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Iran’s Mullahs Mission: Wipe Out America by Majid Rafizadeh


A radical regime, whose mission is to “Export the Revolution” and bring Islamist rule to the rest of the world, will not alter its aims through policies of appeasement.

Currently, thanks to the Biden Administration’s appeasement where it would not matter and inaction where it would, the Iran’s ruling mullahs are closer than ever to acquiring nuclear weapons. The Biden administration would do well to realize that a nuclear Iran is not just an existential threat to Israel; a nuclear Iran is major threat to the region, Europe, America, the world.

The regime has made its intentions clear. Especially now that it is aligned with Putin’s Russia and the Chinese Communist Party, it would like to conquer the US.

As recently as November, Khamenei vowed, “Death to America will happen. In the new order I am talking about America will no longer have any important role.”

The headline of a report by Iran’s state-controlled Afkar News reads (in Farsi): “American Soil Is Now Within the Range of Iranian Bombs”. The report boasts about the damage that Iran could inflict, and clams that the Islamic Republic can use “a high-altitude electromagnetic bomb to attack the United States.

“The same type of ballistic missile technology used to launch the satellite could carry nuclear, chemical or even biological weapons to wipe Israel off the map, hit US bases and allies in the region and US facilities, and target NATO even in the far west of Europe….” — Afkar News, August 15, 2020.

American politicians shortsightedly fail to harden America’s electric grid, probably because it will not show up as an accomplishment that donors will respond to, electorally or financially, during their election campaigns.

Tragically, through its appeasement policies and failure to take on the Free World’s adversaries in a serious and credible way, the Biden Administration has been empowering at least one predatory regime that is determined to accomplish its mission of Jihad to rule the world at any cost; even if that requires wiping out other states. And now, thanks to the catastrophic policies of the Biden Administration — suppressing US fossil fuel production, thereby enriching Russia so it could launch a war against Ukraine; and by snubbing America’s historical ally, Saudi Arabia — it has brought US national security to the brink.

China Inaugurating a New World Order? by Judith Bergman


On March 10, Chinese President and Communist Party General-Secretary Xi Jinping brokered a surprise agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran to reestablish diplomatic relations between the two countries, effectively knocking the US off the Middle Eastern chessboard and showing himself as a power-broker on the world stage.

Xi is, in fact, on his way to Russia, possibly as soon as next week, with a 12-point peace plan — ostensibly to see if he can pull off the same wizardry with Ukraine, but more likely to nail down plans to seize Taiwan.

China as the world’s new power-broker anywhere, especially in the Middle East — until Biden squandered America’s alliances there — is conceivably a seismic turning point: possibly the beginning of China fulfilling its dream of replacing the US as the dominant superpower in a new world order.

For the Biden Administration, this is a blow for which it has only itself to thank.

In addition to ignoring Saudi security concerns about Iran’s escalating nuclear weapons program, Biden also let Iran’s terrorist proxies off the hook. He removed Yemen’s Iranian-sponsored Houthi terrorist group from the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations in February 2021, and refused to put it back even after the Houthis resumed missile and drone attacks on the United Arab Emirates, as well as more attacks on the Saudi Arabia.

Is it any wonder, then, that in the vacuum the US created, the Saudis felt pushed towards China and Iran? What, after all, was their alternative?

It is likely that the Saudis were hoping that the Americans, even at the last minute, would pledge completely to terminate their negotiations with Iran over the nuclear deal, which permits Iran unlimited nuclear weapons.

China and other aggressors also cannot avoid seeing America’s non-stop ineptitude, whether the focus in the US military on teaching critical race theory and “climate change” rather than on how to win or deter wars; billions for “climate change,” which must give China, which is building “six times more coal plants than other countries,” a good laugh, while the US military budget has been in a steady net-decline, outpaced by Biden’s 6% inflation. Someone has not been minding the store.

Will more countries be willing to reject an international order based on democratic values — not to mention the world’s reserve currency — of the US?

On March 10, Chinese President and Communist Party General-Secretary Xi Jinping brokered a surprise agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran to reestablish diplomatic relations between the two countries, effectively knocking the US off the Middle Eastern chessboard and showing himself as a power-broker on the world stage.

Xi is, in fact, on his way to Russia, possibly as soon as next week, with a 12-point peace plan — ostensibly to see if he can pull off the same wizardry with Ukraine, but more likely to nail down plans to seize Taiwan.

China as the world’s new power-broker anywhere, especially in the Middle East — until Biden squandered America’s alliances there — is conceivably a seismic turning point: possibly the beginning of China fulfilling its dream of replacing the US as the dominant superpower in a new world order.

For the Biden Administration, this is a blow for which it has only itself to thank.

From the outset of his presidency, President Joe Biden completely deprioritized the Middle East: “If you are going to list the regions Biden sees as a priority, the Middle East is not in the top three,” a former senior national security official and close Biden adviser told Politico in 2021.

Biden then proved this highly unwise policy to anyone in doubt with his disastrous Afghanistan exit, creating a power vacuum in the region and demonstrating to allies everywhere that they could not rely on the US.

Biden then decisively cleared the path for China with his calamitous policies toward Saudi Arabia, creating another power vacuum. Enter Xi.

Saudi Arabia for decades relied on the US for its security. Since Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ascended to the second-most important position in the kingdom in 2017, he has expressed interest in loosening human right restrictions somewhat and seeking economic diversification. Then came Biden, campaigning for the presidency with the promise to make Saudi Arabia “pay the price, and make them in fact the pariah that they are.” He threw in gratuitously that there was “very little social redeeming value in the present government in Saudi Arabia.”

Making matters worse, the Biden administration has continued relentlessly to try to revive the flawed 2015 JCPOA “nuclear deal” with Iran — which is the pinnacle of “social redeeming value?” The Trump Administration had withdrawn from the deal after mountains of evidence kept turning up that Iran had reportedly been cheating “since day one.” Meanwhile the Biden Administration kept completely ignoring the legitimate fears that Saudi Arabia had of a nuclear Iran.

“Washington and the West have not been serious about the region’s security since concluding the Iranian nuclear agreement in 2015,” wrote Tariq Al-Homayed, a leading Saudi journalist and former newspaper editor following the Chinese-brokered deal.

As recently as January, when International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Rafael Grossi made it clear that “only countries making bombs” are enriching uranium at Iran’s level, Saudi Arabia’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir repeated the Saudi concerns:

“I believe that Iran has an obligation to give up its nuclear program. I believe that Iran must be in compliance with the terms of the International Atomic Energy Agency and Iran, if it wants to be a member in good standing of the international community needs to respect international law, needs to respect international order.”

In addition to ignoring Saudi security concerns about Iran’s escalating nuclear weapons program, Biden also let Iran’s terrorist proxies off the hook. He removed Yemen’s Iranian-sponsored Houthi terrorist group from the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations in February 2021, and refused to put it back even after the Houthis resumed missile and drone attacks on the United Arab Emirates, as well as more attacks on the Saudi Arabia (here and here).

“Providing ballistic missiles to terrorist groups,” Saudi Minister al-Jubeir recently noted, “is not acceptable… Providing drones to the Houthis in Yemen is also unacceptable.”

Is it any wonder, then, that in the vacuum the US created, the Saudis felt pushed towards China and Iran? What, after all, was their alternative?

The Saudis had given the Biden Administration plenty of hints about the extent to which relations have soured.

The entire world witnessed how Saudi Arabia’s low-key reception of Biden in July 2022, complete with awkward fist bump, contrasted with the lavish welcome reception that was bestowed on China’s Xi Jinping when he visited the kingdom in December 2022. Yet the Biden administration was at a complete loss as to how to reassert itself and reengage with Saudi Arabia to restore relations and bring back at least a trace of American influence. It is likely that the Saudis were hoping that the Americans, even at the last minute, would pledge completely to terminate their negotiations with Iran over the nuclear deal, which permits Iran unlimited nuclear weapons.

According to Suzanne Maloney, vice president and director of foreign policy at the Brookings Institution:

“What is notable of course is the decision to hand the Chinese a huge public relations victory — a photo op that is intended to demonstrate China’s newfound stature in the region. In that sense, it would appear to be yet another Saudi slap in the face to the Biden administration.”

The harmful effects of the China-brokered agreement, however, amount to much more than a mere “Saudi slap” to the Biden Administration — especially after the US surrender to a terrorist group, the Taliban, in 2021; the disastrous retreat from the Bagram Air Base; and the Chinese spy balloon hovering for a full week over the most strategic US military sites. They add up to an even more diminished international standing for the US.

China can now boast that it is able to rearrange the pieces on the global chessboard, upend alliances that have dominated the international world order for decades, and make peace between enemies. If China can do all that, what else can it do?

China and other aggressors also cannot avoid seeing America’s non-stop ineptitude, whether the focus in the US military on teaching critical race theory and “climate change” rather than on how to win or deter wars; billions for “climate change,” which must give China, which is building “six times more coal plants than other countries,” a good laugh, while the US military budget has been in a steady net-decline, outpaced by Biden’s 6% inflation. Someone has not been minding the store.

Above all, the new agreement has unmistakably signaled to the world that the US is a power whose best days are behind it. That impression could only have been reinforced by White House Spokesman John Kirby’s lame comment made after Saudi-Iranian agreement: “We support any effort to de-escalate tensions there.”

The Middle East region, apart from Israel, consists of more-or-less authoritarian states that share China’s views on state sovereignty, non-interference, and evidently not all that much interest in human rights. Will more countries be willing to reject an international order based on democratic values — not to mention the world’s reserve currency — of the US?

Dominating the world and replacing the US as the world’s dominant superpower by 2049 — militarily, economically, technologically and geopolitically — is what China has coveted for decades.

The deal “proves that Chinese medicine can solve problems that western medicine cannot solve,” announced Wang Yiwei, the director of the Institute of International Affairs at China’s Renmin University.

Most tragically, all the US decisions, from blocking US energy production to closing down the “China Initiative” to prevent further espionage, and including those above, that led to this juncture appear totally unnecessary own-goals.

“This is a battle of narratives for the future of the international order,” said Yun Sun, director of the China Program at the Stimson Center, a Washington-based research institute. “China is saying the world is in chaos because U.S. leadership has failed.”


Who Is Poisoning Iranian Schoolgirls? The attacks, which have sickened thousands, are the latest evidence that the regime is losing its grip. By Reuel Marc Gerecht and Ray Takeyh


Iranian news outlets began reporting three months ago that schoolgirls were falling ill with headaches, dizziness, nausea, fatigue and breathing difficulties. The shrine city of Qom, historic seat of the clerical establishment, appears to have been ground zero, but 25 of the country’s 31 provinces have reported similar outbreaks. A parliamentarian who is part of a fact-finding commission said that upward of 5,000 students and teachers might have been poisoned.

Official reaction ranged from surprise and denial to grudging acknowledgment. Last week the Interior Ministry reported the arrest of several suspects. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei called the poisoning “a major and unforgivable crime.”

The threats to global stability and the US homeland are growing. How will the war in Ukraine end? Can China and the US develop a less combative relationship? Join historian and Journal columnist Walter Russell Mead and editorial page editor Paul Gigot for an interactive conversation on the threats to US security.

Yet there is little doubt that the clerical regime is responsible for this assault. The only two organizations capable of undertaking an operation of this scale are the Intelligence Ministry and the domestic intelligence service of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The question is why the cagey supreme leader would opt for a course of action that was bound to unsettle further his wobbly theocracy. It’s hard to imagine his hand-picked men moving without his consent.

Since the outbreak of the “women, life and freedom” protest movement in September, which was sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini, the regime has tried to assert control over the streets without “excess” brutality. Beyond Iranian Baluchistan and Kurdistan, where the government has bloodily repressed dissent, the theocracy has veered away from firing automatic weapons on crowds, as it did in 2019 to suppress a near-insurrection. Authorities prefer to arrest Iranians by the thousand. That way fear spreads without massive bloodshed, burials and religious commemorations that invite more protests. The attack on the girls’ schools—most secondary schools in Iran are single-sex—was probably an effort to intimidate without killing, to create a paralyzing fear in parents and their children.

Convert, Marry Me, or Die by Acid: Christian Women in Muslim Pakistan by Raymond Ibrahim


“As she ran screaming for the door a second man grabbed her by the hair and forced more of the liquid down her throat, searing her esophagus. Teeth fell from her mouth as she desperately called for help, stumbling down the street. A woman heard her cries and took her to her home, pouring water over her head and taking her to hospital. At first the doctors refused to treat her, because she was a Christian.”— Daily Mail, July 12, 2012.

Not one of these attacks, with the exception of Julie Aftab, was reported on the mainstream media. Even then, no mention was made that such attacks on Christian women follow a pattern in Pakistan.

Perhaps that is something for all those who claim to care about women’s rights to think about.

A Muslim man recently splashed acid onto the face of a teenage Christian girl, disfiguring her permanently. Her crime? Refusing to convert and turning him down.

China Winning Technological War: Biden Administration Allowing It by Judith Bergman


China has made no secret of its ambition to become, by 2049, the world’s greatest power, surpassing the US as the economic, technological, political and military leader of the world. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been planning and operating in line with those ambitions for decades.

In July 2020, FBI Director Christopher Wray said that Chinese theft of US intellectual and other property is happening on “a scale so massive that it represents one of the largest transfers of wealth in human history.”

A particularly disturbing technological lead is the leap China has made in the military and space sectors… China’s research interests and performance in military and space sectors are particularly notable, including an advanced hypersonic missile that China tested, to the US military’s surprise. China, it turns out, houses seven of the world’s top 10 research institutions focused on the field of hypersonics.

The overriding importance of technology for the Chinese Communist Party is reflected in the fact that Chinese President Xi Jinping has filled 40% of the CCP Central Committee –- the institution that decides China’s major policies — with officials who have backgrounds and experience in aerospace, artificial intelligence and other critical technological areas.

If the US and other Western countries wish to check China’s rise, they will have to make a far more serious effort to prioritize and invest in research and technology, not to mention doubling down on preventing more theft of technology and intellectual property.

Without urgent action on the part of the West, the world will soon be run by China.

China is winning the technological race with the West, and is well on its way to becoming the world’s leading technology superpower, according to a new report by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI).

Holocaust is a myth, say a quarter of young Dutch Bruno Waterfield


Almost one in four Dutch people born after 1980 think the Holocaust is “a myth” or that the number of Jewish people killed by the Nazis is “greatly exaggerated”.

Research by the US-based Claims Conference, an organisation representing Jews in negotiations with Germany for compensation and restitution, has found “shocking and disturbing” ignorance among millennials and Generation Z in the Netherlands, which ranked the worst for Holocaust denial from a selection of Western countries surveyed.

Almost a third (32 per cent) of Dutch millennials do not know that Anne Frank, whose diary written while hiding under Nazi occupation is a worldwide bestseller, died in a concentration camp.

A total of 2,000 Dutch people were polled last December following similar surveys in the United States, Britain, France, Austria and Canada.

More than half of those surveyed in the Netherlands, and up to three out of five younger people, do not know that six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, while 23 per cent said the crimes of Nazi Germany were untrue or exaggerated.

The two Zelenskys Zelensky is neither saint nor sinner, but a leader trying to do his best. Brendan O’Neill


Choose your Zelensky. He can be either saint or sinner. Either valiant repairer of the liberal international order or compliant puppet of the WEF. Either a one-man defender of liberal democracy or a stooge of nefarious globalists. These are the only two Zelenskys. There’s no in-between. He’s either a Guardian editorial made dashing flesh or the willing jester of Davos Man. Take your pick.

What has happened to Volodymyr Zelensky over the past year has been extraordinary. First, of course, his nation has been subjected to the barbaric imperial aggression of its Russian neighbour, transforming Zelensky from improbable president into even more improbable commander of a war of national liberation. Then there’s been his memeification. Zelensky as virtual emblem, whether of good or ill. This global deification / demonisation of a man at war has provided a grimly fascinating insight into the tech age.

At first, the Zelensky memes were favourable, and funny. Most of them were about his testicles. ‘Things you can see from space: Amazon river, Grand Canyon, balls of Volodymyr Zelensky.’ Even Babylon Bee, which is now pretty firmly in the Zelensky-sceptical camp, was having genital-based fun at the expense of the Russians. ‘Mysterious Large Circles On Russian Radar Turn Out To Be President Zelensky’s Massive Testicles’, said a headline in February last year.

Soon, though, a divergence emerged. The virtual world came to be split between eyelash-fluttering Zelensky fanboys and girls and people who all but come out in a rash at the mere mention of the Ukrainian’s name. Between the witless gushing of media luvvies like Caitlin Moran, for whom Zelensky was a new ‘Hot Priest’ (see Fleabag; better still, don’t), and the inexplicable venom of Very Online right-wingers who started to damn Zelensky as a global welfare queen taking money from the West’s coffers to fund his probably phoney war. The shallow polarisation of what passes for public discussion in the 21st-century West had rarely been so starkly illustrated.

Both sides are projecting. Take the pro-Zelensky set. These liberal fawners over a handsome president are not really expressing solidarity with the Ukrainian struggle for national freedom. How could they, given most of them are allergic to the ideal of national sovereignty, as evidenced by their seven-year hissy fit over Brexit? No, for them Zelensky’s fight to restore Ukraine’s national integrity takes a distant second place to what they imagine he’s doing – giving voice to their views, embodying their beliefs.

They’re so vain they think this war is about them. Zelensky has become ‘the standard bearer for liberal democracy’, said the Financial Times. He isn’t only battling Russian aggression, but the broader ‘authoritarianism’ of the 21st century. Tell that to the brave young Ukrainians on the frontlines, I dare you – that they’re laying down their lives for the pompous ‘liberal’ pretensions of FT types as much as for their own right to self-determination. Zelensky’s Ukraine has given many of us a ‘renewed sense of unity and purpose’, said one observer. This sad war has an upside, hinted the NYT: it proves that ‘liberalism has some life left’. A writer for the i was more shameless still, marshalling Ukrainians into battle with, you guessed it, Brexit. Where Brexit implied the EU was a spent force, and that the future would be populist, Zelensky’s fight reminds us of the ‘absolute moral imperative’ of modern Europe, he said. European unity is ‘the dream which now moves [Ukrainians] as they throw their bodies in front of Russian tanks’.

China Crosses “Red Line” Advancing Russia’s War Effort by Judith Bergman


It has been known for quite a while that China has been undercutting Western sanctions against Russia…. and in their own national currencies. When, however, it recently became known that China has been secretly providing military aid to Russa, the move seemed to take the Biden administration by surprise.

China has already supplied significant military aid in the form of dual-use products that can have both civil and military use, including semiconductors used in a wide variety of weapons including fighter jets, helicopters, drones, and guided missiles.

US ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield was even more explicit: If China provided lethal military aid to Russia, she said, it would cross a “red line.”

It is highly questionable at this stage whether the Chinese will pay any heed to Blinken’s or Thomas-Greenfield’s warnings: In March of 2022, the Biden administration delivered similarly worded threats to China — that helping Russia evade sanctions would lead to “consequences.” Russia did exactly that; a year later, “consequences” have yet to be seen.

These revelations are not only an embarrassment for the Biden administration — which should have known and acted upon them long ago — but also serve as yet another black hole in the ability of the United States to deter adversaries.

It shows, sadly, that the words and threats of the US carry zero weight internationally, and that America’s most aggressive adversaries are able successfully to collaborate behind its back.

It has been known for quite a while that China has been undercutting Western sanctions against Russia through trade and Chinese purchases of long-term energy supplies.

The Republic of Fear: 20 Years After by Amir Taheri


Well, [Iraq] may not be a better place, but is certainly less bad than it was 20 years ago.

Neighboring Iran is facing a bigger outflow of refugees, especially highly educated people, than Iraq.

In 2021, Iraq was no longer among the countries regarded as “vulnerable” in terms of food shortages and famine.

In terms of political and social freedoms, Iraq is also doing better than such neighbors as the Islamic Republic of Iran and the parts of Syria controlled by the Assad regime.

Facing such deadly challenges as the emergence of the Islamic State (ISIS/Da’esh) and the attempted Kurdish secession, post-Saddam Iraq has manifested a higher degree of resilience than many might have expected.

It has also succeeded in frustrating attempts by the Islamic Republic of Iran to stall the emergence of an Iraqi national army and the imposition of a militia state.

The war didn’t turn Iraq into a model of democracy. But, as an Iraqi friend put it the other day, it ended what Kanan Makiya had called “The Republic of Fear.”

In his picaresque novel Twenty Years After, a sequel to The Three Musketeers, French novelist Alexandre Dumas muses on the theme of “the benevolent despot” as a rampart against unbridled change that could lead to savage turbulences.

Thanks to Obama’s ‘Nuclear Deal,’ Iran Now a Major Arms Exporter by Majid Rafizadeh


In the next phase of Iran’s dangerous development, export and proliferation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), it is attempting to set up drone assembly lines abroad, likely to expedite the process of weapons delivery to its allies.

“Moscow and Tehran are moving ahead with plans to build a new factory in Russia that could make at least 6,000 Iranian-designed drones for the war in Ukraine, the latest sign of deepening cooperation between the two nations….” — Wall Street Journal, February 5, 2023.

Iran’s regime has also been focusing on the proliferation and export of long- and short-range precision-guided ballistic missiles.

While ballistic missiles can be used for either offensive or defensive purposes, the sophisticated ones are mainly developed as delivery vehicles for nuclear weapons.

Iran must not be allowed to have nuclear weapons.