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Coronavirus: Should the U.S. Lift Sanctions on Iran? by Majid Rafizadeh


In a recent video, a masked man holding a Kalashnikov-style assault rifle warns that the attacks on Taji and Basmaya military camps were only the beginning of a much larger offensive. — Usbat al-Thayireen, or League of Revolutionaries, a new Shiite militia group, Newsweek, March 19, 2020.

“The Islamic resistance of Usbat al-Thayireen vows to strike the occupation forces’ bases and [US] embassy in the coming days and will continue striking the occupation until it exits the country, and the matter will be taken further if the occupier does not leave. We say to the hypocrites who are collaborators at the evil embassy: Your days are numbered and you will face your fate very soon.” — Usbat al-Thayireen, or League of Revolutionaries, a new Shiite militia group, Newsweek, March 19, 2020.

The idea that the ruling mullahs of Iran and the top state sponsor of terrorism will use the extra revenues from the lifting of sanctions for humanitarian purposes is totally irrational. Easing sanctions will enable, embolden and empower the Iranian regime to damage the US and its allies’ national security interests still further and kill more Americans. The US President’s Iran policy of maximum pressure, which should probably be even more maximum, is headed in the right direction.

While the US administration is expanding its maximum pressure policy on Iran, some people, such as US Senator Bernie Sanders, are calling for immediate relief for the Iranian regime. “As a caring nation,” Sanders recently posted on Twitter, “we must lift any sanctions hurting Iran’s ability to address this crisis, including financial sanctions.”

Lifting sanctions on the aggressive regime of Iran would be an extremely wrong move.

What politicians such Sanders seem not to recognize is that the Islamic Republic prioritizes its military adventurism over its nation’s health crisis. In other words, Iran’s regime will almost certainly use the extra revenues to arm its militias across the region that attack the US and its allies’ forces, as it has a pattern of doing in the past.



Dear Friends…
In view of the fact that COVID-19 has impacted everyone around the world, Sheba would like to provide you with critical insights and expert advice based on our experiences with coronavirus patients at Sheba Medical Center. Using a variety of advanced medical technologies, Sheba has been on the frontline of the battle against this insidious disease. I invite you to read the important information contained in this special coronavirus bulletin and share it with family and friends.

Chinese Lies and Chinese Food By J. Christian Adams


A few decades ago, the conventional wisdom was that trade with China will democratize and soften the communist regime. The coronavirus pandemic has killed that myth, except perhaps among the malignant American media.

NBC News reporters like Kelly O’Donnell grow incensed about Sean Spicer asking a question as a credentialed member of the media. If you call this Chinese virus a Chinese virus, the malignant American media remain fully attached to the pre-Corona world where anyone cares.

The truth is that this virus originated in China.  Worse, decisions by the Chinese communist regime after the virus appeared accelerated the problem.

Like the malignant American media, the Chinese communists can’t help it either.  Communism is a system built on lies. Keeping the shiny polish on the regime is more important than the truth. That’s why the Chinese communists downplayed the threat of the coronavirus for months.  This is how communists behave.

When another communist regime faced a nuclear cataclysm at Chernobyl in 1986, they were also hardwired to lie.

At first, the Soviets portrayed the meltdown of Chernobyl’s reactor core as a minor incident fully under control.  Early efforts to clear debris from the blown reactor core included turning to West Germany.  The Soviets wanted a robot called “Joker” to help clear debris.  But Soviet lies extended even to the amount of radiation that Joker was expected to encounter.  The Soviets lied to the West Germans, underplaying the radioactive carnage in order to keep the truth about Chernobyl from the world.

The luxury of apocalypticism The elites want us to panic about Covid-19 – we must absolutely refuse to do so. Brendan O’Neill


People’s refusal to panic has been a great source of frustration for the establishment in recent years. ‘The planet is burning’, they lie, in relation to climate change, and yet we do not weep or wail or even pay very much attention. ‘I want you to panic’, instructs the newest mouthpiece of green apocalypticism, Greta Thunberg, and yet most of us refuse to do so. A No Deal Brexit would unleash economic mayhem, racist pogroms and even a pandemic of super-gonorrhoea, they squealed, incessantly, like millenarian preachers balking at the imminent arrival of the lightning bolt of final judgement, and yet we didn’t flinch. We went to work. We went home. We still supported Brexit.

Our skittish elites have been so baffled, infuriated in fact, by our calm response to their hysterical warnings that they have invented pathologies to explain our unacceptable behaviour. The therapeutic language of ‘denialism’ is used to explain the masses’ refusal to fret over climate change. Environmentalists write articles on ‘the psychology of climate-change denial’, on ‘the self-deception and mass denial’ coursing through this society that refuses to flatter or engage with the hysteria of the eco-elites. Likewise, the refusal of voters to succumb to the dire, hollow warnings of the ferociously anti-Brexit wing of the establishment was interpreted by self-styled experts as a psychological disorder. ‘[This is] people taking action for essentially psychological reasons, irrespective of the economic cost’, said one professor.

How curious. In the past it was hysteria that was seen as a malady of the mind. Now it is the reluctance to kowtow to hysteria, the preference for calm discussion over panic and dread, that is treated as a malady. Today, it is those who prefer reason over rashness, whether on climate change or Brexit, who are judged to be disordered. According to the new elites, their apocalypticism is normal, while our calm democratic commitment to a political project, such as Brexit, or our desire to treat pollution as a practical problem rather than as a swirling, cloudy hint of nature’s coming fury with man’s hubris and destructiveness, is mad, deranged, in need of treatment. Their End Times nervousness is good; our faith in moral reason is bad.



This new Glazov Gang episode features Katie Hopkins, U.K.’s freedom fighter.

Katie sheds disturbing light on French Jews in Paris Under Attack, unveiling how the police are telling the Jewish Parisians that they can no longer protect them.

Don’t miss it!

Chinese Authorities Underreporting New Infections in Epicenter of Wuhan: Leaked Documents BY Nicole Hao

The Chinese regime has maintained that there have been no new domestic infections of the CCP virus in the entire country since March 18.

Local authorities say that the epidemic has leveled off, as they ease travel restrictions and tell people to return to work.

But the situation in the ground zero of China’s epidemic, the city of Wuhan, is much worse than what has been officially reported, according to a series of internal government documents obtained by The Epoch Times.

The Epoch Times refers to the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, as the CCP virus because the Chinese Communist Party’s coverup and mismanagement allowed the virus to spread throughout China and create a global pandemic.

The documents include four reports from the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, which were statistical data sheets about diagnostic test results in the city on March 14.

The data showed that there were 91 newly diagnosed patients in Wuhan on March 14. China’s National Health Commission only reported four cases for that date.

Meanwhile, two residential compounds in Wuhan posted notices to alert their residents that there were people living there who were diagnosed with the CCP virus on March 19—another indication that the Chinese regime is concealing the epidemic’s true scale.

Former UK PM Accused of Letting Muslim Rape Gangs Roam Free in Exchange for Saudi Money Whatever the motivation, he and others certainly let them roam free. Robert Spencer


Gordon Brown, who was Prime Minister of Britain and leader of its far-Left Labour Party from 2007 to 2010, has been accused of making a dirty deal with Saudi interests that resulted in a hands-off order to British police regarding the Muslim rape gangs that have plagued the once-sceptered isle for years.

The UK news site Politicalite reported Saturday “during Gordon Brown’s short tenure as Prime Minister he borrowed money from the Saudi’s [sic] – but the deal had BIG strings attached.”

Politicalite quoted an anonymous source that it said was connected to the world of finance, claiming: “In return for the money, the condition they insisted on, was that Muslims in Britain must be free to do anything they like.”

It sounds unbelievable – or does it, really, after all we have seen “public servants” do in the last few years, up to and including the attempted deep state coup against President Trump? And whether it was because of Brown or for some other reason, there is no doubt that British authorities for years were notably unwilling to do anything about the rape gangs, despite the fact that thousands of British girls had their lives destroyed.

Is The Media Ignoring Good News On Coronavirus? John Merline.


There has been some tantalizingly good news about the coronavirus in the past few days, not that you’d know it from the end-of-the-world treatment it gets in the press.

Of the 10 countries with the most COVID-19 cases, six showed declines in new reported cases over the past few days, including the United States. In France, the number has been flat for three days.

There hasn’t been a new case reported in China since early March, according to data from Worldometers.info. In South Korea, the number of new cases has stabilized at around 100 a day.

Meanwhile, data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that – when measured by date of onset rather than the day officially reported — the number of new COVID-19 cases peaked on March 9 at 194, then dropped to 172 on March 10. It was 174 on March 11. It plunged to 122 on March 12, although the CDC cautions that there may be people whose onsets haven’t been reported yet. In any case, all this was before the most draconian restrictions were put in place.

It’s far too early to draw any conclusions, but it certainly doesn’t look like an out-of-control plague, as commonly depicted by the press.

Is virus information from China, Russia, and Iran too corrupt to be useful? By Andrea Widburg


There are reports from China suggesting that the government is lying about having coronavirus under control. Russia’s statistics are so low as to be suspect. And Iran is manifestly lying about its coronavirus data. Is this misinformation affecting the West’s ability to understand the virus and control its spread?

China has boasted that, thanks to its swift reaction, it has managed to stop all new coronavirus infections. (For now, please ignore China’s initial cover-up, which let a plague loose upon the world.) By March 19, both the New York Times and the Washington Post accepted without question China’s report that it had no new coronavirus infections.

Doctors still at work within China, though, were less sanguine:

Report by @appledaily_hk , Japanese news outlet interviewed Wuhan doctors, and confirmed Wuhan has stopped testing, that is why new case = 0 there. They release people in quarantine early too.

China is not alone in publishing suspect information. Russia, which Putin controls with an iron fist, has also touted its success with coronavirus, claiming that it’s tested over 133,000 people and identified only 367 cases, with only one death. Some experts find baffling Russia’s immunity to the disease, given that it shares a long border with China and has over 144 million people.

Vladimir Putin’s Encirclement of Europe By Jakub Grygiel


‘Strategic autonomy’ will be insufficient to the challenge

Russian propaganda, going back to czarist and Soviet times, often claims that Western powers are encircling Russia, forcing Moscow to be belligerent against its wishes. Russia is the perennial victim of aggressive foreign powers trying to keep Moscow locked in the steppes and, in the worst case, to install themselves in the Kremlin. Undoubtedly, Russia has been invaded repeatedly in the past: Mongol hordes, Napoleon, and Hitler all tried to extend their power over it. But now claims of a potential repetition of such invasions by Russia’s Western neighbors ring hollow. Neither Europe nor the United States has any interest in controlling Russian lands. On the contrary, it is Russia that has managed to extend its reach along a front from the Baltic to the Mediterranean and is projecting power to the Arctic and the Atlantic. Europe is being encircled by Russia — not the other way around.

Russia asserts that it is under siege by the West. Western antagonism, the argument goes, is evident in NATO’s addition of new members, including the latest one, Montenegro, which joined in 2017; in the U.S. and EU support for various “color revolutions” that erupted across a belt of countries from Ukraine to North Africa and the Middle East; and in the U.S.-led wars in the Middle East. In a 2019 speech, General Valery Gerasimov, the chief of the Russian general staff, accused the United States of conducting a “policy of expanding the system of military presence directly at Russia’s borders.” Such a Western policy of encirclement supposedly forces Moscow to lash out to defeat the “Trojan horse” of “color revolutions” and the various military offensives allegedly targeting Russia.