Displaying the most recent of 91920 posts written by

Ruth King


http://www.rightsidenews.com/2012092417093/us/homeland-security/the-basics-of-war-and-how-the-us-went-wrong.html In view of the public frustration with a decade of largely unsuccessful U.S. war in Iraq and Afghanistan and the impending cuts to the U.S. military budget, there is an active debate at present as to what military strategy and force structure should be fashioned for the future. Unfortunately, many taxpayers and most politicians […]

Hypocrisy & Danger: Apologizing for Offense to Muslims : Daniel Mandel and Mort Klein

Hypocrisy & Danger: Apologizing for Offense to Muslims In recent days, the whole world has witnessed the spectacle of the Obama Administration from President Barack Obama down apologizing for the fact that some Americans exercised their right of free speech to make a video, ‘Innocence of Muslims,’ that offended Muslims. “Hateful,” “offensive,” “reprehensible,” and “disgusting” […]

Obama to UN: “Crude and Disgusting Video Sparked Outrage” Katie Pavlich

http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2012/09/25/obama_to_un_crude_and_disgusting_video_sparked_outrage/print During his address to the United Nations today in New York City, President Obama again blamed violent Islamic riots in the Middle East on a video….six times. In every country, there are those who find different religious beliefs threatening; in every culture, those who love freedom for themselves must ask how much they are […]



The President continues to offer up apologies….When tolerance becomes a one way street it leads to cultural suicide…

In his speech today to the United Nations, President Obama stated six times that the attacks across the Islamic world are attributed to a silly video. Furthermore, he refused to use the words terrorist attack in referring to what occurred in Benghazi Libya at our US Consulate on the 11th anniversary of 9-11. He continues to offer up apologies instead of defending our hard earned First Amendment right to freedom of speech and expression. There is no message to this silly video trailer, and it is beneath the dignity and esteem of the Office of the President of the United States to mention it at all. When tolerance becomes a one way street it leads to cultural suicide. I shall not be tolerant of the intolerant. I know about the UN Resolution 1618 which would make any statement deemed by the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) “offensive’ to Islam a crime…..NOT ON MY WATCH FELLAS!

My statement to the United Nations would have been, “The future does not belong to those who attack our Embassies and Consulates and kill our Ambassadors. The Angel of Death in the form of an American Bald Eagle will visit you and wreak havoc and destruction upon your existence”


http://pjmedia.com/andrewmccarthy/2012/09/25/fleeting-moment-of-spring-fever-clarity/ Don’t get me wrong, I’m as appalled as anyone that an American president who ran off to a Vegas fundraiser while the country was still mourning an ambassador and three other Americans killed in Libya is so insouciant that he’d follow that up by referring to the ongoing atrocities in the Middle East as […]


In observance of Yom Kippur there will be no postings tomorrow.

At sunset this evening Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) will commence. We the Jewish people pray and repent and reflect on who will be written in the “Book of Life” and who in the “Book of Death”, as well as “who will rest and who will wander, who will live in harmony and who will be harried … who will be degraded and who will be exalted.”

We should also reflect on Yom Kippur of 1973:

As Jews throughout the world were fasting and praying The combined forces of Arab/Moslem Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Tunisia launched a surprise attack against Israel. Over one million troops against a nation whose sole crime was that it is a Jewish nation.

After terrible losses, 3,000 dead and an equal number injured, Israel regained its footing and won the war, which is when all the harpies in the United Nations and in our State Department shrieked for a cease fire. They are forever condemned to eternal degradation.

To all Israel’s friends and supporters who buck the prevailing political correctness and stand with Israel and the Jewish people, we will pray that you be inscribed in The Book of Life….may you rest and live in harmony.



EDITORIAL: Mr. Obama, stop praising Islam
EDITORIAL: Mr. Obama, stop praising Islam
The Washington Times | Everyone already knows you love Islam, Mr. Obama. In case you haven’t noticed, that is the problem. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz27TsduBEC
China’s first aircraft carrier makes debut
Associated Press
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
China’s first aircraft carrier makes debut
China formally entered its first aircraft carrier into service on Tuesday, underscoring its ambitions to be a leading Asian naval power, although the ship is not expected to carry a full complement of planes or be ready for combat for some time. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz27TrnaEoO
Hillary needs to take blame for Libya debacle
Fox News
Monday, September 24, 2012
Remember that Hillary Clinton ad in the 2008 presidential campaign, about who we would want answering that phone call to the Oval Office at 3 a.m.? Now we can assume she would answer the same way she’s handled this Libyan debacle: with weakness, prevarication, and stunning misjudgment. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz27TsA53NE
France bans ‘father’ and ‘mother’ from documents
France is set to ban the words “moth…
Read more…



Like many razor-sharp 86-year-olds, the Queen must spend an awful lot of time wondering what the hell became of the Britain she knew in her youth, and of all those commonsense values and that basic decency which saw us through trials like the Second World War.

Unlike the rest of her generation, she is constitutionally prevented from saying this aloud. But just occasionally her private views slip out. And when they do, my how you wish she was actually running the country herself rather than leaving it to idiots like her useless fifth cousin Dave.

Take her views on the evil, hook-handed terrorist Abu Hamza. According to the BBC’s security correspondent Frank Gardner (himself a victim of the kind of Islamist violence Hamza so heartily advocates) the Queen thinks that he’s a bad thing. So much so that she once lobbied the then Home Secretary to have him put away.

Gardner told the Today programme:

“She spoke to the Home Secretary at the time and said, ‘surely this man must have broken some laws, my goodness, why is he still at large?’

“Because he was conducting these radical activities, he called Britain a toilet, he was incredibly anti-British, and yet he was sucking up money from this country for a long time. He was a huge embarrassment to Muslims, who condemned him.”

The Queen was right, of course.



As the great anchor of the election hits bottom, plummeting past feeder fish, political plankton and eyeless creatures that lurk in the depths of MSNBC and Current TV to rise during election season to lecture us on how angry we should be, the theme of the season is that the choice between Romney and Obama is the choice between big corporations and big government.

Most people have already been primed by decades of songs and shows to pick the right answer to this one. We know that corporate boardrooms are full of menacing characters who are always laundering money, dumping toxic waste on children’s playgrounds and plotting to blot out the sun. And then they temporarily step out to work in government for a few years before returning to do their sun-blotting duties.

A choice between big corporations and big government is a choice of choices and no choice at all. There isn’t much good that can be said about corporations, just as there isn’t much good that can be said about any branch of the government. The difference is that you have a choice whether to deal with a corporation or not. Unless the government mandates that you buy health insurance from one of them; because most cases where people are forced to do business with a corporation is due to government regulations.

Imagine a big corporation. A really big corporation that monopolizes as much as it can and compels you to buy its low quality overpriced services and imprisons you if you refuse to pay for them whether you use them or not.

Now imagine a CEO who has no accountability, who cannot be put on trial for his actions while serving in that position, who picks and chooses which laws to follow, who breaks the law, causes thousands of deaths, lies repeatedly and wants to spend another four years doing it all over again.

We are all shareholders of the corporation of government. A corporation whose board and CEO we can vote for, but the corporation also has a variety of undemocratic governing mechanisms that make those votes much less meaningful. And the biggest problem is that many of the shareholders are part of blocs that make money from the current unsustainable practices of the corporation and vote in bad boards that rob us blind so they can make more money.



On this week’s Glazov Gang, Josh Brewster, Leon Weinstein and Dwight Schultz gathered to discuss The Persecution of a Filmmaker. The discussion focused on why U.S. law enforcement dragged the supposed filmmaker of the supposed film “Innocence of Muslims” out of his home shortly after midnight on Saturday, Sept. 15, on national television in front of the whole world. Is America, with Obama at the helm, now carrying out Islamic blasphemy laws? Below is Part II of a two part series. To see Part I, which dealt with To Release a Blind Sheik, click here.