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Ruth King

Iran, Jihad and “End Times”: Part 1 Prof. Louis René Beres

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Controls/SendFriend.ashx?print=1&type=1&item=12249 Prologue to Nuclear War in the Middle East? It is an immobilizing question, a query that was once only whispered: Could certain Iranian leaders, including President Ahmadinejad, be seeking nuclear weapons in order to deliberately bring about an apocalyptic “end of days?” Might these leaders be planning a religiously-mandated and possibly nuclear Final Battle […]

Israel, ‘Palestine,’ and the Law Of War (First of two parts) By: Louis Rene Beres

Israel, ‘Palestine,’ and the Law Of War (First of two parts) For the moment, at least, a state of Palestine does not exist. Historically, of course, such a country has never existed. Nonetheless, current supporters of Palestinian statehood (sometimes Jews as well as Arabs) have discovered substantial practical benefit in persistently referring to Israel and […]


Morsi’s message Egypt’s new leader Mohamed Morsi is proving to be a cunning communicator, at least so far as what he puts across to undiscerning Western ears. He manages to sound exceedingly moderate and reasonable, while enunciating unreasonable, indeed radical demands that must be met or else. He in effect says that “it’s my way […]


http://pjmedia.com/blog/geller-agonistes-%E2%80%94-truth-in-advertising-about-the-jihad-against-israel/ http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/2012/09/30/geller-agonistes-truth-in-advertising-about-the-jihad-against-israel/ All of us who cherish Western free speech, particularly when it elucidates irrefragable truths, owe an enormous debt to journalist and author, Pamela Geller [4]. With courageous tenacity, and unflappable poise (listen [5] to former New York Governor David Paterson’s own eyewitness account of her appearance at the New York Metropolitan Transportation [MTA] […]


http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/30/hugo-chavez-says-hed-vote_n_1927024.html?icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl1%7Csec3_lnk3%26pLid%3D213163 CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has weighed in on the U.S. presidential race, saying he prefers President Barack Obama. “If I were American, I’d vote for Obama,” Chavez said in a televised interview that aired Sunday. The Venezuelan leader called Obama “a good guy” and said if the U.S. president were a […]

Criminalizing the Defamation of Islam By Amil Imani

http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/09/criminalizing_the_defamation_of_islam.html Nothing prompts the hundreds of ordinarily feuding and fighting sects of Islam to come together like the slightest disrespect shown to the founder of their religion or their religious sanctity. With the slightest hint from their vested-interest clergy and politicians, mobs of Muslims pour into the streets in a frenzy, burning things, destroying buildings, […]


Obama’s Dream of Sharia — on The Glazov Gang
By Jamie Glazov
Nancy Bonus, Josh Brewster and Rob Nelson analyze Obama’s yearning for a future without criticism of the prophet Mohammad.


Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) Guide for the Perplexed

1. The US covenant with the Jewish State dates back to Columbus Day, which is celebrated around Sukkot (October 8). According to “Columbus Then and Now” (Miles Davidson, 1997, p. 268), Columbus arrived in America on Friday afternoon, October 12, 1492, the 21st day of the Jewish month of Tishrey, the Jewish year 5235, the 7th day of Sukkot, Hoshaa’na’ Rabbah, which is a day of universal deliverance and miracles. Hosha’ (הושע) is the Hebrew word for “deliverance” and Na’ (נא) is the Hebrew word for “please.” The numerical value of Na’ is 51, which corresponds to the celebration of Hoshaa’na’ Rabbah on the 51st day following Moses’ ascension to Mt. Sinai.

2. Sukkot is the 3rd Jewish holiday – following Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur – in the month of Tishrey, the most significant Jewish month. According to Judaism, the number 3 represents divine wisdom, stability, permanence, integration and peace. 3 is the total sum of the basic odd (1) and even (2) numbers. The 3rd day of the Creation was blessed twice; God appeared on Mt. Sinai on the 3rd day; there are 3 parts to the Bible, 3 Patriarchs, 3 pilgrimages to Jerusalem, etc.

3. The Book of Ecclesiastes, written by King Solomon – one of the greatest philosophical documents – is read during Sukkot. It amplifies Solomon’s philosophy on the centrality of God and the importance of morality, humility, family, friendship, historical memory and perspective, patience, long-term thinking, proper-timing, realism and knowledge. Ecclesiastes 4:12: “A 3-ply cord is not easily severed.” The Hebrew name of Ecclesiastes is Kohelet (קהלת), which is similar to the commandment to celebrate Sukkot – Hakhel (הקהל), to assemble.

4. Sukkot starts on the 15th day of the Jewish month of Tishrey, commemorating the Exodus and the beginning of the construction of the Holy Tabernacle in Sinai. Sukkah (סכה) and Sukkot (סכות) are named after the first stop of The Exodus – Sukkota (סכותה). The Hebrew root of Sukkah (סכה) is “wholesomeness” and “totality” (סך), “shelter” (סכך), “to anoint” (סוך), “divine curtain/shelter” (מסך) and “attentiveness” (סכת).

5. The Sukkah symbolizes the Chuppah – the Jewish wedding canopy – of the renewed vows between God and the Jewish People. While Yom Kippur represents God’s forgiveness of the Golden Calf Sin, Sukkot represents the reinstatement of Divine Providence over the Jewish People. Sukkot is called Zman Simchatenou – time of our joy- and mandates Jews to rejoice (“והיית אך שמח”). It is the first of the three Pilgrimages to Jerusalem: Passover – the holiday of Liberty, Shavuot (Pentecost) – the holiday of the Torah and Sukkot – the holiday of Joy.



French President still clamors for “change” but nothing moves

PARIS. True to his branding as “the normal president,” President François Hollande moved—slowly – up to the front lines this week in an effort to rescue his government from tumbling approval ratings (40 percent satisfied). His Sunday night appearance on the TF1 channel was the same as usual: soporific delivery of a common ordinary discourse punctuated with occasional gesticulations to give an impression of determination. During the 25-minute interview with star newscaster Claire Chazal, Hollande kept reiterating his campaign refrain: I set the course, I set the pace. The pace is slow, the course is foggy, the reaction is embarrassed in his camp and, of course, harsh everywhere else. Le Monde, headlined its web article: “Hollande is personally committed to the combat.” If that is big news four months into his presidential term, then it might explain why so many of those who voted for him are already disappointed. Le Monde columnist Françoise Fressoz explains the discrepancy between the campaign slogan “le changement c’est maintenant” (change is right now) and today’s sluggish pace: “Change”, she says, meant turning the “Sarkozysme” page.

But has François Hollande changed radically since last spring? Has the global economic situation suddenly worsened? Was the flat delivery in the TF1 interview much different from his campaign speeches and television appearances? The answer is no. What has changed is that the Sarkozy veil—not the former president but a magical image of him—has been removed, revealing realities that should have been exposed and analyzed during the campaign. If voters had clearly seen a choice between the Socialist platform and Sarkozy’s program, the outcome may have been different. Since very few citizens are active in political parties, attend campaign rallies or have direct access to candidates, we must conclude that they get their information from the media. Print media in France have notoriously low circulation; most voters get their information from radio and television, where they were enflamed with enthusiasm and persuaded that the election of a Socialist president after all these years was imperative.



Jihad at work: Muslims “spontaneously” on the rampage The concept of “Islamophobia” gains new ground

PARIS. The 9/11 anniversary jihad operation was quite successful in France as in the rest of the world. An act of war–the attack against the American Consulate in Benghazi – was marketed as a spontaneous popular demonstration against an Islamophobe film that inadvertently led to the demise of three Americans including the ambassador to Libya.

Primary responsibility for the cover up lies of course with the Obama administration but French media willingly obliged. While gruesome photos of Ambassador Chris Stevens, still alive, dragged through the streets like a bagged animal, manhandled, photographed like a trophy, and probably subjected to the ultimate outrage were circulating on the Net, UN Ambassador Susan Rice engaged in grotesque damage control and French reporters in Benghazi peddled the same version, which they called the “real story” based on inside information from Libyan authorities.

The story eventually collapsed but it had served its purpose: The good people of our beleaguered free world, who heard virtually nothing about an act of war (most probably don’t know there is such a thing), are now steeped in the concept of Islamophobia. The couplet is engraved in press agency stone, repeated from morning to night: “The attack against the American embassy in reaction to an Islamophobe film. …” The ambassador and his countrymen “lost their lives” the way someone loses an umbrella. Muslims are on the rampage, burning flags and embassies, and it is all about an Islamophobe film.