For last week’s column on the hypocritical “white” media, I chose Brian Williams as my poster-child illustration. Just as apt a choice for Top “Whiteness” Media Hypocrite (if not miles and miles better, as this WND story below demonstrates) is the always undelectable Chris Matthews.
Picking up in the middle (but read it all):
Matthews says he’s also troubled by racially polarized neighborhoods.
“Aren’t you surprised we haven’t integrated in terms of residence, living together, door to door?” he said during one of his “Hardball” episodes last decade. “It’s still a black neighborhood (there) and a white neighborhood here.”
Matthews ought to know. He and his wife live in a predominantly white zip code in the leafy and affluent suburbs of Chevy Chase, Md. Just 5 percent of his neighbors are black, according to U.S. Census Bureau data.
His million-dollar home [DW: likely “multi”-million] is nowhere near the “ghettos” where Matthews, the self-anointed, prime-time champion of racial equality, suggests more whites need to live.
“We passed the civil-rights bill, and still the country is basically white here and black over there,” Matthews griped. “There’s ‘hoods, there’s ghettos, and there’s whites living in the ‘burbs. It hasn’t changed a lick.”
Doesn’t seem to bother Matthews, whose neighborhood and parish Catholic school couldn’t be more thoroughly and completey white — whiter than the GOP he just can’t stop compaining about. Meanwhile, quite recently, Matthews has been bragging about living in “black-majority DC”!