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Ruth King



Why not? According to the esteemed Bible scholar Rosie O’Donnell, it’s “just as dangerous as radical Islam.”

During last week’s House Homeland Security Committee hearing on “The Radicalization of Muslim-Americans,” Congressman Al Green (D-TX) took issue with the hearing’s focus on Islam and Muslims, asking the witnesses testifying before the Committee: “If you agree that radicalization exists within all religions to some extent, would you kindly extend a hand into the air.” Noting triumphantly that “all the hands are raised,” Green then asked: “Why not have a hearing on the radicalization of Christians?”

The immediate answer is obvious. On the one hand we have recent jihad plotters in the U.S., including Naser Abdo, the would-be second Fort Hood jihad mass murderer; Khalid Aldawsari, the would-be jihad mass murderer in Lubbock, Texas; Muhammad Hussain, the would-be jihad bomber in Baltimore; Mohamed Mohamud, the would-be jihad bomber in Portland; Nidal Hasan, the successful Fort Hood jihad mass-murderer; Faisal Shahzad, the would-be Times Square jihad mass-murderer; Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, the Arkansas military recruiting station jihad murderer; Naveed Haq, the jihad mass murderer at the Jewish Community Center in Seattle; Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar, the would-be jihad mass murderer in Chapel Hill, North Carolina; Ahmed Ferhani and Mohamed Mamdouh, who hatched a jihad plot to blow up a Manhattan synagogue; and Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the would-be Christmas airplane jihad bomber.

All of them and many others invoked the Qur’an and Sunnah to explain and justify their deeds.


http://www.nationalreview.com/blogs/print/303853 Madison, Wis., may be the austerity debate’s central front, but San Juan is an important, if overlooked, battleground. For the past three years, Governor Luis Fortuño has been the Caribbean’s Scott Walker — and like Walker, he’s under siege. When Fortuño began his term, Puerto Rico was an economic mess. Fifteen percent of the […]


http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/303856/twilight-unions-john-fund Los Angeles — Since 2008, we’ve seen the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression. Unlike 75 years ago, however, unions and the Left have this time largely failed to build a rigorous movement of economic populism to further their goals: Witness the now largely disbanded Occupy movement. Indeed, as members of the American […]



A top US lawmaker urged the United States “not to prejudge” the results of Egyptian elections after Islamists took the presidency of the Arab world’s most populous nation for the first time Sunday.

“Obviously, American concerns about the Muslim Brotherhood’s past statements and positions are widely shared and well understood,” Democratic Senator John Kerry said in a statement hailing the “historic” election.

“But it would be a mistake for us to pull back from our engagement with a free and democratic Egypt. This is a time to test intentions not to prejudge them.”

Source: AFP (http://s.tt/1fI0q)



Talal Nimer El-Haj, a Muslim from Lebanon, is facing attempted murder charges after he broke in to the home of his estranged wife, shot her, his 20 year old daughter and his daughter’s 21-year-old boyfriend.

According to various news reports,

He was arrested Friday night in the backyard of the home at 2606 East F.M. 495 shortly after the shootings, said Mission Police Chief Martin Garza.

“We received a call regarding an unwanted subject at the residence,” Garza said. “Then we received a second call and heard shots had been fired. Responding officers found this individual trying to open a storage room in the backyard and arrested him. Inside the storage room, we found a rifle and a loaded semiautomatic handgun.”

The officers who entered the residence found Nimer’s daughter who had been shot in the neck, his wife who had been shot three times in the legs and the daughter’s boyfriend who had been shot in the arm, the chief said.


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/the-other-eric-holder-scandal U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is in the spotlight after the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee voted to hold him in contempt because he is refusing to provide documents related to the Fast and the Furious scandal. But there’s another scandal you should know about. For over one year, he has refused to […]

ANDREW McCARTHY:Turkey To Call for NATO Intervention Against Syria? ****


NATO ought not exist at all, and if it must exist, surely Turkey’s Islamist government — friend of Iran, financial backer of the Hamas terrorist organization, facilitator of operations against Israel — has no business being in it. Now, Turkey appears poised to exploit its NATO membership to force the Western intervention in Syria that the Muslim Brotherhood and allied Islamists have been calling for.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a Sunni Islamic supremacist with longstanding ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, the world’s most influential Sunni supremacist organization. The Brotherhood is leading the mujahideen (called the “opposition” or the “rebels” by the mainstream media) that seeks to oust the Assad regime in Syria — dominated by the Alawites, a minority Shiite sect. Unsurprisingly, then, Turkey’s government has taken a very active role in abetting the Brotherhood’s operations against the Syrian regime, which have also been joined by al-Qaeda and other Sunni militants.

On Friday, a Turkish air force jet entered Syrian air space, and Assad regime forces shot it down. Turkey claims the jet “mistakenly” cruised over Syria, and that, by the time it was taken down, it was in international air space over the Mediterranean. One need carry no brief for Assad to conclude that, given the interventionist drum-beat for no-fly zones and direct military and logistical aid to the “opposition,” Syria rationally took the presence of a Turkish military aircraft in its air space as a provocation. Turkey insists it was not “spying” — that this was just an accident to which Syria overreacted. That would be a good argument if the regime were not under siege and if the Syrian and Turkish governments had not been exchanging hostile words (mostly, threats from Erdogan) for months. That, of course, is not the case.


http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ The Corporate Cult evolved in the United States as a hybrid of the sales force of the corporation and the religious devotion of the cult. This type of entity might be a cult like Scientology, which used the aggressive and organized sales tactics and marketing campaigns of a corporation, or it could be a […]



Throughout the history of western civilization, long hair has been a symbol of many things: strength, beauty, singularity, sexuality and rebellion against authority to name a few. Think of Samson, Botticelli’s Venus, Rapunzel, Lady Godiva, the Beatles, hippies, Farah Fawcett and Jennifer Aniston – two women whose careers were launched largely on the basis of their luxuriant manes and iconic hairstyles. Short hair for men in our times has been traditionally associated with the military, law enforcement and conservatism; for women, it has been a symbol of liberation, athleticism, lesbianism and androgyny. Shorn hair is most often associated with treason, punishment and prisoners, which brings me to the case of Rodney Alcala, a convicted serial killer from California who has been extradited to New York to stand trial for the 1970’s murder of two women here.

Alcala is a 68 year old man who sports long gray curly hair, hanging below his shoulders, very much in the style of hippies and rock stars. He has been behind bars since 1979 and has spent the last two years on Death Row, convicted of strangling four young women and a 12 year old girl, after sexually abusing and torturing them. Prior to 1979, he had been imprisoned for a total of 4 and 1/2 years for various offenses including the attempted murder of another child , an 8 year old girl. He is the personification of evil but instead of appearing in court with hair consistent with the status of prisoner, he has been allowed the luxury of expressing his individuality with his striking long hair belying the fact that he is a sadistic killer in the custody of the state of California and now New York. Why is a serial killer allowed more freedom that the young men and women in the military who put their lives on the line in serving their country? What must the families of the vibrant young women and children whose lives he snuffed think when they see him saunter into court flaunting his uncut hair? Would he be allowed to choose the color and style of his prison jumpsuit? His hair is as distinctive a statement as the uniform he wears and it should be proclaiming that he has relinquished his own rights of individuality by having taken the lives of five individuals – possibly seven, and potentially even more than that.


Gotta hand to McLatchey Newspapers. After US military commanders refused to provide fire support after a hearts-and-minds mission (chatting up village elders) led to a massive ambush at Ganjgal in 2009, five Americans died (the fifth died later from his wounds) as a result of this fruitless COIN war to avoid civilian casualties. We only know about the shameful incident thanks to embedded reporter Jonathan S. Landay.

Now, McLatchey’s Jon Stephenson delivers another account that flatly contradicts The ISAF Story as peddled by top US commander Marine Gen. John R. Allen. Here, from the ISAF website, is part of Allen’s statement on last week’s Taliban assault on a hotel near Kabul:
“I am extremely impressed with the Afghan police and special response units who arrived quickly to secure the scene and liberate civilian hostages. While we provided minimal support at the request of the Afghan security forces, there should be little doubt about their ability and capability to protect the Afghan people in the years ahead.”
Wonder what the Norwegian special forces who, according to McLatchey, really repulsed the attack and secured the hotel, thought of that?
From the McLatchey report:
“Hotel siege undercuts narrative on progress in Afghanistan”
The headline is wa-aa-a-y too polite. What the siege also undercuts is the honesty of American and NATO military commanders.