Displaying the most recent of 90443 posts written by

Ruth King


Afghan Treachery and Visionless Strategy Continue to Kill American War Fighters! http://letthemfight.blogspot.com/ The Daily Mirror ran a story about the increased angst in the ranks of Britain’s forcesover new orders that require British forces to be fired upon before engaging the enemy in Afghanistan. While these ROE are not new to the US and ISAF […]


Nurit Greenger On July 4th, 2002, ten months after 9/11, the first Islamic-jihad attack on innocent people took place in Los Angeles, California. On July 4, 2002, at 11:20 AM, Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, a 41-year-old Egyptian national Moslem, living in Orange County, south of Los Angeles, California, carrying a 45-caliber semiautomatic Glock pistol, a 9-millimeter […]


Polonium poisoning? Some tall tales refuse to die. In the Arab Mideast they even grow – often to gargantuan proportions, usually proportionate to their inherent preposterousness. This is the case with insinuations about the cause of Yasser Arafat’s death eight years ago, at the age of 75. Conspiracy theories abound. The only scenario serially discounted […]



What’s doing – and been doing – at the US Jerusalem Consulate whose goal includes “to strengthen the Palestinian economy and provide you with the infrastructure you need…We are driven by a single, overarching goal: to help build an independent Palestinian state living side-by-side in peace and security with Israel.”:

And how is that accomplished? Is true peace a goal? Coexistence? Understanding? Shared values? Joint projects and cooperation?Try again.Jews are an excluded populace.
1.The third season of Ghaneeha musical concert, performed by talented young Palestinian musicians, Sat. June 16 at 7 p.m. at Al-Hakawati National Theater- Jerusalem. Everyone is welcome.Everyone?

And the US is partnerning with evil UNRWA:


Hello to my American friends,
some news from occupied France…

The situation in France, now that the Socialists have all the powers (President, the 2 chambers, all the regions but 2, the biggest towns…), is horrendous. The Socialists are massively increasing all the taxes (corporate taxes, income taxes, and social taxes !), which were already the highest in the world (see Forbes’s “Tax Misery Index”). At the same time, they are increasing the minimum wage : the result will be that many businesses will go broke, that unemployment, which is already very high (over 10%) will explode, that our economy will be destroyed.
Some other crazy decisions :

— they will cancel the tribunals for teenagers who have committed violent crimes ;
— they will force the policemen to give a document to each “youth” (delinquent) they control, so that they cannot control the delinquents more than once a day ;
— they are freezing the rents, so that the owners cannot increase the rent when a new tenant is moving in ;
— they will forbid the business leaders of public companies to earn more than 20 times the lower wage in their company ;
— etc.

Egypt’s Sex-Slave Marriage by Raymond Ibrahim

  http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3149/egypt-sex-slave-marriage “When I want a sex-slave,” [I] should be able to go “to the market and pick out whichever female I desire and marry her.” — Sheikh Huwaini Egypt’s “first sex-slave marriage” took place mere days after the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muhammad Morsi was made president. Last Monday, on the Egyptian TV show Al Haqiqa […]

Obama Administration Stabs Israel in the Back by Shoshana Bryen

  http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3148/obama-administration-stabs-israel And so a deal was done: give up Israel for Syria. As a veto-wielding member of the United Nations, the U.S. could have nixed the program, but instead only insisted that Syrian meeting be held in the morning and the Israel-bashing in the afternoon; Ms. Pillai will have time in between for lunch. […]


My family and guests were celebrating the great American Centennial, July 4th, 1976 in the wonderful town of Newtown, Connecticut. We had an old brass bell that we were poised to peal at noon in concert with the entire town when a neighbor drove into our home exclaiming….”The Israelis freed the hostages!!!” We rushed to see and hear the breaking news.It was a sunny and beautiful day. We all rushed out and danced a hora on our lawn joined by our wonderful neighbors.

What a glorious and memorable day.

Jeff Dunetz remembered it well:

On June 27, 1976, Air France Flight 139, carrying 248 passengers and a crew of twelve, took off from Athens, heading for Paris. Soon after the 12:30 p.m. takeoff, the flight was hijacked by two Palestinians from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – External OperationsGerman “Revolutionary Cells (RZ)” (Wilfried Böse and Brigitte Kuhlmann), who commandeered the flight, diverting it to Benghazi, Libya. The plane left Benghazi, and at 3:15 it arrived at Entebbe Airport in Uganda.

At Entebbe, the four hijackers were joined by three “friends” supported by the pro-Palestinian forces of Uganda’s President, Idi Amin. The hijackers were led by Böse. They demanded the release of 40 Palestinians held in Israel and 13 other detainees imprisoned in Kenya, France, Switzerland, and Germany–and if these demands were not met, they threatened to begin killing hostages on July 1, 1976 that deadline was extended to July 4th.

The hijackers held the passengers hostage in the transit hall of Entebbe Airport and released all the hostages except for Israelis and Jews, whom they threatened to kill if Israel did not comply with their demands. Upon the announcement by the hijackers that the airline crew and non-Israeli/non-Jewish passengers would be released and put on another Air France plane that had been brought to Entebbe for that purpose, Flight 139′s Captain Michel Bacos told the hijackers that all passengers, including the remaining ones, were his responsibility, and that he would not leave them behind. Bacos’ entire crew followed suit. A French nun also refused to leave, insisting that one of the remaining hostages take her place, but she was forced into the awaiting Air France plane by Ugandan soldiers. A total of 83 Israeli and/or Jewish hostages remained, as well as 20 others, most of whom included the crew of the Air France plane.

On July 4th 1976 shortly after midnight Israeli Planes landed at Entebbe and began their now famous rescue. The entire assault lasted less than 30 minutes and all six of the hijackers were killed. Yonatan Netanyahu (Bibi’s older brother) was the only Israeli commando who died during the operation. He was killed near the airport entrance, apparently by a Ugandan sniper who fired at the Israeli commandos from the nearby control tower. At least five other Israeli commandos were wounded. Out of the 103 hostages, three were killed and approximately 10 were wounded. A total of 45 Ugandan soldiers were killed during the raid, and about 11 Ugandan Army Air Force MiG-17 grounded fighter planes at Entebbe Airport were destroyed. The rescued hostages were flown out to Israel via Nairobi shortly after the fighting.

The government of Uganda later convened a session of the United Nations Security Council to seek official condemnation of the Israeli raid, as a violation of Ugandan sovereignty. The Security Council ultimately declined to pass any resolution on the matter. In his address to the Council, the Israeli ambassador Chaim Herzog said:

We come with a simple message to the Council: we are proud of what we have done because we have demonstrated to the world that a small country, in Israel’s circumstances, with which the members of this Council are by now all too familiar, the dignity of man, human life and human freedom constitute the highest values. We are proud not only because we have saved the lives of over a hundred innocent people—men, women and children—but because of the significance of our act for the cause of human freedom.

For refusing to depart when given leave to do so by the hijackers, Captain Bacos was reprimanded by his superiors at Air France (gotta love the French) and suspended from duty for a period.

Chaim Herzog’s words still ring true. That act of rescuing 100+ hostages still ring true. The Act of fighting for freedom still rings true. The lesson of Entebbe is the lesson of 1776, freedom is important enough to fight for. Both the US and Israeli governments would be well served to remember that lesson a little more often:

What a glorious and memorable day.

Jeff Dunetz remembered it well:

On June 27, 1976, Air France Flight 139, carrying 248 passengers and a crew of twelve, took off from Athens, heading for Paris. Soon after the 12:30 p.m. takeoff, the flight was hijacked by two Palestinians from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – External OperationsGerman “Revolutionary Cells (RZ)” (Wilfried Böse and Brigitte Kuhlmann), who commandeered the flight, diverting it to Benghazi, Libya. The plane left Benghazi, and at 3:15 it arrived at Entebbe Airport in Uganda.

At Entebbe, the four hijackers were joined by three “friends” supported by the pro-Palestinian forces of Uganda’s President, Idi Amin. The hijackers were led by Böse. They demanded the release of 40 Palestinians held in Israel and 13 other detainees imprisoned in Kenya, France, Switzerland, and Germany–and if these demands were not met, they threatened to begin killing hostages on July 1, 1976 that deadline was extended to July 4th.

The hijackers held the passengers hostage in the transit hall of Entebbe Airport and released all the hostages except for Israelis and Jews, whom they threatened to kill if Israel did not comply with their demands. Upon the announcement by the hijackers that the airline crew and non-Israeli/non-Jewish passengers would be released and put on another Air France plane that had been brought to Entebbe for that purpose, Flight 139′s Captain Michel Bacos told the hijackers that all passengers, including the remaining ones, were his responsibility, and that he would not leave them behind. Bacos’ entire crew followed suit. A French nun also refused to leave, insisting that one of the remaining hostages take her place, but she was forced into the awaiting Air France plane by Ugandan soldiers. A total of 83 Israeli and/or Jewish hostages remained, as well as 20 others, most of whom included the crew of the Air France plane.

On July 4th 1976 shortly after midnight Israeli Planes landed at Entebbe and began their now famous rescue. The entire assault lasted less than 30 minutes and all six of the hijackers were killed. Yonatan Netanyahu (Bibi’s older brother) was the only Israeli commando who died during the operation. He was killed near the airport entrance, apparently by a Ugandan sniper who fired at the Israeli commandos from the nearby control tower. At least five other Israeli commandos were wounded. Out of the 103 hostages, three were killed and approximately 10 were wounded. A total of 45 Ugandan soldiers were killed during the raid, and about 11 Ugandan Army Air Force MiG-17 grounded fighter planes at Entebbe Airport were destroyed. The rescued hostages were flown out to Israel via Nairobi shortly after the fighting.

The government of Uganda later convened a session of the United Nations Security Council to seek official condemnation of the Israeli raid, as a violation of Ugandan sovereignty. The Security Council ultimately declined to pass any resolution on the matter. In his address to the Council, the Israeli ambassador Chaim Herzog said:

We come with a simple message to the Council: we are proud of what we have done because we have demonstrated to the world that a small country, in Israel’s circumstances, with which the members of this Council are by now all too familiar, the dignity of man, human life and human freedom constitute the highest values. We are proud not only because we have saved the lives of over a hundred innocent people—men, women and children—but because of the significance of our act for the cause of human freedom.

For refusing to depart when given leave to do so by the hijackers, Captain Bacos was reprimanded by his superiors at Air France (gotta love the French) and suspended from duty for a period.

Chaim Herzog’s words still ring true. That act of rescuing 100+ hostages still ring true. The Act of fighting for freedom still rings true. The lesson of Entebbe is the lesson of 1776, freedom is important enough to fight for. Both the US and Israeli governments would be well served to remember that lesson a little more often:

North Carolina Democrat Will Vote To Repeal Obamacare, Will Not Endorse Obama :Tony Lee

North Carolina Democrat Larry Kissell represents the state’s 8th Congressional district, one of the more closely-watched swing districts. He was one of 17 Democrats who voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in criminal contempt of Congress. And now, according to the Charlotte Observer, Kissell will join Republicans in voting to repeal Obamacare.

“I’ve heard from hundreds and hundreds of people from my district about their opposition to the health care law,” Kissell told the newpaper. “I voted against it originally and I will vote to repeal it.”

According to the Observer, Kissell “also said he doesn’t plan to endorse Obama for re-election and isn’t sure he’ll attend his party’s national convention in Charlotte.”

Kissell will have to work very hard to miss the convention that is almost literally being held in his backyard. As RNC Deputy Communications Director Tim Miller tweeted, Kissell’s district ends about a mile away from where the Democratic National Convention will be held.

This is yet another sign of how unpopular Obamacare is and how much trouble Obama is in in the Tar Heel State, which he won in 2008.


Love means never having to say you’re sorry? Not for the Obama administration. According to the Obama administration, love means always saying you’re sorry –especially if it’s to foreign governments that hate America. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has offered the Pakistani government an apology for last November’s incident where U.S.-led forces accidentally killed two dozen Pakistani troops at the Afghanistan border.

“We are sorry for the losses suffered by the Pakistani military. We are committed to working closely with Pakistan and Afghanistan to prevent this from ever happening again,” Clinton said in a statement.

Sherry Rehman, Pakistan’s ambassador to the U.S., said Pakistan was pleased: