Using the same crazy logic as a pro-Obama super PAC, Obama is responsible for some 59,757 deaths
In what will almost surely be the nastiest campaign ad of the political season, a pro-Obama super political action committee (PAC) basically accuses Mitt Romney and Bain Capital of causing a woman’s death.Viewers are supposed to hold Romney responsible because the woman’s husband lost his job, and the resulting lack of insurance prevented her from getting health care in time to stop her cancer.
The ad has been debunked for several reasons, including the fact that the woman apparently had her own job with her own insurance for two years after her husband lost his job and her cancer wasn’t even discovered until seven years after Romney left Bain, but let’s set those issues aside, assume all the facts are true, and contemplate what it means if we apply the same standard of accountability to the Obama Administration.
Here’s a simple chain of reasoning.
1. There’s a well-established relationship between a nation’s prosperity and the lifespan of its people (see Figures 1 and 2 in my 1992 article in the Journal of Regulation and Social Cost).
2. Obama’s policies have dampened growth in the United States (according to data from the Congressional Budget Office and the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank, actual GDP [in today’s dollars] is $836.6 billion below potential GDP).
3. Based on these two simple facts, we can conclude that the foregone growth is causing needless premature deaths.