Several years ago, I had contemplated this issue earlier. The subject is even more timely today, however, and so begs yet another look… With the increasing prospect of Israel–called by Iran’s leaders “a one bomb nation” (do I need to explain?)–acting before Iran successfully buries all of its main nuclear targets deep underground, a mere trip to the gas station these days tells how this story impacts the rest of us. The markets are jittery–to say the least.
As Israel anguishes over what to do regarding two very lousy choices involving Iran–which openly calls for its destruction and supplies various proxies surrounding it with massive supplies of weaponry and support to help bring this about (not to mention what the mullahs possess themselves), some disturbing numbers once again come to mind.
Over the decades, I’ve heard Christian friends’ speak of the New Testament’s Mark of the Beast, and it’s usually associated with the number 666. Listening to various news commentators, I couldn’t help but think of yet another timely twist to this.
Fox News is usually the television station most balanced when it comes to dealings with Israel and the Middle East. So, if Jews can’t get a fair hearing there, they’re in real trouble. Whether the particular program is the business news or O’Reilly, for the past several years now, the audience has heard one variation or another of the following…
Israel better not dare to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities because, if it does, Americans will be pointing the finger at it for six dollar a gallon gasoline.
Eric Bolling’s comments especially come to mind. I recall him, quite a while back, basically instructing Israel to allow itself to become the necessary sacrificial lamb for the sake of cheaper oil.
Hey, Eric–meet Neville Chamberlain, 1938 Czechoslovakia, Munich, and peace for our time…