“It’s never a good sign when a nation is proud of the very things that cause it to fail. It’s a tragedy when it gets to the point that it’s harmful to that nation’s health.”
British self-delusion about the NHS seems eternal, but at some point the country must come to its senses and seek a new model for health care
The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) is not usually associated with radical right-wing opposition to the National Health Service (NHS), nor should it be. In normal circumstances the question of how a country structures its health care provision would transcend ideology and dogma and focus instead on the purely pragmatic issues of whether the current system is fit for purpose or whether we should consider an alternative.
But this is Britain and the NHS is revered in religious terms.
Be that is it may, the great national delusion that the NHS is “the envy of the world“ keeps on running head on into reports from respected institutions packed with horror stories about its failings.
The RCP has now released just such a report, tellingly entitled: “Hospitals on the edge? The Time for Action“.
The report speaks of patients, especially elderly ones, being trundled around from ward to ward not uncommonly “four or five times during a hospital stay, often with incomplete notes and no formal handover”. It states that patients are 10 percent more likely to die at weekends when too few senior staff are on duty.
In places, care on Saturday and Sunday is so bad that the report felt compelled to quote one hospital doctor as saying, “I am relieved on Monday that nothing catastrophic has happened over the weekend”.
Some of the horror stories are almost too much to bear. Try this for example:
“An elderly, confused patient in her pyjamas was wheeled by a porter from her treatment to the entrance door, and left there. She was waiting for transport but obviously in dire need of care. She wore an incontinence pad that was saturated and the chair was also saturated with urine. She would get up and walk for a bit and then go back to the chair. No one spoke to her or tried to help her. She was just ignored. Was no one responsible for her care?“
In the report’s concluding “10 Priority areas for action” it is surely telling that the first item on the agenda is the following:
“We must make sure patients are at the heart of service design and clinical practice. Hospitals must be a safe place in which all patients are treated with dignity and respect, including those with dementia. All health professionals have a duty to ensure patient needs are met, working together as a team to deliver the best possible care.”
For a health system in one of the richest countries in the world, should this really need stating?