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Put the burden of uncertainty on your opponent: more advice from Richelieu By David P. Goldman


Turkey has begun an offensive against America’s Kurdish allies in northern Syria, and warned it will send a flood of refugees into Europe if anyone complains. Few leaders in recent memory have bluffed so successfully with such a weak hand. The “Turkish” part among American strategists, e.g. the Wall Street Journal’s Walter Russell Mead, have argued that we need Turkey in the NATO alliance and therefore have to do a lot of what Turkey demands. Dr. Mead has a point, and makes his argument in good faith, but I do not think this approach will succeed. China already has bailed out Turkey and Russia is becoming its most important supplier of military systems. The choice appears to lie between abandoning the Kurds, our allies in the fight against ISIS, and “losing” Turkey.

There is another way to go about this. It isn’t pretty, but if I were Secretary of State, I would consider it carefully.

The following interview with the late Cardinal Richelieu materialized in Asia Times on Feb. 5, 2018. Of course, I would never advocate the terrible things that the butcher of the Thirty Years War proposes, but I thought his point of view worth recalling to public attention. He ridicules American policy for seeking stabiity in the Middle East and proposes instead to embrace the instability and turn it to America’s advantage.

Guidance from the Ghost of Richelieu

Five years ago I interviewed Cardinal Richelieu, the evil genius of the Thirty Years War and best known as the bad guy in ‘The Three Musketeers.” Richelieu is long dead, to be sure, and Asia Times does not print interviews with ghosts, so I had to make up the answers for him. But I tried to do so in the spirit of Europe’s supreme grand strategist, who undermined the hegemony of the Hapsburg Emperors and established France as Europe’s dominant power for a century and a half, albeit at an unspeakable human cost. Now that a new ‘Thirty Years War’ is underway in the Middle East, I returned to the secret places beneath Paris to interview Richelieu once again. As a matter of full disclosure, I made up the answers this time, too.



PICTURED: Agony of the child brides forced to marry as young as SIX to men up to EIGHT TIMES their age


Child Brides from Pregnant Child Brides: Frightened and Vulnerable

Right from Wrong: Merkel’s shameless deflection The killer, since identified as 27-year-old Stephan Balliet, is a white, right-wing extremist/neo-Nazi, not one of the flood of Muslim migrants German Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed. Ruthie Blum


Israelis were jolted on Wednesday night by the news of a shooting attack outside a German synagogue and Jewish cemetery earlier in the day, during Yom Kippur services. 
When all the Hebrew TV channels opened their 8:00 p.m. broadcasts – after the customary annual airwave blackout in honor of Judaism’s highest and most somber holy day – the national sigh of “here we go again” accompanied the meal that ended the 25-hour fast. The frightening increase in the frequency and degree of antisemitic violence in Germany has become a topic of international reportage, after all. So this latest disturbing assault, which left two people dead and two others wounded, did not come as a complete surprise.
Another upsetting and predictable aspect of the incident – involving a man clad in military fatigues and equipped with a GoPro camera trying to shoot his way into the locked and guarded synagogue to massacre Jews – was the way in which Israeli anchors stressed repeatedly that the perpetrator “is a native German, not an immigrant.” 
In other words, the killer, since identified as 27-year-old Stephan Balliet, is a white, right-wing extremist/neo-Nazi, not one of the flood of Muslim migrants from the Middle East whom German Chancellor Angela Merkel has welcomed into her country. 

Turkey Flooding Europe with Migrants by Soeren Kern


The Greek government has said that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan personally controls the migration flows to Greece and turns them on and off to extract more money and other political concessions from the European Union. In recent months, the Turkish government has repeatedly threatened to open the floodgates of mass migration to Greece, and, by extension, to the rest of Europe.

“If they [the European Union] do not give us the necessary support in this struggle, then we will not be able to stop the 3.5 million refugees from Syria and another two million people who will reach our borders from Idlib.” — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

“If we open the floodgates, no European government will be able to survive for more than six months. We advise them not to try our patience.” — Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu.

More than six million migrants are believed to be waiting in countries around the Mediterranean to cross into Europe, according to a classified German government report leaked to the newspaper Bild… More than three million others are waiting in Turkey.

Greece has once again become “ground zero” for Europe’s migration crisis. More than 40,000 migrants arrived in Greece during the first nine months of 2019, and more than half of those arrived during just the past three months, according to new data compiled by the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The surge in migrant arrivals to Greece during the third quarter of 2019 — 5,903 arrivals in July; 9,341 in August; and 10,294 in September — has coincided with repeated threats by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and other members of his government to flood Europe with Muslim migrants.

Boris Johnson’s Bold Brexit Proposal by Malcolm Lowe


It must be acknowledged that Johnson’s proposal for a replacement Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland has evident merits. But if EU leaders do agree – even against expectations – that Johnson’s proposal is the way forward, why rush to complete all the legal complexities of that agreement in a few days instead of gratefully accepting an extension of time in order to let a good job be done?

If Johnson’s approach does not get off the ground, the UK could still fall back to one last attempt to leave without no-deal. It is to demand a change to Article 20 of the original Protocol, the so-called “Backstop,” such that instead of enduring for ever unless both sides agree to terminate it, the Protocol will endure for only an initial year, but can be renewed annually if both sides agree to continue it. If the EU refuses even this minimal demand, then it will have made it clear to the UK government, Parliament and the public that no-deal is indeed the UK’s only way of escape.

In the turbulent weeks since Boris Johnson became prime minister of the United Kingdom, he has registered his first comparative success with his proposal for a change in Theresa May’s Brexit deal. On the one hand, he has forced the EU negotiators to abandon their adamant refusal hitherto to reopen the wording of that deal; on the other, his proposal – with its firm emphasis upon the UK’s essential interests – has united almost all Conservative MPs behind it.

The contrast with his previous missteps is striking. There was his unprecedented, unlawful and unnecessary attempt to prorogue Parliament for a whole month instead of the customary few days. This, in turn, prompted opponents of a no-deal Brexit to rush through legislation on the one day left before the prorogation: the European Union (Withdrawal) (No 2) Act 2019, which orders Johnson to request from the EU a deferral of the looming Brexit day from October 31 to January 31 if there is still no agreed Brexit deal on October 19. Johnson then expelled from the party 21 Conservative MPs who voted for that legislation – also unprecedented in recent times. Remember that dozens of Conservatives, including Johnson himself twice, had voted against May’s deal earlier in the year, yet she did not even think of punishing them. With their expulsion, moreover, Johnson lost a majority in the Commons for anything.

Iran: Acting to Make Trump a One-Term President by Majid Rafizadeh


The second initiative in which the Iranian government is engaged is to increase tensions in the region, destabilize the region, target the global energy market, cause oil and gas prices to increase, and then blame all these problems on the Trump administration.

The threat Iran poses to US presidential elections is real and urgent — for Iran to be stopped, it should finally be held accountable.

Do not underestimate the power of the Iranian government to influence public opinion in the US, interfere in elections, and sway the 2020 presidential elections in its favor.

Iran began its post-Islamic-Revolution era by taking 52 American diplomats and citizens from the US Embassy in Tehran on November 4, 1979 and holding them as hostages for 444 days.

The newly established theocratic government evidently wanted to project the new power it possessed to manipulate its new enemy, which it called the “Great Satan.” Minutes after President Ronald Reagan’s inauguration, however, on January 20, 1981, Iran released the hostages. It was obvious that Iran’s move to create the hostage crisis and the inability of President Jimmy Carter to bring the American citizens home was doubtless one of the reasons for his defeat in the presidential election of 1980.

Similarly, with recent developments in President Donald J. Trump’s administration, the ruling mullahs of Iran are taking concrete steps to try to make him just a one-term president.

UK: New Subversive “Guidance” for Journalists by Judith Bergman


Policy Exchange’s report on the leaked guidance gives rise for concern. In the words of the report, the guidance, “seems designed to bind the hands of UK newspapers when it comes to reporting on stories relating to Islam and Muslims – with potentially serious long-term consequences for the workings of a free and independent press”. — Policy Exchange Report, “Eroding the Free Press,” by Will Heaven and Sir John Jenkins.

As the Policy Exchange authors write, “In all of this, there seems to be a suggestion that journalists should take a different approach to covering Muslims than that employed towards other faith groups. This all seems remarkably ill-conceived. If we ruled out reporting on matters specific to Muslims not only would we miss some big issues – not least the threat from Islamist extremist terrorism, which continues to dwarf other global terrorist threats – but we would also be unable to report properly on discrimination against Muslims. More generally, we must ask: is it really the role of journalists to consider community cohesion before truth and accuracy? And what are the potential consequences of such an ethos?” — Policy Exchange Report, “Eroding the Free Press,” by Will Heaven and Sir John Jenkins.

“As Policy Exchange has previously pointed out, one of the things that makes the APPG’s attempts to institutionalise an illiberal definition of Islamophobia so unpalatable, is the fact that it resembles a form of blasphemy law, protecting Islam specifically, implemented by the back door”. — Policy Exchange Report, “Eroding the Free Press,” by Will Heaven and Sir John Jenkins.

The UK Supreme Court’s Judgment on Johnson’s Prorogation by Malcolm Lowe


After Johnson’s advocate lost the argument on a crucial point, the likely Judgment of the Court was evident. Surprising, at most, was that all eleven judges unanimously backed it.

A ComRes poll has found that interviewees agreed 50% to 29% (with 21% unsure) that “the Supreme Court was right to rule that Boris Johnson’s prorogation of parliament was unlawful,” while nevertheless 49% agreed that “the UK should leave with or without a deal by 31st October 2019.” That is, the public tends to agree with Johnson’s aims but thinks that he went the wrong way about them.

In this Judgment, the Supreme Court has clearly delineated the proper relationship between the executive, the legislature and the judiciary in the Constitution of the UK. The US Constitution had such a delineation from the outset, of course, since it was a prime concern of the Founding Fathers. The Judgment may become the key precedent for all future cases in which such a delineation is required.

For the most part, public reactions to the Judgment of the UK Supreme Court to declare Boris Johnson’s prorogation of Parliament unlawful were predictable. Those who opposed Johnson’s Brexit stance were jubilant, while those who supported that stance decried the Judgment as an unwarranted judicial interference in the political realm. So there is no need to record all those reactions, but rather a need to understand how and why the Court reached its conclusions. For sure, the Court issued a summary of its Judgment, but the summary covers so many points with so few words that crucial details lack prominence.

Stalin Had Gulags, Turkey Has Courts by Burak Bekdil


[Canan] Kaftancıoğlu [now under arrest for old tweets] came to prominence only after her critical role in defeating Erdoğan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Istanbul’s municipal elections on March 31 and June 23, ending Islamist rule in Turkey’s biggest city after 25 years.

On September 20, a Turkish court held its first hearing of a case against two Bloomberg reporters accused of “trying to undermine Turkey’s economic stability.”…. “They’ve been indicted for accurately and objectively reporting on highly newsworthy events,” said Bloomberg Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait.

Thirty-six other defendants, including prominent economist Mustafa Sönmez and journalist Sedef Kabaş, are also on trial for their social media comments on Turkey’s economy and banks.

In May, Erdoğan said that Turkey was still committed to full membership in the European Union. He must have forgotten that, among hundreds of other hair-raising democratic deficits, he is the president of a country that has banned more than 245,000 websites and domains.

From 1936 to 1938, the Soviet Union’s Joseph Stalin brutally executed his “Great Purge,” a more innocent name for the wholesale liquidation of “enemies of the state.” The slaughter targeted, among others, Communist Party and government officials, journalists, academics, peasants, Jews, teachers, generals, members of the intelligentsia and many others. “Better that 10 innocent people suffer than one spy get away,” said Nikolai Yezhov, chief of the NKVD (People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs). “When you chop wood, chips fly.” In 1932, Stalin launched a war for the “Sovietization” of Russia. Seven decades later, Turkey’s Islamist strongman and president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, launched his war to “Islamize” Ataturk’s modern, secular Turkey.

A Tale of Two Coups by Andrew Ash


The good news is that it is wholly unlikely that either of the “two coups” will succeed. The increasingly transparent nature of the opposition’s underhanded tricks to reverse the outcome, will in fact, be their undoing.

The president was requesting that Zelensky cooperate with the US Attorney General in investigating possible crime and corruption from 2016. It is the president’s job as the Chief Executive to investigate such matters, as well as required by the Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, signed September 30, 1999. No outcome was recommended.

There are also allegations that the entire attempted coup to unseat President Trump is actually an effort to head off an exposure of widespread criminality in the previous administration.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has reminded the House of Representatives that while the US Constitution does not explicitly require a vote by the entire House to launch an impeachment enquiry, neither does it support one “by a unilateral decree of the Speaker.” The Democrat-controlled House has so far tabled McCarthy’s resolution — twice. And in the traditionally “wrong” Congressional committee — Intelligence rather than Judiciary — to boot.

There are now apparently claims in the US by “multiple whistleblowers”… As [former prosecutor] Andrew McCarthy recently observed, however: “Remember your elementary math, though: Zero is still zero even when multiplied…..”

“Trump is the real whistleblower.” — Stephen Miller, White House senior policy adviser, Fox News Sunday, September 29, 2019.

The public sorely need their faith restored: that their rights as voters, along with fair play, will ultimately win out.

There appears to be a curious symmetry connecting both the blocking of Brexit, and the continued attempts to bring down a free and fair American election. The same or different types of “deep state” involved on either side of the Atlantic is debatable, but the repeated attempts at a coup d’état against both the American President and the British Prime Minister have a lot in common, not least the desire to thwart the openly expressed wishes of the US and British electorates.