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Ruth King

Netanyahu Has to Take Iran’s Words Seriously. Why Doesn’t Obama?

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390443819404577633511664110678.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_LEADTop see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.” —George Orwell Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks at the United Nations today, which also happens to be Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. The timing is apt because when it comes to Iran and Israel, the hardest thing for […]



The 2012 election should come down to a simple question: what is the best way to create millions of new jobs in an economy where 12 million people are unemployed, 5 million are underemployed and 6 million people have become so disillusioned they have given up looking for work altogether.

Where Are We?

We have added 3.8 million jobs in the three years and two months since the June 2009 recovery began according to the administration. That is 100,000 jobs a month, the worst recovery in 67 years.

During this recovery, the US government spent $11 trillion, 5 million people were added to the poverty roles, 14 million more people now receive food stamps, 3.5 million people were added to social security disability roles, the value of the dollar tanked, and the debt of the US went up nearly $6 trillion to $16 trillion, a greater per capita debt than Greece.

Manufacturing jobs have been lost as have jobs in energy and mining. Measured from January 2009, no net new jobs have been created. Economic growth this past quarter as been 1.5%. 150 new regulations costing more than $1 billion each are poised to cascade through the economy starting next year. Taxes are scheduled to go up by $500 billion each year for the next decade, 10 times the highest tax increase ever in US history.

The administration says “this works” and they assert we just have to do more of the same and the US economy will boom as it did under President Clinton in the 1990s.

What is wrong with this picture?

Since the election of President Reagan in 1980, the US has had three economic recoveries prior to the one we are now in. They were 1983-89, 1991-2000 and 2003-07. In that 24 year period, the US economy produced 54 million jobs in the 22 growth years or 250,000 jobs a month. Can we do this again?

Yes we can–but if we copy Reagan not Obama. Clinton in his second term copied Reagan, not Obama.

In 1983-89, what did the US government do to improve the economic climate to encourage job growth? Let us look at the record.


Taxes: Cut tax rates 30% on individuals; cut top rate to 28% including cutting capital gains to 20%, compared to Carter era 70% and 35% respectively.

Regulations: Have major regulatory reform of trucking, transportation, communications and energy, resulting in millions of new jobs in these economic areas.

Energy: Reduce the price of oil from $32 barrel (December 1980) to $16 barrel in 1989.

Spending: Reduced government spending as a percent of GDP by 1.5%.

Revenue: Government income increased an average of $65 billion a year.

GDP: Growth in the US economy averaged 3.9% between 1983-89.

Jobs: Job growth reached 20 million from January 1983 to January 1989 or 3.3 million a year and 11 million from 1983-5 in first three years of the recovery.


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/turn-the-other-cheek?f=puball You would think with his upbringing of both a father and step father who were Muslim, his going to a school in a Madrassa until the age of six, his pronunciation of Arab words and understanding of the Quran, that Obama would have better understanding of Islam. You would think that, but… Over two […]



On September 25th, according to Congressional Black Caucus Chairman, Emmanuel Cleaver, “we cannot even find an instance of voter fraud” but the NAACP would disagree as it strives to keep Voter ID laws from being passed.

The NAACP is so concerned about voter rights that it has taken its case to the United Nations, claiming that “Millions of United States citizens are denied the right to vote because they have been previously convicted to a felony offense.

At a NAACP-sponsored panel, a member of its board of directors, Lorraine Miller, called upon the UN Special Rappateour “to investigate racially discriminatory elections laws” given that many felons are black and many states deny voting rights to convicted felons. The NAACP is on a tear to defeat Voter ID laws, claiming they are racially based.

At this point, between thirty-one and thirty-three States have enacted laws that require all voters to show an ID at the polls in November, depending on whether the laws are declared strict or not.

Rep. Cleaver is, shall we say, misinformed. According to a Justice Department fact sheet dated July 2, 2008, more than 140 individuals have been charged with election fraud offenses and more than a hundred have been convicted since the Attorney General’s Ballot Access and Voting initiative was launched in 2002. This is, in actuality, a fairly pathetic enforcement record.

On September 19, one day after being sued over a controversial ballot box citizenship question, Michigan Secretary of State, Ruth Johnson, said there were an estimated 4,000 non-citizens on its voter rolls of the estimated 305,000 non-citizens that live there. This is why Ms. Johnson is insisting that Michigan’s 7.34 million registered voters be asked to confirm they are citizens on Election Day in November.

The election outcome in 2000 had to be decided by the Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore and this initiated efforts to avoid a repeat by tightening voter laws to avoid all manner of fraud.


Walid Showbat: Innocence of Muslims Film was Made by Terrorists « Nice Deb
Walid Showbat: Innocence of Muslims Film was Made by Terrorists

Oh boy…the implications here are staggering. If this film was indeed produced by Islamic hucksters, and Shoebat makes a very good case that it was — what does that make the Obama administration, who so enthusiastically jumped on the anti anti-Mohammed film bandwagon, and stayed on, even as the narrative fell apart? It’s now being reported that the US knew Stevens assassination was the work of terrorists within 24 hours of the attack. Why, as Romney and Ryan ask, doesn’t Obama want the American people to know exactly what happened in Benghazi?

Is it because the truth would reveal their deplorable lack of security at their Middle Eastern consulates and embassies? Or is there an even darker explanation?

Many of you are probably familiar with Walid Shoebat. He used to be a radicalized Muslim willing to die for the cause of Jihad before he converted to Christianity in 1994. As a member of the PLO he was involved in terrorist activity, and was even imprisoned in Jerusalem for three weeks. More about his background, here.

He has some questions about the identity of the man who made the film, Innocence of Muslims, who calls himself Nakoula Basseley Nakoula and claims to be a Coptic Christian.

…no one has stepped forward or can confirm for certain that whoever holds an identity by the name of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is that man’s true identity. In the Middle East, if a man by the name of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula indeed exists while being blamed for creating a mess of international proportions—which included the anger of over

DANIEL GREENFIELD:US and Europe’s “Oneness” Integration Project

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3367/us-europe-integration Being “one with the tiger” is a popular goal in the modern world, and our leaders are forever leaping into tiger dens in the hopes of becoming one with the beast. In the Bronx Zoo, David Villalobos was rescued from a tiger den after leaping inside to, in his own words, “Be one with […]


http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/heroine-of-arab-spring-arrested-in-new-york-8180705.html Attempts to deface pro-Israel poster stopped The prominent US-Egyptian activist Mona Eltahawy has been arrested in New York for defacing a subway poster that labels Muslims who oppose Israeli policies as “savage”. Ms Eltahawy, who has become a prominent commentator since she was viciously beaten by pro-Mubarak thugs during the protests that toppled the […]


Israel, ‘Palestine,’ and the Law Of War (First of two parts) For the moment, at least, a state of Palestine does not exist. Historically, of course, such a country has never existed. Nonetheless, current supporters of Palestinian statehood (sometimes Jews as well as Arabs) have discovered substantial practical benefit in persistently referring to Israel and […]


http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Letters/Article.aspx?id=286259 Shut down the disgrace Sir, – The leftist geographer who single-handedly built the politics department at Ben- Gurion University of the Negev into the worst anti-Israel indoctrination and propaganda center in the country is simply is unable to find anything wrong with it (“Prof. David Newman defends BGU’s politics department against Council on Higher […]


Rising health care costs demolish Obama’s pledge ABC News Tuesday, September 25, 2012 News Two new independent studies of health insurance premiums and health care spending indicate both are rising at an accelerated pace, despite President Obama’s 2008 promise to contain those costs and his pledge that his health care legislation would reduce premiums. Read […]