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Two Dead, Five Wounded in Terrorist Knife Attack in France By Rick Moran


A Sudanese national in the French town of  Romans-sur-Isere, just south of Lyon, went on a rampage Saturday on a busy street attacking 7 people, killing two and wounding five.

Police arrested him without incident when he was found kneeling on the ground “praying in the Arabic language.”

ABC News:

In a press release, the Counterterrorism Prosecutor’s office revealed that “handwritten documents with religious overtones in which the author of the lines complained in particular of living in a country of disbelievers” were found duringa search carried out at the suspect’s home.

The alleged perpetrator was taken into custody on charges of assassination and attempted assassination in connection with a terrorist enterprise and criminal terrorist association. An acquaintance of the suspect’s was also placed in police custody.

Police, deployed for the coronavirus pandemic, probably prevented a larger body count.

The Interior Minister saluted the mobilization of a hundred police officers during an ongoing nationwide lockdown to stem the spread of  COVID-19 which already claimed the lives of more than 6,000 in France.

Coronavirus: God’s Army and Pork Consumption in Indonesia by Jacobus E. Lato


Instead of advising congregations in general, and Indonesians in particular, about the pandemic nature of coronavirus, many religious leaders were linking the virus to something supernatural that could be fought with prayers.

Somad was quoted as saying that as the Muslims observe a lifestyle that is in harmony with religious teachings and is different from the majority of the population, they have protection from the deadly virus.

These various claims no longer stand. Soon, sadly, the coronavirus swiftly moved beyond the prayer of millions of devout believers. On March 3, the president of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, officially announced the first two cases of coronavirus infection…. The government, the president mentioned, should be making all efforts to manage the crisis. What will Indonesian Islamist clerics, such as Somad and his supporters at MUI do: pray or find ways to take the president down?

Coronavirus, now a global pandemic, received a different response in Indonesia than in most of the world. In February, when China was quarantining Hubei province, prominent Indonesian clerics were reducing the disease to a religious matter. As usual, the assertion was marked by religious claim of superiority and that God could easily be involved in daily life.

Instead of advising congregations in particular and Indonesians in general about the pandemic nature of coronavirus, many religious leaders were linking the virus to something supernatural that could be fought with prayers.

Who Eats the Cake in Tehran? by Amir Taheri


The new message from Tehran is that Iran is in need of humanitarian aid to curb the coronavirus and prevent the death of large numbers of Iranians… The first sign that the message may be working came last Monday when Germany announced that it has arranged a $5 million cash line through the European Union for Iran to secure medical supplies needed to fight the pandemic. The German initiative, through a mechanism called Instex and designed to by-pass sanctions, is clearly meant to test the waters.

Nevertheless, the acceptance of the first Instex operation and the renewal of waivers might have two outcomes that may not please Washington…. The result could be a sham show of unity by the regime with a new message to Iranians, as German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas believes that change within the regime may be better than regime change.

The trouble with all this is that we have already been there, done that and bought the t-shirt. Europe and the United States have repeatedly tried to bring the Islamic Republic in from the cold by playing the accommodation, not to say appeasement, card, each time ending up as the cuckold in the story.

The tidbits offer an insight into the mindset of the weird clique dominating Iran since 1979 and why those who believe they are dealing with a normal government would need to have their heads examined. The Reagan administration, helped by Israel, smuggled over 1,000 anti-tanks missiles to Iran to help it stop the advance of the Iraqi invasion in the eight-year Iran-Iraq war. The mullahs paid half the cost of the missiles as down payment but refused to pay the second half after they had received all consignments. There was no need to pay “The Crusaders” the price.

Venezuelan Warship Shoots at German Cruise Ship, Rams It and Sinks Itself By Rick Moran


Reports out of Berlin tell of a German Arctic cruise ship being fired on by a Venezuelan naval vessel, which then rammed the passenger liner, sinking itself in the process.

No, this is not a story that appeared in The Onion.

The Jerusalem Post says that the incident occurred on March 30 and took place in international waters.

The Iranian regime-allied Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro accused the captain of the RCGS  RESOLUTE cruise ship of “terrorism and piracy” and sought to force the ship into a new direction on the high seas. The cruise ship, which had no passengers on board and was sailing under a Portuguese flag, has a reinforced hull that enables it to sail through ice water.

An unarmed passenger ship accused of “terrorism and piracy”? Well, it is the Venezuelan navy.

Columbia Cruise Services continued, stating that “Shortly after mid-night, the cruise vessel was approached by an armed Venezuelan navy vessel, which via radio questioning the intentions of the RCGS  RESOLUTE’s presence and gave the order to follow to Puerto Moreno on Isla De Margarita. As the RCGS  RESOLUTE was sailing in international waters at that time, the Master wanted to reconfirm this particular request resulting into a serious deviation from the scheduled vessel’s route with the company DPA.”



Giacomino Nicolazzo_ is one of Italy’s most beloved writers. Born and raised in Central Pennsylvania, he lives in a small village in Lombardy where he writes his books. _

Montecalvo, Lombardy, Italy_. As I sit here in my involuntary isolation, it was just reported that overnight 743 more people died and 5.249 new cases have been reported. This brings the total cases of infection to 69,176 and the body count to 6,820. We take relief in knowing that 8,326 people have recovered so far. (Numbers as of 3/24, 8:30pm in Italy 

Most towns here in Italy, from the upper reaches of the Alps to the ancient shores of Sicilia and Sardenia, while not deserted, are closer to being ghost towns than the bustling centers of tourism, business and daily life they were just a few weeks ago.

Stores and shops have been shuttered. Restaurants and coffee shops no longer serve customers. Schools, universities, sporting arenas…even our museums and theaters…all closed. Even the Vatican City has closed its gates and armed patrols monitor the 20 foot tall walls that protect it!

Streets and roads are now empty for as far as the eye can see. Normally, they would be filled with crazed Italian drivers in tiny cars and scooters (the ones that sound like demonic insects) darting here and
there, reaching the limits of centrifugal force on our roundabouts. In the piazze of our towns and cities, there are now officially more pigeons than people. Many of us know someone who has been infected and recovered. Some of us know someone who did not recover…now they are dead. But everyone knows someone who has been affected by this microscopic monster in one way or another.

“F***ing Swede” by Judith Bergman


In Gothenburg, a criminal gang of youths forced their victim to kiss the gang leader’s feet, while they filmed him. After that, they stamped on his face until he passed out. — Expressen, October 1, 2019.

“It is a way to show your power. They want to dominate places. They do that by putting fear in other youths.” — Thomas Petterson, analyst for the Gothenburg police, Expressen, August 31, 2019.

“Even little girls aren’t safe… The gangs have gained respect, as it is called. This means that they have taken over certain neighborhoods…” — Ingrid Björkman, Jan Elfverson, Jonathan Friedman and Åke Wedin, in the book, Exit Folkhemssverige (“Exit the Swedish Welfare State”), 2007.

“Previously, gang rapes were virtually unknown in Sweden. But since the 1980s, they have steadily increased. Since 1995, they have quadrupled. In 1999, 35 gang rapes were recorded in Stockholm alone. Today, the media reports every week or every two weeks on such violent crimes.” — Ingrid Björkman, Jan Elfverson, Jonathan Friedman and Åke Wedin, in the book, Exit Folkhemssverige.

A new kind of crime is making the headlines in Sweden, in Swedish known as förnedringsrån. Förnedring means “humiliation” and rån means “robbery.” The victims of these “humiliation robberies” are almost always children or teenagers. As previously reported by Gatestone Institute:

“The number of children who rob other children has increased by 100% in only four years, according to a new study by Swedish police… In 2016, there were 1,178 robberies against children under 18 years of age. In 2019, the number had increased to 2,484. The number of violent crimes where the suspect is a child under 15 years of age has also gone up dramatically: In 2015, there were 6,359 reported violent crimes where the suspect was a child under 15. In 2019, that number had increased to 8,719 reported violent crimes”.

France’s Coronavirus Death Toll Jumps as Nursing Homes Included by John Irish


PARIS (Reuters) – The coronavirus death count in France surged to nearly 5,400 people on Thursday after the health ministry began including nursing home fatalities in its data.

The pandemic had claimed the lives of 4,503 patients in hospitals by Thursday, up 12% on the previous day’s 4,032, said Jerome Salomon, head of the health authority. A provisional tally showed the coronavirus had killed a further 884 people in nursing homes and other care facilities, he added.

This makes for a total of 5,387 lives lost to coronavirus in France – an increase of 1,355 over Wednesday’s cumulative total – although data has not yet been collected from all of the country’s 7,400 nursing homes.

“We are in France confronting an exceptional epidemic with an unprecedented impact on public health,” Salomon told a news conference.

The country’s broad lockdown is likely to be extended beyond April 15, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said on Thursday, extending a confinement order to try and deal with the crisis that began on March 17.

The government was racing to try to ensure it can produce or procure itself certain medications needed to treat coronavirus patients as stocks were running low, Philippe told TF1 TV, echoing concerns across Europe as the pandemic places a huge strain on hospitals in Italy, Spain and elsewhere.

China’s deadly coronavirus-lie co-conspirator — the World Health Organization By Nicholas Eberstadt and Dan Blumenthal


The fog of war obscures much about the novel coronavirus pandemic. But two facts seem absolutely certain. First, China’s Communist authorities have lied, concealed and misled about the origins of the epidemic and the toll of the virus in China. Second, the World Health Organization has acted as Beijing’s handmaid.

The result: The global toll of the tragedy will be much greater than it need have been.

We shouldn’t be surprised that the Beijing regime lies about the epidemic: It lies about, well, ­everything. From economic data to air pollution figures, the Communist Party doctors information to protect and promote itself.

Naturally, in the face of a grave national-health threat, the incentive for dissembling was tremendous. So Beijing spun and suppressed information about the outbreak and impact of the coronavirus.

Independent Chinese journalists have detailed the Wuhan coverup: They report that a Chinese lab isolated and identified the strange new virus last December — but that the authorities ­ordered it to stop its work, get rid of its specimens and keep quiet. It took almost another month for the government to acknowledge that a SARS-like contagion, spread by human contact, was exploding in Hubei province.

The V-Shaped US-Israel Saga Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger


The US-Israel bond is a unique bottom-up phenomenon in the sphere of international relations, with most elected officials in the House, Senate and the White House following the positive state of mind of most constituents on the issue of Israel, the Jewish State.

Ordinarily, international relations constitute a top-down phenomenon, with elected officials shaping policy toward another country, which is then endorsed – or opposed – by the constituency.

The roots of the positive attitude toward Israel, by most Americans, are 400 years old, dating back to the 1620 “Mayflower,” as described in my March, 2020 1st video in a series of nine, and my March, 2020 eBook on Amazon and Smashwords.

Thus, according to a most recent Gallup poll, Israel’s February 2020 favorable ratingamong Americans is 74% – the highest since 1989. It is second only to a January 1991 poll (79%), when Israel was targeted by Iraq’s Scud missiles during the First Gulf War. While Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Japan and India are ahead of Israel, none of them has experienced Israel’s systematically coarse treatment by the US State Department establishment, the US “elite” media (e.g., the NY Times, Washington Post, CNN and the three “major” TV networks), as well as much of the US academia.  While Israel benefits from a substantial level of public support, the Palestinian Authority’s favorable rating in February 2020 was 23%, slightly ahead of Iran (11%), North Korea (12%), Afghanistan (18%) and Iraq (19%).

Pakistan Issues Emergency Order to Prevent Release of Men Convicted of Murdering WSJ Reporter Daniel Pearl By Mairead McArdle


Pakistani authorities on Thursday issued an emergency order preventing the release of four prisoners convicted in the kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, a day after their convictions were overturned.

British national Omar Saeed Sheikh was convicted in 2002 for the murder of Pearl earlier that year, but his death sentences for abduction, murder, and terrorism were reduced to seven years for one charge of kidnapping. The convictions of three Pakistani men as accomplices to Sheikh were thrown out completely.

The appeals court in Karachi ruled earlier this week that there was a lack of evidence against Sheikh and his alleged accomplices and rejected computer evidence that the men sent ransom notes after Pearl was kidnapped.

The Sindh government used the Maintenance of Public Order law to detain the four men for another 90 days, arguing that they could threaten law and order in the province if released.

“I am shocked at the decision, especially its timing,” Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi remarked of the appeals court decision, saying the ruling harms Pakistan’s recent anti-terrorist efforts, for which he said they have sacrificed greatly.