The worrisome state of the Jewish people these days has little to do with anything intrinsic to the State of Israel, the thriving, vibrant, and solitary democracy in the Middle East. Rather, as Edward Alexander writes in the Introduction to The State of the Jews, his selection of trenchant essays and reviews spanning the last decade, it is attributable to “the role played by Jews in the war of ideas against the state of the Jews.”
Alexander, professor emeritus of English at the University of Washington (who also taught for many years at Tel Aviv University), does not suffer liberal fools gladly. It was, he reminds us in his scrutiny of the Victorian background of anti-Semitism, the writer George Eliot who suggested back in 1878 that liberals have a “Jewish problem.” To be sure, not only liberals. The Fagin of Oliver Twist, after all, was the direct literary descendant of Shakespeare’s Shylock.
Alexander’s scathing scrutiny of English literary anti-Semitism befits a professor of literature whose powers of critical analysis expose “the enormous role of English Jews in the current war of ideas (and agitprop) against Zionism and Israel’s existence.” Yet he also illuminates the complementary Victorian phenomenon of “British Philosemitism,” a now bygone sympathy once expressed by Benjamin Disraeli, Arthur Balfour (of Declaration fame), and Winston Churchill.
It is a chilling contrast, as Alexander notes, with the anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist rants by contemporary British academics: philosopher Ted Honderich, who proclaimed that Palestinians have “a moral right to their terrorism”; Jacqueline Rose, who condemned “those wishing to denigrate suicide bombers and their culture”; and Oxford poet Tom Paulin, who urged that Jewish settlers “should be shot dead.”
As Alexander makes clear, the history, politics and literature of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are inextricably interwoven. Along the way, he moves deftly from the history of Commentary magazine to Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas’s invented story (predictably featured in The New York Times) about his family’s “expulsion” from Palestine that never happened. He eviscerates Barack Obama’s “artful theft of the Jews’ sad history” in his 2004 keynote address at the Democratic National Convention and his “engagement” with Islam five years later in Cairo when, as president, he challenged the legitimacy of Jewish settlements and obscenely compared “more than sixty years” of Palestinian suffering to the Holocaust.