Home The media is not “completely” monolithic in what it strongly believes, but it “almost” is. The difference between “almost” and “completely” is FOX NEWS or it was. But FOX now seems to be melding into that ideological middle where history is ignored and relativism is a value. “Fair and Balanced” is fast becoming more […]
It is now become clear that neither diplomacy nor sanctions will halt the Iranian march toward nuclear weapons. Iran is today stronger diplomatically than it has been in years, as evidenced by the meeting of the nonaligned nations in Tehran. Iran is neither isolated nor alone in a world in which nonaligned nations form a majority at the United Nations.
The sanctions, while hurting the Iranian economy and making life more difficult for the average Iranian, are having zero impact on the Iranian nuclear program, which according to objective intelligence reports, is gathering steam and moving even more quickly toward its ultimate goal of a nuclear weapon that will be a game changer. An Iranian nuclear weapon will end any dream of nonproliferation. It will protect Iran’s surrogate terrorists, such as Hezbollah, under a formidable nuclear umbrella. And it will make an eventual nuclear war more likely. That is why President Obama rightfully took the containment option off the table and put the preventive military option squarely on it.
Although I support President Obama’s policy with regard to the Iranian nuclear threat, I think he must take one further step if the combination of diplomacy and sanctions are ever to work. That step is to communicate to Iran—unequivocally and without any room for misunderstanding—that the Obama Administration will never allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons.
President Obama has already made this point, but not in a way that the Iranians understand and believe. Language matters, and President Obama must now use language that commits him, in the eyes of the Iranians, to keep his promise that he will, if necessary, use military force to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
Only if the Iranians truly believe that they will never be allowed to develop nuclear weapons will the combination of diplomacy and sanctions work. The message has to be this: Look, sanctions hurt. Diplomatic isolation from first world powers is costly. So why incur this pain and cost if you know you will never be able to achieve your goal?
Not only must the Iranians believe that the United States will, as a last resort, use its overwhelming air power to destroy Iran’s nuclear weapons program, but the Israeli leadership must also believe that the Iranians believe it. Only then will Israel forbear from taking preventive self defense actions on its own.
If the Iranians and the Israelis were to believe believe President Obama’s assurances that, as he put it, “I don’t bluff,” there would be a real possibility that Iran would abandon its nuclear weapons program. But even if the mullahs were foolishly to challenge the United States, and continue with the weapons program, the Israelis would have an enhanced degree of confidence that Obama would keep his word and stop Iran before it reached its deadly goal.
It is now official. Rachel Corrie, the patron saint of the pro-terror
radical Left and its Islamofascist allies, essentially committed
suicide in order to assist Palestinian terrorists. She was not killed
by Israel. Israel had no particular reason to want her dead (as
opposed to deported).
The Haifa District court just tossed out a petition by the clueless
parents of Corrie. They had sought damages and a court proclamation
that Israel was at fault in their daughter’s death. Instead, Judge
Oded Gershon made it very clear that Rachel Corrie, the
US-flag-burning groupie of Islamofascism, was responsible for her OWN
death. She intentionally placed herself in harm’s way in order to
interfere with Israeli military anti-terror operations in Gaza. She
did so in a place where Palestinian terrorists had fired at Israeli
troops just hours earlier. The Israeli troops were there to destroy
smuggling tunnels beneath residential buildings, tunnels used to
smuggle in explosives, missiles, and other weapons. Things used by
the Gazan terrorists to murder Jewish children and other living
New Site Brings Zionism to the YouTube Generation
Most Zionists don’t know what Zionism is really all about, says the head of a new video site called Zionism 101
Many people who love Israel freely use the term “Zionist” to describe themselves. But how many know what Zionism is really all about?
Not too many, according to David Isaac, of the web site Zionism 101. The current state of Zionist education – i.e. the teaching of the principles of Zionism, why there was a Zionist movement, what the various leaders of the movement represented, etc. – is woefully poor, and much of it has to do with the fact that even though the Zionist movement has progressed since its beginnings some 100 years ago, its “interface” to the public has lagged.
“A high level of Zionist knowledge among Jews and Christians is rare. Most don’t have even a rudimentary knowledge of the modern Zionist movement,” Isaac said.
Unfortunately, the Internet has not helped matters, said Isaac – with the same old-fashioned approach being transferred from the printed page to cyberspace. “The sites I’ve seen on Zionism are rather poor, very text-heavy, not very attractive,” Isaac said.
If there’s one thing educators have learned, it’s that students would much rather watch a movie than read a book – so Isaac, in an attempt to reach more people with the message of what Zionism is all about, has been developing a site called Zionism 101, which includes YouTube-style videos that make it easy to understand what the movement is all about.
The site is organized according to courses – 20 of them, on topics including Founding Fathers (with videos on Theodor Herzl, David Ben-Gurion, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, and others), the origins of Zionism, movements in the Jewish world that attempted to supplant or replace Zionism, the Mandatory period in the Land of Israel, Christian Zionism, US-Israel relations, the story of Israel’s wars, the search for peace, and much more. The site is completely free (you just have to register), and most of the videos are just 5-10 minutes long. (The longest one currently on the site is about 20 minutes.)
The films are built from authentic period footage and photographs, offering students a window into the past. All films are original to the site, and are supplemented by timelines, selected writings and a bibliography for those who wish to extend their knowledge.
The site is great not only for those getting an “elementary education” in Zionism, Isaac said, but also for those who already know what Zionism is all about. “While Zionism 101 is primarily for those who want to learn the basics, more knowledgeable students will also find the site valuable as there are many details to the Zionist struggle known only by a few,” he said.
Isaac, executive director of Zionism 101, is an Assistant Editor at a national newspaper and has been working on Zionism 101 for several years, inspired by his good friend Herbert Zweibon, who passed away in 2011. Zweibon headed the Americans for a Safe Israel (AFSI) organization, which tirelessly lobbied for Israeli security and worked to keep alive the legacy of Ze’ev Jabotinsky revisionist Zionist views.
The most enthusiasm about this election is not coming from labor unions, paid volunteers or even traditional political party organizations. It’s coming from the Tea Party.
This grass-roots movement is made up of people from across the country who are sick and tired — some might say “fed up” — of seeing Washington fail, time and time again, to address the very real problems facing our nation.
This movement is drawing its energy from the very principles upon which our nation was founded: economic liberty, limited government and freedom. These principles, which do not seem to be shared by President Obama, must be restored to our national vocabulary if we are to restore America.
Don’t think they’re going to play a major role in this election? You haven’t been paying attention. Tea Party candidates across the country have scored upset victories, including Ted Yoho in Florida, Richard Mourdock in Indiana, and, in my home state, Ted Cruz. All ran strong, well-organized campaigns fueled by a non-establishment, anti-Washington message.
Lebanon’s responsibilityIf what was reported in Haaretz yesterday is true, then I would like to commend Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. I am not referring here to the brouhaha surrounding his investment portfolio, but rather his alleged warning to the Lebanese government that it had better watch its step, or else.
On the investment portfolio, a scandal erupted when it emerged that Netanyahu had requested to shift some of his holdings. Though he did this through all the appropriate legal channels — and was given approval from the State Comptroller’s Office — opposition politicians seized upon the “incident” and were outraged. Ostensibly, they object to the fact that a person who is preparing for war in the near future shouldn’t be rushing to protect his stocks and bonds as a result of his assumption that the market is going to fluctuate.
Immediately, comparisons to former Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Dan Halutz began to fly faster than the Hamas rockets that have been landing on southern Israel in honor of the start of the school year. Halutz shamed himself badly when the first thing he did after two Israeli soldiers were captured by Hezbollah terrorists in August 2006 — the event that sparked the Second Lebanon War — was to phone his broker to sell his stock portfolio.
This is why Netanyahu withdrew his request to move his money around at this particular time. Too bad he didn’t anticipate the carryings on. He should have known it was going to ensue, especially now, with the whole country up in arms (no pun intended) over Iran.
Our Chances of Winning the Senate Just Got Brighter Carol Brown
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2012/08/our_chances_of_winning_the_senate_just_got_brighter.html#ixzz24q8h4BdZ
After a week of Senate pick-up despair, thanks to Todd Akin’s odd views of rape and reproductive biology, Republicans could use some good news. According to Real Clear Politics Senate races in seven states are currently in the toss up column. They are listed below with links to the candidates’ web sites.
Connecticut……LINDA MCMAHON http://www.lindaforsenate2012.com/home/
Denny Rehberg (R) – Congressman, Ex-Lt. Gov., Ex-State Rep., Rancher & ’96 Nominee
ABOUT MY E-PAL MARC PROWISOR: “I served as the Chief Army Security Coordinator for the Shilo Region in Israel from 1996 through 2006. This biblically significant area between Ramallah and Nablus (Shechem) was a hotbed of terrorism, plagued by acts of violence against Jews during my tenure. I was personally involved in defending against numerous terror attacks in this region. I continue to work in the Security field in hopes of continuing to defend and protect others from acts of terrorism. My views are based on my experiences as a Security Officer involved “ground level” against terrorism.Israel is under fire not only from relentless attacks from Arab terrorists, but also from the court of world opinion, which is essentially calling for Israel to stop, defending itself and to give up its heartland in Judea and Samaria.”
Cirque des Freaks
The Frenzy grows as the arena sport known as “American Election Day” approaches. One of the latest events connected to this which involves the Jewish world has to do with a group of so-called Jewish religious leaders who are out to prove, among other things, just how blind and ignorant many in the Jewish world can be. I consider their abuse and misuse of the term “rabbi” to border on the “spiritually criminal, but maybe that’s just me. In any case, I do not find it surprising.
The initiative of these “rabbis” is called “Rabbis for Obama”, and what makes it interesting is that you have some very anti-Israel figures in and around this group. Groups such as “Jewish Voice for Peace”, “14 Friends of Palestine”, and “the Council of American Islam Relations” are only a few of the anti-Israel organizations affiliated with this new “umbrella group”. Many of these “rabbis” use these labels and names to hide their anti-Israel activity, and I would have to say, connecting a label like “Rabbis for Obama” to President Obama’s campaign continues to add to the myth and illusion that the Obama administration actually cares for the security of Israel. The importance of this to Obama and his campaign is not the topic here, rather it is the fact that a group of supposed rabbis is attempting to dupe the naïve and misinformed Jewish world, once again, as to the intentions of this administration towards the state of Israel.
Appalling, you may say. Or you may not see it as appalling. Not yet. Please read on.
I say to you that the diaspora Jewish leadership, especially in the U.S. is deliberately misrepresenting the situation re: Israel’s relations with it’s Arab/Muslim neighbors, partially as a result of their own narrow political/personal interests and partially because of genuine, but misguided concern for the Jewish state.Don’t believe me, ask you neighborhood JCC, Conservative or Reform synagogue to host a speaker who has “right wing” opinions regarding Israel- or heaven forbid a Republican!
The thing that most bothers me about Barack Obama is his unearned narcissism. His smugness and arrogance are beyond the ability of science to measure. I don’t mind someone being a bit cocky or even arrogant, IF they have the accomplishments and achievements to back up the attitude.
Obama’s greatest achievement, though, is creating his own personal narrative. He is his own personal touchstone. Even when honoring a great American hero, Obama can’t help but thrust himself into the event.
On Friday, America and the world lost a true hero. Neil Armstrong, who died of heart complications at the age of 82, was the first human to walk on the moon. His steps onto the lunar surface were watched by the largest television audience in history. His statement “one giant leap for mankind” echoed throughout the world, allowing people everywhere to step back from the clutter of their daily lives and pause to dream big things. People who witnessed it will never forget it.
Armstrong’s heroism wasn’t the lunar walk, though. It was how he comported himself afterwards that showed the true measure of the man. He was among the more famous human beings in history. Yet he retired to a quiet and private life teaching aeronautical engineering and tending to his farm. His walk on the moon wasn’t a personal achievement, per se, but an accomplishment for all of humanity.
He made few public appearances. He gave very few speeches or interviews. His resignation from the public square made his lunar walk something mankind achieved rather than something Neil Armstrong achieved. His walk was the culmination of the work, not only of the thousands of engineers and scientists who directly worked on the mission, but also of the countless others throughout the ages who looked up at the skies and dreamed. Armstrong understood this.
On October 26, 2008, then Senator Barack Obama gave a radio interview on WBEZ Chicago. He was asked by the moderator his views on the accomplishments of the Civil Rights movement. He replied:
“If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court, I think where it succeeded was to vest formal rights in previously dispossessed peoples.” He further lamented: “But the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society….It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution.” Restraints he’s been trying to break free of since the first day he took office.
In 1864, Karl Marx founded the International Working Men’s Association, known in communist literature as “the First International.” Three years hence, in 1867 he would then publish his most famous work, Das Kapital.
The starting point for Marxist philosophy, and the basis of Das Kapital, is the observation that, in general, the world revolves on a capitalist economy wherein people with money hire people without money to make things and provide services. Marx observed that capitalism is self-defeating and predicted that class distinctions would become wider and wider. He proposed that capitalism should be replaced with a system where work is performed for the common good rather than for money provided by a privileged class; in other words, he proposed communism.
Marx believed that the problem with the socialism of his day was that it did not deal with economic issues. He proposed that his new (communist) economic system, which called for redistribution of wealth was more equitable. Redistribution of wealth, where have we heard that term lately?
“The redistribution of wealth,” in his own words, Obama is right on board with Marx on this one. Slipping under the radar by carefully wording his speeches, he has insidiously been pushing this Marxist philosophy from day one. Constantly referencing the “rich,” not doing their fair share, he has incessantly inspired class envy like no other president in the history of our country. In speech after speech Obama has been driving home this Marxist ideology. Such was the case this past March 30th in Burlington Vermont where he once again argued for transferring money from one group of people to another, denouncing what he deemed, “you’re on you’re own economics,” thus continuing his demonization as somehow evil the more successful in American society.