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Roger Franklin: Everyone I Don’t Like is Hitler

Ah, journalism as she is taught! Thanks to The Conversation and Queensland University of Technology’s Professor Brian McNair readers appalled by the partisanship, bias and emotional illogicality of the modern press can gain some insight into how it got that way.
Recently at Quadrant Online, Tony Thomas took a long, hard look at The Conversation, where academics pad the ledgers of their published thoughts with what is, in all too many cases, unmitigated piffle. It is a pity Tony did not wait a few more weeks because, had he done so, his argument would have been rendered iron-tight by the latest contribution to the taxpayer-supported vanity press of Brian McNair, professor of journalism, media and communication at the Queensland University of Technology. McNair’s insight – achieved, one suspects, by squatting over a mirror and seeing nothing but the familiar — casts Donald Trump as Hitler2.0 while imagining the Western world accelerating down the scree slope of a “slide into fascism.”

Know first that, while McNair shapes the young minds of those who aspire to newsroom careers, he is not a journalist by training. Rather, he is a sociologist (’nuff said?) who deconstructs journalism. If you have ever noticed the inane punctuation, asinine logic, misleading headlines and abuse of language that litter the pages of diseased and dying newspapers, the disinclination of those atop the ivory tower to teach basic craft skills might just have something to do with it. In this regard, if no other, McNair’s column is a treasure, well worth a close examination.

Below, his lump-sized dollops of his extrusion in italics, each paragraph followed by commentary of the sort a dyspeptic subeditor might have given a first-year cadet.

As the results of the 2016 election came in, the mainstream media in America and around the world demonstrated their inability to cope with the challenge of a president Trump within the conventional paradigms of journalistic objectivity, balance and fairness. Or, rather, to cope without normalising the most conspicuously overt racism, sexism, and proto-fascism ever seen in a serious candidate for president.

“As the results” … make that singular; there is only one result. There were many “returns” from the various states and territories, but only one result – in this case, Mr Trump.

“conventional paradigms” … use this vile jargon again and you’ll be fetching Chinese food for the back bench all next year. Meanwhile, read Orwell’s Politics and the English Language.

“the most conspicuously overt” … look up “tautology” in the dictionary. “Overt” means “conspicuous”.

“sexism, and proto-fascism ever seen in a serious candidate for president” … allowing that your description of Trump’s views is accurate, which it isn’t, you must never have heard of the Know Nothing Party?

As street protests broke out in Portland, Oregon in the days after the election, for example, BBC World noted the police definition of the events as a “riot”, in response to what it coyly described as “some racist remarks” made by Donald Trump during his campaign.

You need a comma after “Oregon”. You most definitely do not need a comma after “a riot”.

And about that “riot”, which you intimate should not be describe thus, presumably because you agree with the rioters. So what should it have been called — a disturbance? an upswelling of genuine grievance? politics by other means? Incidentally, I’ve found two BBC reports on the fracas, neither of which makes mention of “some racist remarks”. If you have a source for those words, please nominate it.

And since you’re citing the BBC, why have you neglected to mention that the Portland protesters, per the local police department’s description, were “carrying bats and arming themselves with stones. Objects were thrown at the police, who responded with pepper spray and rubber baton rounds”?

Adios Dirtbag!!!! by Morgan Chalfant ******

The death of Cuba’s former dictator Fidel Castro late Friday was met with both celebration and regret, with a number of American politicians spotlighting the violent oppression of his regime while some world leaders mourned his loss.

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump labeled Castro a “brutal dictator” and described his legacy as one of “firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights.” Trump said his administration will work to help the Cuban people move away from oppression.

“While Cuba remains a totalitarian island, it is my hope that today marks a move away from the horrors endured for too long, and toward a future in which the wonderful Cuban people finally live in the freedom they so richly deserve,” Trump said Saturday. “Though the tragedies, deaths and pain caused by Fidel Castro cannot be erased, our administration will do all it can to ensure the Cuban people can finally begin their journey toward prosperity and liberty.”

President Obama, who has cultivated warmer relations with Cuba, offered condolences to Castro’s family and acknowledged the “powerful emotions” that the event will foster in the Cuban people. Obama did not relay any direct criticism of Castro for his leadership.

“We know that this moment fills Cubans—in Cuba and in the United States—with powerful emotions, recalling the countless ways in which Fidel Castro altered the course of individual lives, families, and of the Cuban nation. History will record and judge the enormous impact of this singular figure on the people and world around him,” Obama said.

Cuban President Raul Castro announced the death of his brother late Friday in a televised address. Fidel Castro, who was 90 years old, ruled over Cuba for almost five decades before passing the power to his younger brother in 2008. A polarizing figure, Castro has been widely criticized for cracking down on political and economic freedoms, while some have praised him as a revolutionary.

Fidel Castro’s Communist Example He turned a developing Cuba into an impoverished prison.

Fidel Castro’s legacy of 57 years in power is best understood by the fates of two groups of his countrymen—those who remained in Cuba and suffered impoverishment and dictatorship, and those who were lucky or brave enough to flee to America to make their way in freedom. No progressive nostalgia after his death Friday at age 90 should disguise this murderous and tragic record.

Castro took power on New Year’s Day in 1959 serenaded by the Western media for toppling dictator Fulgencio Batista and promising democracy. He soon revealed that his goal was to impose Communist rule. He exiled clergy, took over Catholic schools and expropriated businesses. Firing squads and dungeons eliminated rivals and dissenters.

The terror produced a mass exodus. An April 1961 attempt by the CIA and a small force of expatriate Cubans to overthrow Castro was crushed at the Bay of Pigs in a fiasco for the Kennedy Administration. Castro aligned himself with the Soviet Union, and their 1962 attempt to establish a Soviet missile base on Cuba nearly led to nuclear war. The crisis was averted after Kennedy sent warships to intercept the missiles, but the Soviets extracted a U.S. promise not to invade Cuba again.

The Cuba that Castro inherited was developing but relatively prosperous. It ranked third in Latin America in per-capita daily calorie consumption, doctors and dentists. Its infant mortality rate was the lowest in the region and the 13th lowest in the world. Cubans were among the most literate Latins and had a vibrant civic life with private professional, commercial, religious and charitable organizations.

Castro destroyed all that. He ruined agriculture by imposing collective farms, making Cuba dependent first on the Soviets and later on oil from Hugo Chávez’s Venezuela. In the last half century Cuba’s export growth has been less than Haiti’s, and now even doctors are scarce because so many are sent abroad to earn foreign currency. Hospitals lack sheets and aspirin. The average monthly income is $20 and government food rations are inadequate.

All the while Fidel and his brother Raúl sought to spread their Communist revolution throughout the world, especially in Latin America. They backed the FARC in Colombia, the Shining Path in Peru and the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. Their propaganda about peasant egalitarian movements beguiled thousands of Westerners, from celebrities like Sean Penn and Danny Glover to Secretary of State John Kerry, who on a visit to Havana called the U.S. and Cuba “prisoners of history.” The prisoners are in Cuban jails.

On this score, President Obama’s morally antiseptic statement Saturday on Castro is an insult to his victims. “We know that this moment fills Cubans—in Cuba and in the United States—with powerful emotions, recalling the countless ways in which Fidel Castro altered the course of individual lives, families, and of the Cuban nation,” Mr. Obama said. “History will record and judge the enormous impact of this singular figure on the people and world around him.” Donald Trump, by contrast, called Castro a “dictator” and expressed hope for a “free Cuba.”


President-elect Donald Trump took to Twitter on Saturday morning after the longtime former Cuban leader, Fidel Castro, died Friday at the age of 90.

“Fidel Castro is dead!” Trump tweeted.

In an official statement released later Saturday morning, Trump referred to Castro as a “brutal dictator” who “oppressed his own people” for decades.

“Fidel Castro’s legacy is one of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights,” Trump said in the statement.

He added: “While Cuba remains a totalitarian island, it is my hope that today marks a move away from the horrors endured for too long, and toward a future in which the wonderful Cuban people finally live in the freedom they so richly deserve.”

Castro, whose health had been failing for years, was pronounced dead at 10:29 p.m. local time, his brother and current Cuban leader Raul Castro announced on state-run television.

“At 10:29 in the night, the chief commander of the Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, died,” Raul Castro said in the televised address. “Ever onward, to victory.”

President Barack Obama has made efforts to normalize relations with Cuba over the past few years. He became the first sitting president to visit the Communist-ruled island since Calvin Coolidge in March. Obama’s statement on Castro’s deathtook a markedly different tone than the president-elect.

Trump frequently criticized Obama’s Cuba policy on the campaign trail, but it’s unclear how the president-elect will continue relations with the island country.

“Though the tragedies, deaths and pain caused by Fidel Castro cannot be erased, our administration will do all it can to ensure the Cuban people can finally begin their journey toward prosperity and liberty,” Trump said Saturday.

‘This is what coexistence with the Muslim Arabs who call themselves ‘Palestinians’ looks like.’ See note please

My e-pal and friend Victor Sharpe sent this to me…There is a “fire intifada raging in Israel” which the MSM ignores.

Palestinian and local Arab arson attacks on the beautiful forests planted over the decades by Israel for the betterment, health and beauty of Jews, Arabs and all humanity have destroyed homes and entire neighborhoods as well as killed untold numbers of birds and animals living in the verdant forests and green places. This is an odious crime against not only the Jewish state but all of nature, perpetrated by misbegotten followers of Islam whose souls are filled with such unredeemable hatred that they would consign all that is good to the burning flames of Hell on Earth.

Some years ago, another exceptionally beautiful forested area near Haifa, Israel, known as Little Switzerland, was torched by Palestinian and local Muslim Arabs. Jewish residents nearby were horrified as they heard the screams of the forest animals burning to death in the flames.

Perhaps the international greenies and environmentalist will have the courage they need to display in order to condemn outright and unequivocally this, oh, so vile Palestinian Arab crime against nature. Will they? Victor Sharpe

This from Israel National News:

According to reports in Israel National News, fires are raging across Israel, including inside the northern coastal city of Haifa, the blazes are mostly intentional – an attempt by some Arabs to take advantage of the dry, windy weather to pursue war against the Jewish state by other means.

Among the proponents of this view is Dr. David Bukay, a Professor of Middle East Studies at the University of Haifa, an expert on the Arab-Israeli conflict and a resident of one of the Haifa neighborhoods which was evacuated on Thursday.

In an interview to Arutz Sheva, Dr. Bukay recalled the evacuation.

“Our neighborhood is being completely torched,” said Bukay, “there’s no other way of describing it. We were evacuated two hours ago from the new Romema [neighborhood] to an older one; now both of them are ablaze. We left everything behind, but the important thing is that we and the children are all safe.”

While Haifa, a mixed-city with a significant Arab population, has long pursued “progressive multi-cultural policies,” Thursday’s firestorm is an illustration of what that approach is yielding for Israeli society.

“Today we saw an illustration of what we’re going to get for all of the benefits that we give to the Arabs. The Haifa municipality hires Arabs in all of its operations, and the mayor thinks that’s how we’ll get peace and quiet. Today we see what ‘coexistence’ means.”

Given the number and timing of the fires across the city, continued, Dr. Bukay, the blazes appear to be the result of multiple Arab arsons.

Turkey: Child Rapists to Go Free, Journalists Not? by Burak Bekdil

The ruling Islamist party drafted a bill — and then suspended it — that would release about 3,000 men who married children, including men who raped them.

In 2011, Salih bin Fawzan, a prominent cleric and member of Saudi Arabia’s highest religious council, issued a fatwa asserting that there is no minimum age for marriage, and that girls can be married “even if they are in the cradle.”

A senior Turkish judge mentioned a particular case in which three men kidnapped and raped a girl, then one of them married her and the sentences for all three were lifted.

In 2015 alone, 18,033 female children gave birth, including 244 girls under 15. The number of recorded child abuse cases rose from 5,730 in 2005 to 16,957 in 2015.

If the government had gone ahead with its plans, a 60-year-old man who married a 12-year-old girl through religious procedures, would benefit from the amnesty.

Turkey, officially, is the world’s biggest jailer of journalists. But its ruling Islamist party has drafted a bill that would release about 3,000 men who married children, including men who raped them. Public uproar has only convinced the ruling conservative Muslim lawmakers to consider revising the bill.

Muslims in general have a confused mind about the permissible age for marriage. The Quran does not mention a specific minimum age. But most Muslims believe that their prophet, Mohammad, married Aisha when the bride was nine years old — although there are some sources that claim the marriage took place when Aisha was 19 or 20 years of age. Some modern sources of Islamic authority, however, especially Wahhabi, have in recent years issued “extreme” fatwas. In 2011, Salih bin Fawzan, a prominent cleric and member of Saudi Arabia’s highest religious council, issued a fatwa asserting that there is no minimum age for marriage and that girls can be married “even if they are in the cradle.”

A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Germany: October 2016 Child Marriage, No-go Zones, Gang Rapes by Soeren Kern

Residents of Essen complained that police often refuse to respond to calls for help and begged city officials to restore order. One resident said: “I was born here and I do not feel safe anymore.” City officials flatly rejected the complaints.

The Sarah Nußbaum Haus, a kindergarten in Kassel, said that “because of the high proportion of Muslim children,” and because of the different cultures of the children, the school was “renouncing” Christian rituals.

During the first six months of 2016, more than 2,000 migrants who requested asylum were found to be carrying false passports, but German border control officers allowed them into the country anyway. Migrants with false papers could be linked to the Islamic State, security analysts warned.

German President Joachim Gauck said he believed that Germany will eventually have a Muslim president.

Muslims are attacking Christians at refugee shelters throughout Germany. “The religious minorities in refugee accommodations are now experiencing the same oppression prevalent in their countries of origin,” according to the NGO Open Doors.

The Federal Statistics Office reported that the birthrate in Germany reached the highest level in 33 years in 2015, boosted mainly by babies born to migrant women.

A 49-year-old Syrian refugee in Rhineland-Palatinate is seeking social welfare benefits in Germany for his four wives and 23 children.

October 1. Two migrants raped a 23-year-old woman in Lüneburg as she was walking in a park with her young child. The men, who remain at large, forced the child to watch while they took turns assaulting the woman.

October 2. A 19-year-old migrant raped a 90-year-old woman as she was leaving a church in downtown Düsseldorf. Police initially described the suspect as “a Southern European with North African roots.” It later emerged that the man is a Moroccan with a Spanish passport.




Protein H1.0 stops cancer cells re-activating. An international study led by scientists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Crick Institute in London has revealed that cancer stem cells survive even after aggressive treatments. However, they need low (or zero) levels of a DNA-packaging protein H1.0 to re-activate.

Tiny barcodes record effectiveness of cancer treatments. Scientists at Israel’s Technion Institute have developed nano-packages of different anti-cancer treatments that are tagged with synthetic DNA sequences. Released into the bloodstream and collected 48 hours later, they identify which treatments are most effective.

Automatic analysis of mammograms. (TY Atid-EDI) I reported previously (here) on Israel’s Zebra Medical and its computer algorithms that can detect osteoporosis, cardiac disease, liver disease etc from X-rays, CT scans and MRI scans. Now it has developed a new algorithm that detects breast cancer from mammograms.

AIDS treatment eliminates 97% of the virus. (TY Nevet) Scientists at Kaplan Medical Center in Rehovot have developed a treatment called “Gammora” that kills between 95-97% of the AIDS virus in laboratory tests. The Kaplan AIDS clinic is the largest in Israel, caring for 1,400 patients.

A remedy for damaged knee cartilage. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s Regentis Biomaterials is shortly to conduct a Phase III clinical study of GelrinC, a new treatment for focal cartilage defects in the knee. GelrinC is poured into the lesion in a minimally invasive procedure and converted into a solid implant using ultra-violet light.

A blood test for Parkinson’s. Israeli startup BioShai is developing the world’s first simple blood test for the early diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease (PD). The PDx test measures changes in molecules associated with PD and can lead to more precise treatments and a higher quality of life for the patient. http://www.israel21c.org/worlds-first-blood-test-to-aid-diagnosis-of-parkinsons/

Ultrasonic comb to kill headlice. Israeli startup Parasonic (from Nazareth incubator NGT3) has developed a comb device that destroys lice and lice eggs with ultrasound waves, without any chemicals. The device is said to produce results after a single five-minute combing and is scheduled to go into production within one year.

19 graduate Hadassah’s international medical program. (TY Karen) 19 students joined the 845 graduates of 41 courses of the International Master of Public Health program run by the Hadassah-Hebrew University Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine. They include students from 96 different countries.

Palestinians, Arab World Celebrate, Take Credit for Israeli Fires With #IsraelIsBurning Hashtag “The welcome acts of arson are a part of the Palestinian resistance against the Zionist entity.” Mark Tapson

Palestinians and Arabs across the Middle East are celebrating as Israel struggles for the third day in a row to control dozens of fires that have sprung up between the center and the north of the country, according to The Algemeiner.

Posts written under the hashtag #IsraellsBurning are proliferating on Twitter, in which Arabs attack the Jewish state and rejoice about the blazes. They are encouraging Palestinians to set more fires.

“The welcome acts of arson are a part of the Palestinian resistance against the Zionist entity,” wrote Twitter user nrg.

“The fire is burning inside the settlements in occupied Haifa,” wrote another.

“It’s God’s punishment,” declared a third.

“After a long and hard work day,” wrote one more, “#israelisburning will give me an exceptional weekend , let’s party!!!!”

“Finally they got what they did to Palestinians,” exclaimed yet another. “Now y’all feel how our hearts burned when you killed my brothers & sisters #israelisburning.”

“Even the lands and the trees says Get out,” wrote another.

Ofir Gendelman, Arab media spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, tweeted in response: “Arabs & Palestinians on social media rejoice over the wildfires that have erupted across Israel. Despicable fanatic hatred.”

Armed Man Storms Retirement Home for Catholic Monks in France Woman found dead; facility’s residents evacuated By Noemie Bisserbe and Nick Kostov

PARIS—Police searched for a masked gunman suspected of stabbing a woman to death in a retirement home for Catholic missionaries in southern France, authorities said.

A suspect has been identified but his motive remains unclear, authorities said. Police doubt the assailant had any terror links, one official said.

Prosecutor Christophe Barret told reporters that a woman who works at the retirement home called police Thursday night to say she had been attacked.
When the officers arrived, they found the body of another woman, gagged and tied up outside the building with three stab wounds, a police spokesman said.

No one else at the residence was harmed, the prosecutor said in televised remarks.

Security forces searched the facility—which houses dozens of retired Roman Catholic monks in the town of Montferrier-sur-Lez—but didn’t find the assailant.

Dozens of police and emergency vehicles lined the roads near the retirement home overnight, while a police helicopter circled overhead. Roadblocks were set up to check vehicles passing through the area.

A spokeswoman for the regional prefecture said all of the monks residing in the home have been evacuated.

Olivier Ribadeau Dumas, spokesman for the French Catholic bishops’ conference, responded on Twitter with condolences for the woman. “Our prayers reach out also to the missionaries attacked in their retirement home in the Herault (region). God give them all peace,” he tweeted.