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Ruth King



While foreign policy did not figure large in the second presidential debate, the Middle East again emerged as the overwhelming international issue.

In the beginning of the debate, President Barack Obama claimed that he put a high priority on energy independence, an assertion well refuted by Governor Mitt Romney. A president who wants energy independence from the unreliability of Middle East supplies has many options: he could easily expand oil drilling on federal land, promote the use of new technology to produce oil and gas, approve a major pipeline from Canada, and continue production and use of coal for generating power. To do none of these things and put his effort into restricting traditional energy sources and pushing hard for untested, long-term, and failed “green energy” schemes subverts energy independence.

But the main emphasis in the debate was on the Benghazi assassinations. Obama said:

So as soon as we found out that the Benghazi consulate was being overrun, I was on the phone with my national security team, and I gave them three instructions. Number one, beef up our security and — and — and procedures not just in Libya but every embassy and consulate in the region. Number two, investigate exactly what happened, regardless of where the facts lead us, to make sure that folks are held accountable and it doesn’t happen again. And number three, we are going to find out who did this, and we are going to hunt them down, because one of the things that I’ve said throughout my presidency is when folks mess with Americans, we go after them.

In other words, Obama said let’s increase security — after the attack was made — and then investigate and find those responsible for the attack. This is all rather obvious and anyone would have done that. But the real questions are different ones: How about investigating why there was such a security breach and the reasons for the attack?

And how about what happened beforehand?


Crowley’s Interference Saved Obama From Another Shellacking Crowley’s Interference Saved Obama From Another Shellacking Crowley loudly supported President Barack Obama’s version of reality, and contradicted Governor Mitt Romney’s recollection of Obama’s post-Benghazi comments. Candy Crowley, the moderator of the presidential debate at Hofstra University on October 16, interfered in this U.S. presidential race in a […]



Mitt Romney won’t make war on women, the Middle East or the middle class.

Dear Wavering Voter:

No, abortion rights and access to contraception will not be jeopardized if Mitt Romney becomes president. Not remotely, not vaguely, not even close. No woman in America, including Sandra Fluke, will have war made upon her by a President Romney.

Maybe you think the job of a president is to be our DJ-in-Chief and set the mood music for the country. In that case, the slow-jam Obama administration has everything to recommend it, while a Romney presidency may get on your nerves like a hokey country song. But it won’t get in your way.

How am I so sure? It’s not a question of Mr. Romney’s sincerity on social issues. It’s the fact that since Roe v. Wade became the law of the land almost 40 years ago, Republican presidents have named seven justices to the Supreme Court, while Democratic presidents have named only four. Guess what? Roe v. Wade is and will remain the law of the land.

No, we will not have another war in the Middle East. Not even if President Romney orders Iran’s nuclear sites bombed to smithereens.
Remember “Operation Desert Fox”? Probably not. That was a four-day, full-on bombing campaign against Iraq ordered by Bill Clinton in December 1998, on the eve of his impeachment. The ostensible purpose of the campaign was to degrade Saddam’s WMD capabilities, which then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright called “the threat of the 21st century.”

It must have worked beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. Air strikes may be acts of war, but not the kind of war President Obama is warning will be our lot if Republicans are elected. Incidentally, Mr. Obama also says “all options are on the table” when it comes to Iran. If he isn’t serious about keeping a nuclear weapon out of the hands of the ayatollahs by any means necessary, he should come out and say so.

No, America will not once again become the global pariah it supposedly was under George W. Bush if Mr. Romney is elected.

Energy in the Executive The President’s Real Record on Fossil Fuels.


One of the feats of President Obama’s re-election campaign is its ability to describe his record in a way that bears little or no relation to the reality of the last four years. Exhibit A is Mr. Obama’s riff on energy at Tuesday night’s debate, when he all but ran to the right of Mitt Romney, and maybe Sarah Palin.

The exchange began when an audience member asked Mr. Obama about Steven Chu’s job description, which the Energy Secretary has repeatedly said does not include helping to lower gasoline prices. Mr. Obama never answered that one, but he did use the opportunity to pose as the John the Baptist of fossil fuels, invoking oil drilling, the natural gas fracking boom and even coal production.

Mr. Obama (and his green allies) must have died a little on the inside when he said that, given that he ran in 2008 on a promise to build a “new energy economy,” by which he meant everything but fossil fuels.
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As we have learned, the plan was to subsidize dozens of companies with little commercial potential but that were often owned by Mr. Obama’s green allies. Meanwhile, the Environmental Protection Agency would go on a regulatory binge like nothing in modern U.S. history against traditional carbon-based sources of energy, coal in particular.

Mr. Romney went small bore in the debate, noting that the Administration has not in practice promoted the production of U.S. energy resources on federal lands and waters, in fact the opposite. Mr. Obama responded by flatly stating that “very little of what Governor Romney just said is true. We’ve opened up public lands. We’re actually drilling more on public lands than in the previous Administration.” He said he supported “an all-of-the-above strategy.”


http://www.steynonline.com/5225/let-them-go-hungry I dislike first ladies — as a concept, I mean, not as dinner dates. I think of the first lady as an individual who happens to be married to the guy with the job, rather than as a job in its own right with a huge staff and bloated budget. But I seem to […]


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http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ A nation where governments are elected by the people is most vulnerable at the interface between the politicians and the people. The interface is where the people learn what the politicians stand for and where the politicians learn what the people want. The bigger a country gets, the harder it is to pick up […]

Fort Hood and the Election By Lee DeCovnick Please read


My liberal friends and family often ask what’s the source of my passion to see Mitt Romney defeat Barack Obama. They never like the answer.

Pvt. Francheska Velez.

Pvt. Francheska Velez, 21, an Army bomb disposal specialist who served in Iraq was three months pregnant when Major Nidal Hasan deliberately shot her in the abdomen during the murderous rampage at Ft. Hood. Screaming in agony, her final words were “My baby, my baby.”

Witnesses in the Article 32 hearing in 2010 testified that a man in an Army combat uniform stood by a front counter, shouted “Allahu Akbar!”(“God is great!”) and started shooting. Major Hasan also had 20 “email communications with senior al-Qaeda recruiter and Yemen-based cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.”

It has been 153 weeks, or almost three years, since the Ft. Hood murders on November 5, 2009 and Major Hasan’s court-martial has still not begun. Justice for the victims and their families has not only been criminally delayed, but the integrity of the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) and its processes have been damaged. Don’t expect any MSM coverage on the three-year anniversary of the shootings, a day before the presidential election.

(Did Major Hasan specifically choose November 5th, 2009 to memorialize terrorism just prior to the 2012 election? Remember the Madrid bombings?)

From Time magazine, November 13, 2009,

From the moment Major Nidal Malik Hasan was recognized as the alleged assailant in the killings of 13 soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas, a complex, keenly balanced legal process kicked in: the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). The code demands both speed and balance, experts say, and sets up the process for a court-martial that would have the 39-year-old Army psychiatrist judged by a jury of his fellow officers not for what motivated him but simply for what he did.

Justice is likely to be speedy. The UCMJ has no provision for bail and the prosecution is required to bring its case to trial in 120 days. Hasan has probably already been notified of his rights under Article 12 of the UCMJ, which is similar to the Miranda warning given to civilians. Article 12, however, preceded Miranda by 11 years and is more restrictive.

Obviously, just weeks after the shooting Time had not yet gotten the memo telling the Obama media, Democrats with a byline, to bury the story, ignore the delays and frivolous appeals, and continue to fill their pages with Kim Kardashian photos and “American Idol” results. Any admitted incidents of domestic (Islamic) terrorism were a non-starter if Obama was to be re-elected in 2012.

From PJ Media, in a terrific article by Bridget Johnson:

Before leaving for the Memorial Day [2012] recess, the House set up a showdown with President Obama and the Senate with Friday’s passage of the National Defense Authorization Act.

Three days before the $642.5 billion spending bill passed 299-120, the Office of Management and Budget released a statement of administration policy on the bill, threatening a veto if numerous provisions remained in the legislation.

“If the cumulative effects of the bill impede the ability of the Administration to execute the new defense strategy and to properly direct scarce resources, the President’s senior advisors would recommend to the President that he veto the bill,” the OMB warned, stressing this with underlined text.

The statement then outlined some of “a number” of “concerns” — 32, to be exact — including limitations on nuclear force reduction and a provision to block repatriated Guantanamo detainees from traveling to the U.S. No. 26 on the list of veto-worthy offenses is objection to awarding Purple Hearts to the victims of the Fort Hood and Little Rock shootings.

“The Administration objects to section 552, which would grant Purple Hearts to the victims of the shooting incidents in Fort Hood, Texas, and Little Rock, Arkansas,” the veto threat states. “The criminal acts that occurred in Little Rock were tried by the State of Arkansas as violations of the State criminal code rather than as acts of terrorism; as a result, this provision could create appellate issues.”

On June 1, 2009, Muslim convert Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, who had spent time in Yemen and was an avowed jihadist, killed one soldier and wounded another in a drive-by shooting on a military recruiting office in Little Rock. He pleaded guilty to murder, avoiding trial and the death penalty, and was sentenced to life in prison.

What utter rubbish! We can clearly see the deceitful politics coming from this allegedly caring Administration. How delightfully charming that B.H. Obama is so concerned about upholding some unspecified law regarding appellate issues in a lethal terrorist… er… “man-caused disaster.”

From Truth Before Dishonor:

….the Secretary of the Army has the authority, upon written evaluation, to determine that the attack at Fort Hood meets the criteria for an “international terrorist attack.” He has not yet done so.
The victims of the Fort Hood massacre are not eligible for the Purple Heart, because the attack is not considered to have been made by the enemy, or an “international terrorist attack.” The Department of Defense seemingly does not want to consider Major Nidal Malik Hasan as acting as part of the enemy, because that might bring all Muslim soldiers under suspicion of being considered the enemy.

……. “In the wake of the brutal September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States, the Federal Government set a historical precedent when it awarded the victims of those attacks who were members of the Armed Forces with the Purple Heart medal and the victims of those attacks who were civilian employees of the Department of Defense with the Secretary of Defense Medal for the Defense of Freedom.” [Emphasis added] But, thus far, the Department of Defense has not classified the Fort Hood massacre as enemy action which would qualify the dead and wounded for the Purple Heart. (maybe they’re still trying to figure out if Major Hasan, who was wounded by security personnel, is eligible.)

Not an enemy action? Really? Unbelievable, that military victims of 9/11 got Purple Hearts and the soldiers at Ft. Hood didn’t.


 http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2012/10/what_if_president_obama_told_the_truth_about_islamist_terrorists.html I’ll begin with a caveat: Barack Obama is not stupid. He’s left-leaning politically to the point that he has difficulty fathoming the right side of an issue, figuratively or literally; he’s inexperienced and naïve; he’s devious and I think sinister as well; and he’s playing women like a fiddle hoping to capture a second […]


http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/../2012/10/obama_oy_vey_american_jews_finally_have_had_enough.html “Two Jews, three opinions” goes the famous joke. And every day, more of those opinions turn pro-Romney, as American Jews increasingly reject the collapsing presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. Romney’s surging poll numbers in the crucial state of Florida reflect his growing success with Bubbie Molly and her unemployed grandson Adam, who both thought […]