Roosters of the Apocalypse: How the junk science of global warming nearly bankrupted the Western world
The fad of fads by Sol W Sanders
Mass hysteria, alas! is all too common a phenomenon of our life and times, in a post-digital revolution society where disinformation is as rapidly passed as information and where cheap and available transportation aggravates rapid mob collection and intensity. [Its ubiquity is so pronounced that it is even parodied by young pranksters with so-called flash mobbing.]
But what is more inexplicable is when an allied phenomenon spreads through supposedly intellectual circles to dominate the public forum. Perhaps the most extreme – and certainly one of the most socially and financially costly — examples currently is the one that Rael Jean Isaac lays out in economical but exceedingly comprehensively documented detail in this little book.
Isaac shreds the arguments for “global warming” from start to finish. But in so doing, she more than once demonstrates the pure irrationality of its spokesmen – “the roosters”. For example, she shows how when driven to the wall to prove that changes in climate which may be taking place as they have through the millennia cannot be attributed with evidence to the effects of human activity, the proponents of global warming simply switch the argument without acknowledging this important “quibble”.
With more than adequate evidence and citations for her fundamental hypothesis, i.e., that consumption of fossil fuels is not the proved origin or principle cause of a presumed climate change, she goes on to show the perfidy of many of its spokesmen. But more than in the arguments of most her fellow opponents of the fashionable argument, she lays out the profitable stake many of its promoters have in this complicated world of government intervention, subsidies and their lobbies – and pure blackmail.