The Jews of Vienna did not merely understand the world: they took Marx’s point and changed it, too. From Freud’s psychoanalysis to Wittgenstein’s philosophy, from Mahler’s music to Herzl’s Zionism, this community made a unique contribution to modernity. Yet our fascination with a handful of celebrities may blind us to the foundation on which […]
In 1857, when Emperor Franz-Joseph pulled down the ancient stone wall encompassing Vienna, the social and cultural traditions of the country seemed to tumble with it. Impoverished immigrants, many of them Jews, flooded in from the east, changing not only the countenance of the city but its economic, intellectual, and psychological currency. The Ringstrasse—the wide boulevard that replaced the wall—became a proving ground for newly minted industrialists who eagerly displayed their earned status by building palaces alongside those of the propertied aristocracy.
President Obama, Israel, and Voter Priorities:
In a democracy whether voting for president of a condominium or president of the United States voters cast their ballots based upon their priority of concerns. In a condo development issues such as assessments, security, landscape, what color to paint the houses and a superfluity of other issues occupy homeowners mind before voting for a board president.
In just under 6 months American voters will be electing the 45th President of the United States. Before choosing to reelect President Obama for a second term or Governor Romney, voters must likewise prioritize the individual issues which are relevant to them. And there are many.
Healthcare, the economy, unemployment, taxes, women’s issues, gay rights, class warfare, domestic terrorism; to name just a few. Internationally; Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea and the Middle East conflict also rank high on people’s minds. Judging by the title of this essay it shouldn’t be difficult to see if not at the top, certainly right near it is where my priorities lie.
For Jewish advocates like myself concerned with the security of Israel going forward, President Obama, by his record, may possibly be in deep trouble. Unlike 2008 his policies and actions towards the Jewish state are no longer a matter of conjecture. As an incumbent he has a record to run on, one in which he himself recognizes a constant need to defend. THANKS BRUCE KESLER! The following photo with comments was received from a French citizen. The American media would never show or explain to us what REALLY happened in France, but this does: This photo was taken at La Bastille Plaza in Paris, during the election celebration for the comrade socialist president Hollande. See any […]
Poland furious over Barack Obama’s ‘death camp’ comment
Poland’s foreign minister has demanded Barack Obama apologise after referring to “Polish death camps” during the Second World War.
The US President made the slip while honouring Jan Karski, a Polish resistance fighter who was among the first to raise the alarm over the Nazi concentration camps, during a ceremony at the White House.
Poland has long been sensitive to any implication that it was involved in the Holocaust, accurately pointing out that the camps on Polish soil were run by occupying German forces.
Foreign Minister Radek Sikorsi took to Twitter to insist that the White House apologise for the “outrageous error” and said that Prime Minister Donald Tusk would make a statement on Wednesday morning.
“It’s a pity that this important ceremony was upstaged by ignorance and incompetence,” he wrote.
Mr Obama’s gaffe was widely reported on Polish television and on Twitter.
Tommy Vietor, the President’s National Security Council Spokesman, issued a clarifying statement but stopped short of an apology.
Langfan Three Dimensional Kits Make Israel’s Case Crystal Clear
A NY attorney creates a visual presentation that makes it easy to see how Israel is crucial to world security, reveals the water theft lie.
Mark Langfan, a successful New York attorney and staunch supporter of Israel, came to the conclusion one day that the truth about Israel must become accessible and easily understood.
Not one for letting things stop at the idea stage, the talented attorney created an original and easy to grasp visual method that can – in minutes – explain the problems Israel faces when it talks of “defensible borders”, expose the truth about the Palestinian Authority water resources canard and prove the way Israel’s safety affects the world.
He then invested time and money and created a one-of-its-kind 3-dimensional topographic raised-relief map system of Israel, accompanied by special plastic devices that make his subject matter clear as crystal.
He has published fliers, kits, map sets and booklets explaining his methods and how to use the graphics in the kits to best advantage.
Over the past 20 years, Mr. Langfan has briefed many congressional and Senate offices, the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Israel Desk, and even The New York Times Editorial Board using his topographic map of Israel.
The enthusiastic Langfan is currently visiting Israel, where he has briefed Ambassadors, MKs, Government officials and Spokespeople, using his unique maps and vast store of knowledge to show how the problems can be easily comprehended, especially highlighting the strategic threats of seceding from the West Bank.
Last week Langfan was invited to give a special briefing in the Knesset, by MK Yaakov Katz (National Union), attended by key party activists, public figures and leaders of Judea and Samaria including Dani Dayan, Chairman of the Yesha Council and the Ambassador of Costa Rica, H.E Mr. Rodrigo Carreras. Arutz Sheva was there.
Langfan uses his map to level the playing field in a sea of political jargon and slogans. Much of his presentation focuses on the issue of water, which is key to understanding the conflict, as he explained.
“People don’t realize that close to half of the water in Israel comes from underground aquifers in Judea and Samaria. Many of the key “settlements” like Ariel and Kedumim were built along the line from which water runs down westward towards the coast in order to protect this vital source. Israel gives Palestinian Arabs much more water than demanded by the peace agreements .
“Transferring control of these areas to the Palestinians could seriously harm the natural equilibrium and drastically effect Israel, this is aside from the direct security threats involved.”
About those Congressistas: James McGovern is a Democrat in district 3 in Massacussetts and Rosa L. DeLauro is the Democrat in district 3 Connecticut…..rsk
Seeking to investigate America, U.N.’s Cuban-sponsored “hunger expert” appears in U.S. Congress today for special briefing
Olivier de Schutter, who holds the U.N. Human Rights Council’s Cuban-sponsored mandate on the “right to food,” is appearing this afternoon at a special briefing on Capitol Hill in Washington. Charged with speaking out for starving people, he recently announced that he is seeking to investigate America. His event today is sponsored by Rep. James P. McGovern and Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro. UN Watch director Hillel Neuer sent them the following letter today.
Dear Congressman McGovern,
I know that you are a sincere activist for the cause of hungry people and I salute you for that. At the same time, I must tell you that I was surprised to see that you and Rep. Rose DeLauro are today co-sponsoring a congressional briefing by such a dubious authority as Olivier De Schutter, the UN Human Rights Council’s “Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food”—who, inexplicably, seeks to launch an investigation of America.
Your notice for this afternoon’s event was sent out by the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, which you co-chair, yet I am confident that the late Tom Lantos would never have granted a platform to someone with such a skewed sense of judgment and priorities. On the contrary, it was Tom who hosted UN Watch chairman Alfred Moses and myself to address Congress on precisely such abusers of U.N. mandates.
During today’s discussion period, I hope you will ask Mr. De Schutter to answer the following questions.
http://q4j-middle-east.comy Gerald A. Honigman The week of May 21st proved to be quite eventful regarding the subject of the sinister use of language. Let me explain… Even with Arabs continuously murdering each other by the tens of thousands in the region, the attempt by many–both in and out of the so-called “Arab” world–to redirect the […]
“Rabbi Obama” And The Shame Brought By Leaders of Conservative Judaism
Yesterday afternoon President Obama and White House Chief of Staff Jack “Hey I’m Jewish and Love Obama” Lew met with leaders of the Conservative Jewish movement. That’s Conservative Judaism, not conservative politically. The leadership of Conservative Judaism, as well as much of the rabbinate is progressive politically.
For example, you may remember last year when two leading conservative and 398 other Rabbis broke Jewish law when they joined a socialist-oriented organization in a politically based (and false) attack on Glenn Beck.
The reason for the meeting was for the president to shore up a voting block which has already cut way back on donations and may vote for him to a lesser extent than they did in 2008 (Obama will most definitely win the Jewish vote in 2012 but even the most liberal based polls project him reviving much less than the 78% he garnered in 2008).
According to ynet
During the meeting, Obama told the rabbis that when he was running for Senate some accused him of being the Jewish lobby’s “puppet” because of his many Jewish associates in Chicago. Now, he said, the Republicans are trying to portray him as not being supportive of Israel by stressing the fact that his father was Muslim and he has a Muslim name, as well as by claiming that he had been overly aggressive in pushing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to promote the peace process with the Palestinian “Laser uranium enrichment is so attractive that that it will be implemented — and Iran will become the test case. What must be demanded is the complete opening of the country to appropriate inspection. Anything else would be too little – much too little.” Hans Ruhle German nuclear weapons expert Hans Rühle warned in […]