Crowley may finally have done something else as well: so visibly tipping the scales of media bias that the end result makes Mitt Romney the next president.

Taken all together, CNN’s Candy Crowley, in her zeal to intrude on the presidential debate and save President Obama from himself, may just have provided the televised moment that finally sparks a revolt against the four years of fawning coverage of President Obama.

Becoming to the liberal media what the Tet Offensive was to Lyndon Johnson and the Vietnam War.

For four years the mainstream media has done everything in its power to portray Barack Obama as the Second Coming, the messiah, or, in the immortal words of one-time Newsweek honcho Evan Thomas, “God.” Chris Matthews described thrills down his leg. Katie Couric purred in a sycophantic Obama interview with hard hitting questions like this:

You’re so confident Mr. President, and so focused. Is your confidence ever shaken? Do you ever wake up and say “damn, this is hard”?

Tuesday night Candy Crowley became the latest — and perhaps the most important — example of what Fox’s Bernard Goldberg called in his book title A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media.

Frank Salvato:It Doesn’t Matter What Obama Knew Or When He Knew It

http://newmediajournal.us/indx.php/item/7196 “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” – Preamble […]



The head of Saudi Arabia’s religious police has said there is a pressing need to employ more women in the force.

Speaking to the official Saudi Gazette newspaper, Abdul Latif Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh said he hoped a recruitment drive would take place soon.

Saudi’s religious police enforce the kingdom’s strict Islamic laws, including dress and prayer times.

Correspondents say the introduction of women could be a sign of the king’s cautiously reformist agenda.

Earlier this month, Mr Sheikh announced that he would curb the powers of the religious police, known as the “mutawa”.

He himself was appointed in January to deal with growing public anger about excessive behaviour by the force.

Recently, a mobile phone clip of a religious policeman ordering a young woman to leave a mall because of her make-up went viral on the internet.

There is no indication that the introduction of women into the religious police would necessarily make the rules any less strict, but it would boost the presence of women in public life.

The sanctioned duties of the mutawa, officially known as the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, include preventing women driving, enforcing modest dress codes, policing bans on public entertainment and making sure all businesses close for prayers five times a day.



Almost everything we have been told about Libya over the last two years is untrue.

A free Libya was supposed to be proof of President Obama’s enlightened “reset” Middle East policy. When insurgency broke out there, the United States joined France and Great Britain in bombing Moammar Qaddafi out of power — and supposedly empowering a democratic Arab Spring regime. Not a single American life was lost.

Libyans, like most in the Arab world, were supposed to appreciate the new, enlightened American foreign policy. Obama’s June 2009 Cairo speech had praised Islam and apologized for the West. A new “lead from behind” multilateralism was said to have superseded George W. Bush’s neo-imperialist interventions of the past.

Obama’s mixed racial identity and his father’s Muslim heritage would also win over the hearts and minds of Libyans after the Qaddafi nightmare. During this summer’s Democratic convention, Obama supporters trumpeted the successes of his Middle East policy: Osama bin Laden dead, al-Qaeda defanged, and Arab Spring reformers in place of dictators.

To keep that shining message viable until the November election, the Obama administration and the media had been willing to overlook or mischaracterize all sorts of disturbing events. We had asked for a United Nations resolution for humanitarian aid and a no-fly zone to intervene in Libya, but then deliberately exceeded it by bombing Qaddafi’s forces — after bypassing the U.S. Congress in favor of a go-ahead from the Arab League.



President Obama, during the taping of The Daily Show, discussed the Benghazi terrorist attack that claimed the lives of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans.

“Here’s what I’ll say. When four Americans get killed, it’s not optimal. We’re going to fix it,” Obama said per pool. “The government is a big operation and [at] any given time something screws up,” he also said, saying that he believes “you find out what’s broken and you fix it.”

The president was responding to this question from Stewart. “Is part of the investigation helping the communication between these divisions? Not just what happened in Benghazi, but what happened within,” the comedian asked according to the pooler. “Because I would say, even you would admit, it was not the optimal response, at least to the American people, as far as all of us being on the same page” (emphasis added).

Obama promised that his administration publicized information about the Benghazi attack as quickly as it came in, which contradicts previous reports.