Displaying the most recent of 91920 posts written by

Ruth King

New Threats to Free Speech by Nonie Darwish

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3396/islam-free-speech The problem with Islam is that Muslims riot and burn and kill those who repeat what is already in their scriptures. The truth regarding that low-budget video, however, is that all the stories in it were taken from the Islamic books on Mohammed’s life, “Sirat Rasul Allah” [“The Life of the Messenger of Allah”], […]

Ex-CIA Agent, Ex-Iran Intel officer and Think Tank Dispute Biden on Iran’s Nuclear Program

http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_display.cfm/blog_id/44429 Tens of millions of viewers of the debate between Vice President Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan were misled about the seriousness of Iran’s nuclear threat. A threat that has been amply verified by IAEA reports, ISIS analyses, and Israeli PM Netanyahu’s graphic illustration used to indicate what red lines of Iran’s nuclear enrichment meant. […]



“We are the first to mock the Americans for bringing God into politics, but we spend a lot of time appeasing Islam when it insists on bringing its god into pretty much everything.”

It’s been said many times that while American pastor Terry Jones has the right to publicly burn the Qur’an, he has the responsibility not to do so. In other words, acts have consequences, and even actions that are legal may lead to illegal responses.

But here, surely, is the point. The burning of a book, any book, may be annoying, but the burning of a person, any person, is grotesque. Jones sometimes destroys words while Muslim mobs frequently kill people.

It’s the difference between action and reaction.

Salman Rushdie’s book The Satanic Verses, Kurt Westergaard’s cartoon of Mohammed, and Pope Benedict’s statement in Germany about Islam, for example, all led to hundreds of people being murdered, and countless people beaten, property destroyed, and threats made. One was a book, one a picture, one the repetition of a question asked centuries ago about the Muslim faith.

So, whom do we hold responsible for the horror and terror that ensued after these three now-seminal events in recent history: The person writing, drawing, or speaking, or those who threw themselves into paroxysms and spasms of anger and brutality?

If we are to define ourselves, our culture, and our laws according to the responses of the brute, we might as well give up immediately.

The issue is not whether some obscure cleric should be allowed to enter Canada, but whether Canada is a nation that protects freedom of speech and seeks to curtail the more extreme and unreasonable manifestation of religious fervour.

We’re the f


Eyewitnesses: Vandals Still Plague Mt. of Olives Cemetery http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/160835#.UHoK_MXA-Lo Participants in a funeral say desecration of tombs at ancient cemetery continues.Arutz Sheva Muslim Arab vandals continue to desecrate the tombs at the Mount of Olives cemetery on Jerusalem, despite the supposedly heightened security presence there, according to eyewitnesses. Participants in a funeral procession that took […]


Romney hits Obama on China report delay
Mitt Romney, ratcheting up his tough…
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Ex-CIA, Homeland Security bosses rip Biden’s diss
Two former intelligence chiefs, blas…
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Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz29GsoQ0tF
Panetta blasts Karzai for knocking U.S. troops
Agence France-Presse
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Friday voiced frustration with Afghan President Hamid Karzai over the latter’s preference to “criticize” American troops, instead of acknowledging the sacrifices they made. “It would be helpful if the president, every once in a while, expressed his thanks for the sacrifices that have been made by those who have fought and died for Afghanistan rather than criticize,” said Panetta. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz29GtJS2nE


http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2012/10/13/14-Oct-12-World-View-Huawei-scandal-exposes-potential-Cyberwar-Pearl-Harbor-from-China In a speech on Friday, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta described described the dangers of cyberwar. His remarks were timely, coming just after the House Intelligence Committee issued a report warning of potential cyberattacks through devices sold by the Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE. Panetta said: “These attacks mark a significant escalation of the […]


A nasty rift has opened up between President Barack Obama, former President Bill Clinton, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over the fallout from the terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Libya that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens. This feud may undermine and threaten Obama’s reelection chances.

Obama and Clinton both do not want to be held responsible for the negligence before and the cover-up after the Libya attacks. Clinton biographer Ed Klein on Friday reported that Bill Clinton, sensing Obama’s political team wants to pin legal and political blame on the State Department and Hillary Clinton, has been working on doomsday and contingency scenarios “to avoid having Benghazi become a stain on her political fortunes should she decide to run for president in 2016.”

“If relations between Obama’s White House and Hillary’s State Department rupture publicly over the growing Benghazi scandal, that could damage the Democratic ticket and dim Obama’s chances for re-election,” Klein writes.

According to Klein’s sources, Bill Clinton has assembled an informal legal team in case there are cables or other evidence that would legally implicate Hillary. Klein also told The Daily Caller that Bill has even considered advising Hillary to resign if the Obama administration tries to make her the “scapegoat.”

On Friday, there were signs the White House was preparing to do to throw Hillary Clinton and the State Department under the bus.

White House press secretary Jay Carney, when asked if Obama and Biden had “never been briefed” about the fact that more security was needed in Libya, essentially blamed the State Department, saying, “matters of security personnel are appropriately discussed and decided upon at the State Department by those responsible for it.”

Carney repeated a variation of this line throughout the press briefing.



Talk about chickens coming home to roost. Talk about the Mother of All Fiascos. It’s the revenge of Osama bin Laden from the bottom of the ocean, and the message is plain: al-Qaeda is very much alive, and America is a paper tiger.

The Middle East is beginning to fall apart — Iran just sent a spy drone over Israel’s sensitive defense installations, and the IDF waited hours to react; Turkey forced down a Syrian arms plane, and al-Qaeda’s Al Zawahiri openly assaulted the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi in a six-hour attack, working through al-Qaeda in the Maghreb (AQIM), while the glorious Libyan friends did nothing as our ambassador was being raped and murdered. The guards called for help, and nobody responded. A police car fled the scene. The other ten cop cars requested by the consulate never showed up.

The Libyan regime knew. It had to know.

In Afghanistan, our soldiers are being murdered by the same Afghan troops we are training to take over after we leave. They can see the weak horse and the strong horse, and they are trying to tell the strong horse what side they are on. These folks used to be on our side, but they know which way the storm is blowing.

Remember: host governments are always responsible for the safety of accredited diplomats and soldiers. Always, always, always. Embassies have a U.S. Marine color guard — not for protection, but for a symbolic presence. Host governments have overwhelming power: armies, cops, and a huge intelligence apparatus. In Afghanistan, believe it or not, we are the guests of the regime. If Afghan soldiers are killing us, it’s because the regime is trying to save its butt, now that we have bowed down to the Taliban.



Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Iranian Bomb.

“Rudeness is the weak man’s imitation of strength,” the longshoreman cum philosopher Eric Hoffer once observed. Hoffer died in 1983, so he probably wasn’t referring specifically to Joe Biden’s performance in last night’s debate. Still, the observation is fitting.

In addition to the vice president’s boorishness, a lot of observers noted that he frequently smiled and chuckled at inappropriate times–even during a discussion of Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons. The Republican National Committee quickly put out an ad consisting of nearly a minute of such clips followed by the caption: “Vice President Biden is laughing . . . Are you?” If Biden finds himself out of work in January, he may have a career ahead of him as a Fixodent pitchman.

So what’s with Dr. Strangelaugh? Let’s ask an evolutionary biologist. In “Games Primates Play: The Undercover Investigation of the Evolution and Economics of Human Relationships,” Dario Maestripieri of the University of Chicago writes:

When two rhesus macaques are trapped together in a small cage, they try everything they can to avoid a fight. . . . To avoid immediate aggression, and to reduce stress, an act of communication is needed to break the ice and make it clear to the other monkey that no harm is intended (or expected). Macaque monkeys bare their teeth to communicate fear and friendly intentions. If this “bared-teeth display”–the evolutionary precursor to the human smile–is well received, it can function as a prelude to grooming. One monkey brushes and cleans the other’s fur, gently massaging the skin while picking and eating parasites. This act can both relax and appease the other monkey, virtually eliminating the chance of an attack.

So, if you are a rhesus macaque and find yourself trapped in a small cage with another macaque, you know what to do: bare your teeth and start grooming. If you are a human and find yourself riding in an elevator with a stranger, in theory you could do the same thing (or the human equivalent thereof): smile and make small talk.

A smile is an instinctive gesture of submission. Often the submission is mutual, as when two friends exchange smiles or when Maestripieri’s strangers break into small talk on the elevator. But when a man uncontrollably smiles at a potential or actual adversary, it is a show of weakness.


The presidential and vice-presidential debates provided us with two snapshots of two different and yet very similar men.
The Obama who showed up to debate Mitt Romney and the Biden who showed up to debate Paul Ryan were outwardly different types. One white and one black, one elderly and one middle-aged, one a veteran of the Senate and the other a political tyro rushed through the ranks on the promise of his electability.

But Obama and Biden showed once again at the debates that they have more in common than anyone would give them credit for. Obama was surly while Biden was belligerent, but both men behaved the way they did out of an innate sense of entitlement. With their every word and gesture they made it clear that they were too good to be here.

While Romney and Ryan have often been accused of elitism, both as a personal accusation and as a class accusation, they behaved with dignity and discretion. Obama and Biden on the other hand treated their opponents with contempt beginning with their lack of preparation for the debates and their lack of grace in the debate.

Obama believed that he had won the debate after he lost it and Biden believed that he won the debate before it even began. Biden’s braggadocio and Obama’s disdain both came out of their own exaggerated senses of self-worth that made them feel that they were too good for the forum and too good for their opponents.

Biden and Obama may not have race, religion or age in common, but they both share a common narcissism that leads them to believe that their innate specialness transcends competence and that their rhetorical gifts can overcome their laziness and lack of preparation. Neither man bothered to hide their belief that their opponents are inferior to them in every possible way.