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Ruth King



In the hysterical main, there is no interest in the facts surrounding the murder of Trayvon Martin allegedly by George Zimmerman. There is interest only in seizing the bloody hoodie, waving it as a banner of “white racism,” and igniting, if possible, the surging waves of collective guilt and collective vengeance to a point of crisis, real crisis, the kind of crisis Rahm Emanuel once announced he wouldn’t want to waste back in 2009, echoing the classic revolutionary call of Marxists, Communists and assorted revolutionaries that came long before he and and his dictatorial boss Obama and their assorted revolutionary-front-groups donned democratic camouflage. The only kindling missing in today’s combustible combination of racism, guilt and vengeance (besides facts) is summertime heat — and that’s coming.

If only the facts, which just might undermine the Alternative Narrative Reality, don’t come out first … if only the undocumented frequency of black-on-white violence doesn’t call attention to itself … If only, for example, Tyrone Woodfork, the 19-year-old Tulsa black man accused of sexually assaulting and beating to death 85 year old Nancy Strait and shooting her 90-year-old husband Bob Strait in the face with a BB gun (and breaking his jaw) (hat tip View from the Right) on March 12, doesn’t become a household name like Trayvon, too.

“Our task,” wrote Lenin in What Is to Be Done in 1902 (about 70 years before Saul Alinsky published Rules for Radicals), “is to utilize every manifestation of discontent, and to collect and utilize every grain of rudimentary protest.”

Sounds like our president.


Catholic-Jewish Solidarity for Religious Freedom

URL to article: http://pjmedia.com/spengler/2012/03/26/catholic-jewish-solidarity-for-religious-freedom/

Under the headline “The Vatican’s Twisted Priorities,” the Italian-Jewish journalist Giulio Meotti published an incendiary denunciation of alleged Catholic anti-Semitism in the March 16 edition of the Israeli news site Ynet. Meotti wrote:

In a special interview with Die Tagespost last week, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal, named by Pope Benedict to represent the Vatican in the Jewish State, declared that “Israel’s existence as such has nothing to do with the Bible.” He then compared Christians’ condition in today’s Jerusalem with Jesus’ Passion: “We Christians never forget that even our Lord himself suffered and was mocked in Jerusalem.”

Ynet should hire a fact checker: Fouad Twal represents not the Vatican, but the small and dwindling community of Arab Catholics in Israel and the Territories. The Vatican’s diplomatic representative in Israel is its ambassador, the Italian Archbishop Antonio Franco. That Arab Christians are Arabs before they are Catholic and maintain an implacable hatred for the Jewish State is nothing new. To survive as an Arab minority, they ingratiate themselves with the Jew-hatred prevalent in the Muslim majority. But there are only 120,000 Arabs among the 300,000 Christians resident in the State of Israel, and a growing number attend Catholic services in Hebrew.


How Many Crimes Did the New Black Panthers Commit in Florida? URL to article: http://pjmedia.com/jchristianadams/2012/03/26/how-many-crimes-did-the-new-black-panthers-commit-in-florida/ When New Black Panther Mikhail Muhammad called for the mobilization of a 10,000-strong black male mob to capture George Zimmerman, we glimpsed into the depths of racial depravity of the organization. “An eye for an eye,” Muhammad threatened. A cash […]



“Obama and Putin are both petty tyrants living in a house of mirrors, czars of their own egos, corrupt and corrupting forces that hang around the necks of two great nations. They don’t quite understand each other, though both are lawyers and bag men for their respective syndicates, neither do they respect each other. But they both know how to play the game.”

For a man so in love with the technology of image, the camera, the microphone and the teleprompter, the leader of the increasingly less free world has a natural tendency to put a little too much faith in it. This is the second time that an open microphone has let Obama down, the first time it recorded him stabbing an ally in the back, the second time it recorded him stabbing a few dozen more in the back.



“We are their enemies. We are targeted for destruction or subjugation by both groups. Whether one views the Islamic incursions as a form of the Black Death, or as the corrupting influence of gangster government, the West must identify its enemy before it can be successfully opposed.”

“The difference between the “radicals” and the “moderates” is that the radicals want to engage in genocide even while they are a minority, while the moderates want to wait until they are a majority. The radicals are satisfied with killing a few Hindus, Christians, Jews, here and there. The moderates want to wait and kill millions. Neither are our allies. Both are our murderers.”

So wrote Daniel Greenfield in his Sultan Knish column of March 21st, “The New Nazis,” in response to the murders of a rabbi and three children in Toulouse, France, and to the murders of the French paratroopers by Mohamed Merah. He likens, and not for the first time, Muslim jihadists, their agenda, and their tactics, to those of the German Nazis. He ended his column with:
“The old Nazis marched in at the head of an army. The new Nazis bought a plane ticket. The old Nazis had to get by the French Armed Forces and the Royal Air Force. The new Nazis are welcomed in and anyone who says a word otherwise faces trials and jail sentences. The old Nazis deported Jews to camps. The new Nazis kill them right in the cities. And the killing will not stop until the Muslim occupation of Europe comes to an end.”

Greenfield is right. I would liken Islam to an ideological Black Death that must be faced up to by politicians and intellectuals. There’s no such thing as a “benign” Islam. It is a death-worshipping ideology from top to bottom. And the only way to emasculate it is to repudiate it in its entirety.


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.11673/pub_detail.asp The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) announced a national Shariah education campaign to promote “religious freedom and combat Islamophobia.” This campaign will include an education tour to introduce Islamic faith to the American public, as well as billboards, college campus seminars, radio ads, and a national hotline to address questions about Shariah. Shariah […]



1. SHOCKING VIDEO: Police Watch as Illegal Alien Supporters Desecrate U.S.A. and Arizona Flags During the Singing of our National Anthem
2. DAUNTING VIDEO: Does the ObamaCare individual mandate make contracts unenforceable? What happens when government applies the threat of force, through fines and presumably an eventual jail sentence for non-compliance?
3. VIDEO: Krauthammer Smacks Down Shields on Ryan Plan
4. VIDEO: The New Black Panther Party is offering $1,000,000 reward for the capture of George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin case. Is he a vigilante or, as one neighbor said, ‘a good dude’?
5. NEWS VIDEO: Rallies to “stand up for religious freedom” and protest ObamaCare – The Real ‘War on Women’
6. VIDEO: Dog Welcomes Home Soldier – To say that our boxer, Chuck, was excited to see him come home is an understatement.
7. VIDEO: Are Voter I.D. Laws Racist?
8. SATIRE VIDEO: NewsBusted (March 23, 2012) – Gasoline Prices, Planned Parenthood, Jay Carney
9. Book tells Muslim men how to beat and control their wives
10. VIDEO: Hey, remember when high gas prices were all Bush’s fault?


Obama lawyer laughed at in Supreme Court
Fox Nation
Monday, March 26, 2012
On the first day of health care reform arguments before the Supreme Court, two justices needled a top Obama lawyer for simultaneously calling the fine that will be paid under the law for not purchasing insurance a “penalty” and a “tax.” Read more…


Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz1qJLWUay0
A Syrian Orthodox monk strolls through a monastery in Idlib. On Monday, the Syrian Orthodox Church reported “an ongoing ethnic cleansing of Christians” by members of the militant Islamist outfit, Brigade Faruq, which has links with al Qaeda. Photo Credit:AP

The Catholic news agency Fides says it has received a note from the Syrian Orthodox Church, which represents 60 percent of the Christians in Syria, about “an ongoing ethnic cleansing of Christians” by members of the militant Islamist outfit, Brigade Faruq, which has links with al-Qaida.

The militants have expelled 90 percent of Christians in Homs, which has faced the brunt of violence related to the uprising, and grabbed their homes, it said.

They went door to door in the neighborhoods of Hamidiya and Bustan al-Diwan forcing Christians to flee without giving them the chance to take their belongings, it added.

Read more: http://times247.com/articles/report-90-percent-of-christians-expelled-from-homs#ixzz1qJLmWWJb
Thousands to protest Obamacare on Tuesday
Sponsored by: Americans for Prosperity
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Blank – No Type
Americans for Prosperity will host a Hands Off My Health Care rally at Upper Senate Park on Tuesday, telling Capitol Hill that We the People reject Obama’s unconstitutional health care mandate. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/?right-now#ixzz1qJM8TDHd


http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/03/why_john_edwards_is_the_perfect_democrat.html Who would you rather have as vice president — Sarah Palin or John Edwards? Obama took a million bucks from renowned Palin-curser Bill (“the C-word”) Maher, the only man in the world who makes Al Franken look couth. And then Obama used those bucks to make a political ad…attacking Sarah Palin. Why would Obama […]



In “The Crisis of Zionism,” a former editor of the staunchly pro-Israel New Republic now urges sanctions to force the country to change its West Bank policy.

Bookstore shoppers who spy “The Crisis of Zionism” on a shelf could be excused for assuming that the book is an up-to-the-minute work about Zionism’s biggest crisis: the one brewing in Iranian uranium-enrichment facilities. But Peter Beinart is more interested in threats to Israel, or to the idea of Israel, supposedly coming from the Jewish state itself.

Mr. Beinart is not one of those Jews who flee their heritage and then seem to spend the rest of their lives harping at those who stayed behind. He attends synagogue and sends his children to Jewish schools—these are his “credentials,” he says. He doesn’t want to sever ties with the Jewish community; he simply wants the community to embrace his way of thinking.

Here is what he thinks: Israel is an oppressive, apartheid-type state. Its failure to attain peace with the Palestinians can be blamed on the actions of—in no particular order—Israel’s leaders, American-Jewish organizations and Orthodox Jews (bigots to a man, in his telling). Because of these bad actors, Mr. Beinart warns, the “liberal Zionist dream”—a Jewish state built on liberal ideals—risks demise. He focuses in particular on the West Bank, the area captured in 1967 by Israel from Jordan in the Six-Day War. “If Israel ceases being a democratic Jewish state,” he writes, “it is less likely to be because Arab armies invade the West Bank than because Israel permanently occupies it.”

The book’s theme is a rehash not only of shopworn complaints about Israel but also of Mr. Beinart’s own complaints about Israel—”The Crisis of Zionism” grew out of an essay that he wrote in 2010 for the New York Review of Books. That piece drew attention mostly for its novelty: A Jewish former editor of the staunchly pro-Israel New Republic magazine was attacking the Jewish state. Two years later, the novelty is gone.

The challenge for Israel’s critics is to reconcile the evil state they describe with the reality of a country that treats its Arab citizens well—far better, in fact, than most Arab countries treat their own. Israeli-Arabs, for example, enjoy the right to vote, sit in parliament, and have state-funded schools and religious courts.