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Ruth King


Egypt Attaches Strings to Peace with Israel Clinton silent as Egyptian officials reinterpret Camp David Accords


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was silent as a senior Egyptian official stated during a joint press conference that his country would only uphold its peace treaty with Israel if the Jewish state returns to its 1967 borders and gives Palestinians control over portions of Jerusalem.

During a press conference Saturday in Cairo, Clinton and Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohammed Kamel Amr were asked about Egypt’s longstanding peace treaty with Israel, which has come under scrutiny in recent months by officials of Egypt’s new, Muslim Brotherhood-led government.

“Egypt’s understanding of peace is that it should be comprehensive, exactly as stipulated in the treaty itself,” Amr said, referring to the original 1978 Camp David peace accords between Israel and Egypt.

“And this also includes the Palestinians, of course, and its right to—their right to have their own state on the land that was—the pre-June 4, 1967, borders with Jerusalem as its capital.”

Clinton remained silent following Amr’s statement. (The Obama administration also backs a return to the pre-1967 borders—a decision that was roundly condemned by Jewish leaders when it was announced by the president in May 2011.)

Congressional observers and other experts expressed concern that Egypt’s new government is emphasizing the Palestinian issue as a way to undermine their country’s peace treaty with Israel.



Our Non-Entity U.N. Ambassador Perfect For Obama

Foreign Policy: Our current U.N. ambassador is like the schoolmarm who never gained control over her unruly class. Even when she does talk tough, it doesn’t penetrate the noise.Does anyone know who Ambassador Susan Rice is? Certainly no one remembers anything she has ever said during her more than 3-1/2 years as America’s voice within that corrupt nest of vipers in the Turtle Bay section of New York City.

Last Wednesday, in a quintessential example, the ambassador complained that terror state Iran was not being helpful in its dealings with terror state Syria.

“Iran is definitely part of the problem in Syria,” Rice said. “It is supporting, aiding and abetting the Assad regime materially and in many other ways, and it has shown no readiness to contribute constructively.” Can anyone imagine the late, great Jeane Kirkpatrick uttering the understatement that Moscow was showing “no readiness to contribute constructively”?

No, Kirkpatrick played audio evidence of the Soviet empire shooting down a Korean airliner filled with innocents to the Security Council; she boasted of finally removing the “kick me” sign from America’s back; she wrote articles about “dictatorships and double standards,” namely the left’s refusal to see crucial differences between authoritarianism and totalitarianism.

Can anyone imagine ex-U.N. Ambassador John Bolton whining in frustration like Rice? He was too busy pointing out the U.N.’s hypocrisy in denouncing imaginary U.S. human rights abuses while being dominated by undemocratic regimes who slaughter their citizens.

To Free Iran — on The Glazov Gang

To Free Iran — on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
Three Iranian freedom fighters shed light on how the Islamic Republic can best be overthrown.


NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC:New Natural Gas Wealth Means Historic Change for Israel Sharon Usadin

http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/energy/2012/07/120703-israel-new-natural-gas/ For National Geographic News Israel’s northern port city of Haifa has been a crucial energy center for decades; refineries dating back to the British Mandate in this land have long processed the oil sent by pipeline or shipped here from abroad. Today, rigs are working off Haifa’s coast to tap the first major fossil-fuel […]



Other girls, unable to resolve the conflict between submitting to a marriage, and essentially being raped by a stranger – not to mention the physical torture and possible murder if they resist – prefer to end their lives.

Aiya Altemeemi, aged 19, suffered a punishment last February that none of her schoolmates in Phoenix, Arizona could have imagined: her father cut her throat with a kitchen knife. When she escaped to her bedroom, her mother and sisters followed, tied her to her bed, taped her mouth shut, and beat her. And this was not the first time: previously, when Aiya had expressed reservations about marrying the 38-year-old man her parents had chosen as her husband, her mother had shackled her to the same bed and burned her with a hot spoon.

Despite such treatment, Aiya, who arrived from Iraq with her parents around three years ago, soon after announced to stunned reporters that she understood why her mother had assaulted her: “Because I talked to a boy, and that is not normal with her, that is not my religion. My religion says no talking to boys.”

Alhough Aiya’s was among the few to receive media attention, stories like hers are far more common than most people would imagine. In what is known as “honor violence,” mistreatment includes not just beatings, but acid attacks, setting a woman on fire, severing her nose from her face — particularly in Pakistani and Afghan communities — and other forms of mutilation.

Such incidents, which occur mainly in Muslim and Hindu families, have been the focus of attention in Europe for several years — largely thanks to the efforts of Somali-Dutch activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who first brought the problem to light some ten years ago in the Netherlands. Since then, research has uncovered disturbing statistics: 400 to 600 incidents of honor violence are recorded annually in the Netherlands alone, with around 12 honor killings a year each in Germany and the Netherlands. And in England, where the directors of one center say they receive 500 calls for help from victims of honor violence every month, and where police estimate there are between 3,000 and 17,000 incidents of honor violence each year, a recent report contends that one-fifth of all South Asian immigrants believe that “certain acts thought to shame families were justification for violence.”



European security officials are especially concerned about reports that al-Qaeda is recruiting and training Western operatives who have “clean” criminal records and have the ability to travel freely and blend in with European and American cultures.

Increasing numbers of Muslims in Europe are travelling to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and other conflict zones to obtain training in terrorist methods.Although intelligence agencies have been following the trend since the July 2005 bombings of the London commuter system, which were perpetrated by four home-grown Islamic terrorists, the scale of the problem has come into greater focus in recent weeks.

European security officials are especially concerned about reports that al-Qaeda is recruiting and training Western operatives who have “clean” criminal records and have the ability to travel freely and blend in with European and American cultures.

In Norway, for example, an ethnic Norwegian convert to militant Islam who has received terrorist training from al-Qaeda’s offshoot in Yemen, is awaiting orders to carry out an attack on the West, officials from three European security agencies said on June 25.

European officials have confirmed that the man is “operational,” meaning he has completed his training and is about to receive a target. Although the terrorist-in-waiting is believed to still be in Yemen, even if he is found he cannot be extradited: under Norwegian law it is not a crime to attend a terrorist training camp.

The London-based newspaper Sunday Times, quoting intelligence services, published a story on July 1 that said the Norwegian jihadist had been trained by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula [AQAP] to evade airport security and is plotting to hijack an American passenger plane and, in a suicide mission, crash it. The newspaper portrayed the plot as an attack on the upcoming London Olympics, to be held from July 27 to August 12, but said the target was specifically supposed to be an American aircraft.



“As always, the Jews are like the canary in the coalmine. If Europe fails to protect its Jews, it must be feared that soon Christians, too, will no longer feel safe in Europe. When the Jews are made to flee, it will not be long before others will have to flee as well. Recently, Monsignor Anba Damian, bishop of the Coptic Church in Germany, warned that persecutions of Christians might soon be a reality in Germany. “There is a real danger that an ever more dominant Islam in Germany will seriously threaten Christians,” he said. Many think the Bishop is scaremongering. However, as teacher Iannis Roder said in the Nouvel Observateur, in the late 1990s, he could not have believed that anti-Semitism would again become a common phenomenon in France. “I am from a generation that thought that anti-Semitism had died with the Shoah [Holocaust]. I could never have imagined that it would resurface.”
If Europe fails to protect its Jews, it must be feared that soon Christians, too, will no longer feel safe in Europe. When the Jews are made to flee, it will not be long before others will have to flee as well.



Gaza Christians protest forced Islamic conversions
Times of Israel
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Dozens of Gaza Christians staged a rare public protest Monday, claiming two congregants were forcibly converted to Islam and were being held against their will. The small but noisy demonstration showed the increasingly desperate situation facing the tiny minority. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz20sVoKFvG

Urban League fears black turnout will drop
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
High voter turnout among African Americans helped get President Barack Obama elected in 2008 but a black rights group fears even a small drop in turnout in the November election might cause him to lose or struggle in several key states. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz20sVMwKTH
Gergen: Facts don’t back Obama on Bain
Monday, July 16, 2012
Gergen: Facts don’t back Obama on Bain
There may be a number of good reasons to vote against Mitt Romney, but based upon what we know so far, his honesty about his tenure at Bain Capital does not seem to be one of them. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz20sVVPMIc


http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ Anyone who has watched enough monster movies knows how hard it is to kill the monster. You can set Frankenstein on fire, stab Dracula through the chest with a wooden stake and take the Wolfman to the vet; but sooner or later they come roaring back twice as angry as ever. The Israel Policy […]


http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=2250 Silman is not Bouazizi; Israel is not Tunisia When 57-year-old Haifa resident Moshe Silman set himself on fire during Saturday night’s demonstration in Tel Aviv to mark the year anniversary of the social protests, he also sparked a media blaze. Before he’d even made it to the hospital, comparisons were being made between his […]