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Ruth King



Yes, that’s right folks, my new book The Fortunes of Permanence: Culture and Anarchy in an Age of Amnesia is available now, at a huge discount, at the world’s biggest bookstore, viz Amazon.The President of the United States wants you to forgo “wedding, anniversary, or birthday” gifts in order to contribute to his campaign. “It goes a lot further than a gravy bowl,” he says. (But does it go further than the government-funded gravy train? We’re left in the dark about that.)

I say, keep your silver-plated fish slicer, if that’s what you want, but why not consider a lasting gift—The Fortunes of Permanence? Maybe you should send a copy to the President: he’ll have plenty of time for serious reading come January, and what could be better calculated to stir this President’s gray matter than a book featuring an image by Thomas Cole of a ruined city on its cover? A single click here and the book will be winging its way to you (or to anyone to whom you’d like to send a gift) in hours. If you’re an Amazon Prime member, you (or he or she) will get it in 2-days post-free. Think of how many liberals you could annoy by the simple expedient of sending them Kimball’s latest! Any day now (or so I am told) a Kindle version will also be available, ditto a version for the iPad through Apple’s iBooks store and Barnes & Noble’s Nook: we have all the technological bases covered. But right now you can take a moment to go to the page, buy the book, and don;t forget to click Like if you like the book or to leave a customer review if you feel so moved. What’s in it for you? Here’s a sample from the book’s coda:



What do you make of today’s Supreme Court ruling? What does it mean for Arizona and the rest of us? What is the state of immigration policy today? We asked some experts.

Days after the March 2010 murder of Cochise County rancher Rob Krentz, I was reporting a story from southeast Arizona along State Route 80, which straddles the New Mexico state line. Police lights appeared in my rearview mirror, and I pulled over to meet a deputy for the Hidalgo County (N.M.) Sheriff’s department. He half-grinned as he told me he’d clocked me at six miles per hour over the speed limit.

I knew what the grin meant: “We’re stopping everybody we don’t recognize, especially guys wearing Oxford shirts in ranch country. Hope you don’t mind the profiling.” I didn’t.

After he ran my license and found everything to be okay, we chatted about the recent passage of S.B. 1070. He told me the law had already had an impact. In that notorious smuggling area known as the Chiricahua Corridor, illegal immigrants and drug mules have a choice. They can stay on the Arizona side or jump east over onto the New Mexico side.

The deputy said the traffic had shifted significantly to New Mexico since the bill’s passage. In other words, it was working at the border — and remember, critics maintained it would have no impact on border crossings.

I heard the same message from Keith Graves, who worked for ten years as district ranger for the Coronado National Forest in Nogales, then for the Secure Border Initiative. He said the law began having an effect even before it was passed, because “it was getting highlighted in the news and that frightened them away.”

The lesson here is the same one we’ve learned from the beginning of our illegal-immigration nightmare: If you don’t enforce the law, they will come. Now, in spite of the Supremes’ ruling, it’s being reported that President Obama is going to decline many of the calls from Arizona reporting illegal aliens.

He took an oath to uphold the law. November can’t come soon enough.

— Leo W. Banks is a writer in Tucson.

The Supreme Court decision was a big victory for those of us who have long warned that state and local government overreach on immigration issues was not only bad policy, but unconstitutional. I was surprised neither by the decision nor by the fact that it was not a close vote, with both Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Kennedy voting with the majority. What the Court has said in essence is that it is the federal government’s responsibility to both enact and enforce immigration policy. Congress has abdicated that responsibility in refusing to pass immigration reform. Congress could in one fell swoop virtually eliminate illegal immigration if it passed free-market-based reform that provided employers with a legal way to obtain willing workers in jobs that Americans have shunned or in which there are not enough Americans with the requisite skills. Illegal immigrants don’t sneak across the border because they are too lazy to apply for legal permits to work; they do so because those permits are not available to those who do not have close relatives already here or are from countries whose quotas do not adequately satisfy economic demand.

While the Court struck down three of the four provisions being challenged as unconstitutional, backers of S.B. 1070 should read carefully the reasoning that allowed the one remaining provision to go forward. The Court did not declare this section of the law constitutional; rather, it said, in effect, that since the Ninth Circuit had enjoined the law from being enforced, the constitutional challenge at issue had yet to be established, namely whether the law would lead to unconstitutional discrimination. Arizona would be wise to ensure scrupulous adherence to the section of the law that prohibits racial profiling — a provision that was added after the initial passage of the law, thanks in part to efforts by the Center for Equal Opportunity.

— Linda Chavez is chairman emeritus of the Center for Equal Opportunity.

“When people are asked to show their papers, it brings back memories of Nazi Germany.”

This was the kind of all-too-common idiocy that greeted the passage of Arizona’s S.B. 1070. (This specific idiocy was emitted by Los Angeles city councilwoman Janice Hahn.) The provision in question, Section 2(b), requires police officers to check the status of suspected illegal aliens stopped in the normal course of their duties. Despite the many other provisions of the law, this was what the law was all about for its opponents, which is why they labeled it the “Show Me Your Papers” law. For most everyone, Section 2(b) was the Arizona immigration law.

This was also the provision that all eight Supreme Court justices upheld (Kagan recused herself). All eight justices — including Ginsberg, Breyer, and Sotomayor. This is why the ruling is an unqualified political win for immigration hawks. If even the former general counsel of the ACLU thinks federal law permits Arizona to check the status of suspected illegal aliens, one would have to say the open-borders cabal has been dealt a blow.

Legally, the ruling was a mixed bag. The other three provisions of S.B. 1070 that were the subject of the lawsuit were deemed to be preempted by the court majority, comprised of the three liberals, dithering Kennedy, and Chief Justice Roberts (who may have wanted to avoid a 4–4 split, which would have upheld the Ninth Circuit ruling that struck down all four provisions). These tools would have been useful to Arizona — making it a state crime for illegals to seek employment or to fail to carry their immigration documents would have enabled Arizona to prosecute illegal immigrants even if federal authorities refused to take custody.

Be that as it may, the Obama administration’s most high-profile anti-enforcement initiative has stumbled. The opponents of borders will continue their efforts — whether through further lawsuits against Arizona or amnesty-by-fiat for young illegal aliens. But Arizona’s governor, Jan Brewer, had it right when she applauded Monday’s ruling as “a victory for the rule of law.”

— Mark Krikorian is executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies.

There are several ways to interpret Arizona v. United States, as there are actually several decisions within it. But one way to read it, and perhaps the most important way, is to first recall just how much was made of it by the president when S.B. 1070 became law in Arizona. His focus, like the focus of most of the Left, was Section 2(b) — the section of the law that required police officers to make “a reasonable attempt to determine the immigration status” of someone stopped for other reasons. Standing next to Mexican president Felipe Calderón, President Obama said S.B. 1070 could “subject” American citizens “to suspicion simply because of what they look like.” President Obama then allowed President Calderón to blast away at Arizona as well, with the Mexican president calling the law “discriminatory.” President Obama continued his campaign in what we might call Obama v. Arizona, and thus Obama v. the United States, for it seemed, through his campaign against what Arizona did with S.B. 1070, that he forgot Arizona was a part of the United States. Indeed, even his Department of State weighed in, putting Arizona’s law on par with the government of China and its human-rights abuses.

Far from having a discriminatory intent, as Presidents Obama and Calderón said, this law was found by the Supreme Court to indeed come from a reasonable and legitimate concern over “the consequences of unlawful immigration” that include an “epidemic of crime, safety risks, serious property damage, and environmental problems associated with the influx of illegal migration.” And, for all the alarums and excursions raised by Section 2(b), we also learned it was “inappropriate” to conclude it is preempted by federal law.

We learned one other thing, too: Unlike the president, the Supreme Court sees illegal immigration as a serious problem and still believes it is the purview of Congress and the rest of the federal government to do something about it. Not so long ago, Arthur Schlesinger taught that it is an “imperial presidency” that uses questionable executive power to ignore the will of Congress. One has to wonder what he would label a presidency that uses executive orders to actually change laws passed by Congress, as the president did less than two weeks ago. If Arizona cannot act in the absence of federal law enforcement, as we read today about other parts of S.B. 1070, something surely needs to be said about what a president can and cannot do in direct opposition to the federal law as passed by Congress. And that is where I believe the national discussion should go next.

— Seth Leibsohn is a fellow at the Claremont Institute and the co-host of Arizona Politics and Culture with Seth Leibsohn and Tom Brown.

This quotation from Samuel Dickinson comes from his October 29, 1884, address to the Religious Bureau of the Republican National Committee, a week before the 1884 general election. Its tone and message explains why the Republican party did not carry the Roman Catholic vote for another 110 years. There is a message here for those paying attention:

“We are Republicans and don’t propose to leave our party and identify ourselves with the party whose antecedents have been Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion.”

— Grover Norquist is president of Americans for Taxpayer Reform.

This was unquestionably a significant loss for the Obama administration, no matter how much they try to spin it as a win. After all, the Court upheld the core provision of S.B. 1070 that the Justice Department had challenged and the administration publicly attacked: the requirement that law-enforcement officials find out the immigration status of individuals they arrest or detain if they have a “reasonable suspicion” that the person is illegally in the U.S.

The other provisions that the Court threw out were relatively minor parts of S.B. 1070, regarding misdemeanor violations of the law by aliens who look for work or who don’t carry their registration documents as already required by federal law. None of these is as important in the overall scheme of things as Arizona’s ability to identify illegal aliens as such when they are being arrested for committing other crimes.

Administration officials claimed that the arrest provision of S.B. 1070 would interfere with their policies. Thus, the Court completely rejected the administration’s claim that regardless of federal immigration law and the immigration system set up by Congress, it can do whatever it wants based on its own enforcement priorities. This is the same argument that President Obama just used for his executive implementation of the congressionally rejected DREAM Act.

President Obama was called to task by Justice Antonin Scalia on the government’s argument that Arizona’s law also interferes with the “scarce” resources available for enforcement. As Scalia pointed out in relation to Obama’s new executive DREAM Act, the “husbanding of scarce enforcement resources can hardly be the justification for this, since the considerable administrative cost of conducting as many as 1.4 million background checks, and ruling on the biennial requests for dispensation that the nonenforcement program envisions, will necessarily be deducted from immigration enforcement.”

Some may wonder what will be the point of Arizona’s checking on the immigration status of arrestees, since the administration is highly likely to simply tell the state to let illegal immigrants go anyway. Arizona should start publishing those statistics on a monthly basis. That is the kind of politically embarrassing information the administration was really trying to stop by suing over this provision.

Most of S.B. 1070 is now in place, even with the Supreme Court’s tossing out of three provisions. With Arizona’s win last year in U.S. Chamber of Commerce v. Whiting, it has all the tools it needs to make sure that employers in Arizona are not hiring illegal immigrants. Strict enforcement of that provision alone will cause the majority of those illegally in the state to self-deport, solving a substantial portion of the state’s immigration-related problems.

— Hans A. von Spakovsky is senior legal fellow and manager of the Civil Justice Reform Initiative at the Heritage Foundation.


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/americas-fearful-future?f=puball It’s a cliché that nations and men repeat the same errors, stumbling into various crises. The locations may change, but the patterns of history remain. The world is teetering on a new Great Depression. Democracies are at risk. In the 1930s there were an estimated two billion people worldwide. Today there are seven billion […]

The Lesson of the School Bus Monitor…..Whatever Happened to True Grit? by MARILYN PENN


When Anita Hill recounted her tale of sexual harassment by Clarence Thomas, nobody questioned why a young woman trained in the adversarial profession of the law at one of America’s most prestigious law schools couldn’t speak up and tell her employer that she was made uncomfortable by his raunchy speech. The prevailing presumption was that even an Ivy League lawyer could not be expected to stand up for herself in a situation that was unevenly matched.

But If this was too intimidating a proposition for Ms. Hill, was she in fact well-prepared or well-suited for a profession where the major requirement is to advocate forcefully for your side in a legal proceeding? My intention is not to re-open the Clarence Thomas Affair but to encourage readers to think twice about the implications in the bus monitor bullying phenomenon.

The viral video showing 68-year-old Karen Klein dumbstruck and reduced to tears as jeering middle-school boys, exhibiting the dregs of pack behavior by continuing to insult her, has resulted in an outpouring of sympathy for the traumatized grandmother and a collection of more than a half a million dollars to ease her trauma. But her behavior throughout this incident is disturbing as well. At no point, does she assert any authority over her charges nor does she seek help from the other adult on the bus – the driver.

Here’s the job description for a bus monitor: “Bus monitors are responsible for assisting children with getting on and off the bus safely. They must also make sure that children are in their assigned seats, if applicable. They must make sure that children get off the bus at the correct stop and that they are released to the proper guardians.” Ms. Klein is a severely hearing impaired woman but presumably, by the end of June, she should have known the names of boys who rode with her every day. Yet we never see her raise her voice to order them back in their seats; instead she behaves like a passive passenger who’s just there for the ride instead of the overseeing monitor she was hired to be.


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/freedom-and-constraints In a nation obsessed with creativity, freedom is the exalted position. For freedom gives meaning to our actions. Yet it is the defect of ideology to assume action is reducible to one simple principle, a uniquely explanatory element. In reality, freedom is a complex and composite affair. While freedom is often reduced to choice […]


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/rio-killing-the-earth-since-1992 Quite possibly the only good thing about [the] Rio + 20 summit is that it coincides with the publication of a brilliant new book called Os Melancias. If you’re American or Canadian you’ll know it as Watermelons: The Green Movement’s True Colors. In Britain, it’s called Watermelons: How The Environmentalists Are Killing The Planet, […]


British intelligence: Arab Spring unleashed terror (THEY NOTICED!?)
The Telegraph
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
British intelligence: Arab Spring unleashed terror
The Arab Spring has spawned a new generation of British-born terrorists after al-Qaeda lured dozens of would-be bombers abroad to train for possible attacks on the UK, the head of MI5 warned. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz1ythDT4K0
Issa writes Obama to challenge executive privilege
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
A House committee chairman has written President Barack Obama to challenge the executive privilege claim he invoked to maintain secrecy for some documents related to a failed gun-tracking operation. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz1ythR2pFY
EDITORIAL: Arizona fights ‘intrusion of obnoxious aliens’

EDITORIAL: Arizona fights ‘intrusion of obnoxious aliens’
The Washington Times | The Supreme Court ruled that the state of Arizona checking the citizenship status of people detained or arrested for other offenses is not racial profiling. The court, however, refused to address the core issue: What can states do to protect their borders when the federal government refuses to enforce the law? Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz1ythkfEE3
Afghans cross border, kill 13 Pakistan troops
Associated Press
Monday, June 25, 2012
Militants crossed into Pakistan from Afghanistan and killed 13 Pakistani troops, beheading seven of them, the Pakistani military charged, and the country’s outraged new prime minister said he would protest to the Afghan president. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz1ythwr6Et


http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ The last time Aaron Sorkin had a high-profile political television show, liberals used it to cope with the decline and fall of the Clinton Presidency and the long winter of the Bush Years. The West Wing was a coping mechanism for the death of a liberal dream, and so is The Newsroom. Both are […]


http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4247487,00.html Op-ed: Top institutions use power arbitrarily, without due process to prevent settlement expansion In 2011, the State Prosecutor’s Office asked the High Court to remove a few buildings in Beit El which it said had been built illegally on “private Palestinian land.” The Court accepted this request and ordered the buildings removed by July […]



Imagine if someone suggested that you should read a book that discusses whether or not Norway, or the United States for that matter, should exist. You would be shocked or at least surprised that anyone would want to question the right of a sovereign nation, and a member of the United Nations, to exist. In the case of Israel, however, posing that question does not seem to be out-of-bounds. At any given time, you might hear of or even attend conferences and seminars on that very subject in some American or Western European university.

It is, therefore, no surprise that Michael Curtis, a distinguished scholar and professor emeritus at Rutgers University, has devoted a whole book to examining the subject and refuting the claims of those who question Israel’s right to exist. The result is a masterly essay in which the best tools of scholarship are employed in the service of what is, after all, a moral case in support of Israel.

At first glance, Israel could be regarded as typical of the 150 or so nation-states that have emerged in the four corners of the globe in the wake of the World War II. Politically, it is the fruit of a liberation struggle against an imperial power—in this case Great Britain. Territorially, it is located in a chunk of an even older colonial power—in this case the Ottoman Empire. Legally, it is a creature of the United Nations, which, as successor to the British mandate on Palestine, endorsed the creation of the Jewish state.

So, why should Israel be singled out as the target of a campaign of vilification seldom waged against any other nation?