Some Love Lost: Dems Drop ‘Special Relationship’ Language from 2012 Platform The pro-Israel news wires have been abuzz over the excision of core pro Israel language from the 2012 Democratic Party Platform. But it is not only the changes in the Democrats’ planks that should be examined. For those who missed it but who care […] Tonight, the Democratic National Committee suspended the rules of the convention and inserted language regarding God and the State of Israel back to its platform. They had to vote three times to do it – and they had to lie to deem it passed, even though it was clear that the measure did not […] The nation is filled with recovering Obamaholics who hope to finally free themselves of their addiction November 6, author and award-winning journalist Craig Karpel tells Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview. Karpel recently penned “The 12-Step Guide for the Recovering Obama Voter,” a book that begins with, “My name is Craig K, and I’m an […]
Good for the Connecticut Jewish LedgerThe irony is that the leftist rabbis were the first to attack evangelicals for interfering in politics. These rabbis have joined the general liberation theology movement….which has little to do with theology and much to do with an anti-Western mind set that puts global warming, abortion and gay rights in the forefront, while putting spiritual matters on the back burner. To their agenda they have added Israel bashing. They can all pat themselves on the back as they see growing anti-Semitism and the words Jerusalem and God banned from the platform of the DNC. After they pat themselves they can all go to hell…..rsk
In December of 2009 we wrote about our objections to members of the rabbinate being involved in political discussions. At the time, the issue was a public statement, urging Senator Lieberman to vote in favor of President Obama’s healthcare legislation, which was signed by a number of rabbis in Connecticut as well as others around the country. Our specific problem was the questioning of the Senator’s motivations regarding how he was going to vote.
Last week, the White House released a list of rabbis who support Barrack Obama’s re-election. Many of the points we made in our December 2009 editorial apply. Here are three quotations we used in that article:
“Everyone knows the basic rules,” said Rabbi David Saperstein in an article in the Forward last year. The director and counsel of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism also said that, “You can talk about issues, but you can’t endorse candidates and parties, but there are all these gray areas in between that people are struggling with.” These domestic unions often begin with disregard for the state law, due process and informed contract formation when marriages and property distributions are arranged without the bride’s participation. State law, contract rules and constitutional provisions should apply. The American system should be based upon law, not clerical dictate. Republican convention delegates voted last week […] Mark 2012, however, as the year the Obama administration took its most overt steps yet to tell the Arab and Muslim World the the US was severable from Israel. How much of what the US and Israel developed over the years was shared with countries overtly hostile to Israel? “I don’t want to be […]
Palestinians have nurtured a myth that historically there were two Jerusalems – an Arab ‘East Jerusalem’ and a Jewish ‘West Jerusalem.’
Jerusalem was never an Arab city; Jews have held a majority in Jerusalem since 1870, and ‘east-west’ is a geographic, not political designation. It is no different than claiming the Eastern shore of Maryland should be a separate political entity from the rest of the state.
With an overall population of nearly 800,000 today, separating East Jerusalem and West Jerusalem is as viable and acceptable as the notion of splitting Berlin into two cities again, or separating East Harlem from the rest of Manhattan.
Arab claims to Jerusalem, a Jewish city by all definitions, reflect the “what’s-mine-is-mine, what’s-yours-is-mine” mentality underlying Palestinian concepts of how to end the Arab-Israeli conflict. That concept is also expressed in the demand for the ‘Right of Return,’ not just in Jerusalem – Israel’s capital, but ‘inside the Green Line’ as well.
Conventions Produce Unconventional Insights Into Parties’ Changing Views on Israel and Islam National party conventions produce balloons, hot air and many conventional wisdoms, but this year, the conventions highlighted the changing way Republicans and Democrats treat Jews, Israel, Muslims and Islamic extremism. Republicans stressed support for Israel and Jerusalem as its capital, but the Democrats […]
Michelle Obama’s ‘Good Jobs’ Claim At Odds With President’s Track Record
During her speech at the Democratic National Convention Tuesday night, first lady Michelle Obama painted her husband as a president who has created jobs like those held by her father and his grandmother, jobs they used to give their families greater opportunities.
“He brought our economy from the brink of collapse to creating jobs again — jobs you can raise a family on, good jobs right here in the United States of America,” Obama said Tuesday night.
The only problem: that’s not exactly true.
The unfortunate reality is that most of the jobs created under President Barack Obama’s administration pay low wages. About three-fifths of the jobs created during the economic recovery are low-wage, while most of the jobs lost during the recession paid middle-wages, according to a recent study from the National Employment Law Project. More than 40 percent of the jobs created during the economic recovery have been in low-paying sectors like retail, food and employment services.
Certain states offer stark examples of the low-wage economy. For example, more than one-quarter of workers in Michigan have low-wage jobs, according to data from the Michigan League for Human Services cited by the Detroit Free Press.
There are a variety of reasons why workers find it hard to get a job that pays a decent wage. For one, state and local government jobs, usually well-paying, have taken a huge hit throughout most of the recovery. In addition, large corporations like Walmart and McDonald’s are relying on low-wage workers even as they net huge profits, according to a separate NELP report. And with the economic outlook uncertain, companies are squeezing more out of their workers instead of investing in hiring new ones.
The lack of well-paying jobs may be one reason why growing income inequality has also been a problem on President Obama’s watch. Between 2009 and 2010, the rich took home a greater share of the United States’ income pie than from 2002 to 2007, according to an April analysis from Emmanuel Saez, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley.