1. VIDEO: Darrell Issa: Secret Service Incident Likely Not The First – Secret Service scandal rocks Obama Colombia trip
2. VIDEO: Afghanistan Ambassador: Withdrawing Prematurely Could Lead to ‘Another 9/11
3. VIDEO: CBS News: Stimulus Jobs Going To Foreign Workers
4. VIDEO: Obama’s Treas Sec: Women’s Job Loss Numbers “Meaningless Way” To Look At Economy
5. Obama Family Tax Shelter – First family transfers wealth, avoids taxes
6. VIDEO: Secret Weapon: How Economic Terrorism Brought Down the U.S. Stock Market and Why It Can Happen Again
7. Jeb Bush: Obama Caved to Political Pressure on Trade – President missed several opportunities… to secure quick passage of trade agreements … which together would have created thousands of jobs…
8. Obama Administration Leaks ANOTHER Israeli Defense Secret
9. Obama paid a lower tax rate than his secretary, White House confirms
10. VIDEO: Hitler And Mahatma Gandhi Talk