Simon Hughes MP, a senior member of the Liberal Democrats, the junior partner in Britain’s coalition government, has become the latest public figure to endorse a thoroughly bigoted solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. In a recent interview with The Jewish Chronicle, he said: “We are near to the end of the opportunity of being able to get a peaceful two-state solution because of the extent of the settlements” and called instead for a Plan B.
His alternative plan is a “one state solution” covering Israel and the disputed territories. He believes that this alone can solve this most intractable of conflicts.
Now Hughes is no swivel-eyed fanatic. He does not come across as hysterically critical of Israel as John Pilger, Noam Chomsky or George Galloway do. His language is more measured than theirs and he will have considered his position very carefully.
But in some ways, this makes him more dangerous than the “frothing at the mouth” diehard left-wingers who write for the Morning Post or The Socialist Worker, for he has a veneer of respectability that they lack despite arguing for a formula that is every bit as dangerous as theirs.