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In Loco Parentis Gone Loco Peachy Keenan


The American Mind is pleased to publish the following excerpt from Domestic Extremist: A Practical Guide to Winning the Culture War, by contributing editor Peachy Keenan. The book is available today from Regnery.

You had a baby? Look at you—you’re the captain now!

Or are you?

The words on a poster taped to a teacher’s classroom door at a New Jersey public school expose the precarious corner American parents have been painted into. “If your parents aren’t accepting of your identity, I’m your mom now.” The poster featured a drawing of a mama bear tending to her bear cubs, who are each painted the color of a different LGBTQ flag.

Parents, I have bad news. You’ve got competition. Someone posted a job listing looking for a new authority figure in your house, and they hired everyone who applied. Lots of other adults, most of them unpleasant strangers, would like to raise your children for you—or at least get your children to hate you.

This may already be happening—and you’ll be the last to know! All your hard work to keep creeps, perverts, and kiddie-sniffers away from your kids may get reversed in an instant when you’re not looking.

Some parents are okay with this. They can barely handle “adulting” themselves and are thrilled not to make any tough parental decisions. Abdicating their natural role as master and commander of the household is lazy, but it’s a defensive posture. They live in terror of accusations from other parents of “closed-mindedness,” or worse, being a prude.

New Book Available for Pre-Order The definitive account of America’s cultural revolution, from 1968 to the present. Christopher Rufo

Now available for pre-order on Amazon.

Here’s the synopsis from the book jacket:

For decades, left-wing radicals patiently built a revolution in the shadows. Then suddenly, after the death of George Floyd, their ideas exploded into American life.

Corporations denounced the United States as a “system of white supremacy.” Universities pushed racially segregated programs that forced students to address their racial and sexual “privilege.” And schools injected critical race theory in the classroom, dividing children into “oppressor” and “oppressed.”

In this stunning new book, Christopher F. Rufo exposes the inner history of the left-wing intellectuals and militants who slowly and methodically captured America’s institutions, with the goal of subverting them from within. With profiles of Herbert Marcuse, Angela Davis, Paulo Freire, and Derrick Bell, Rufo shows how activists have profoundly influenced American culture with an insidious mix of Marxism and racialist ideology. They’ve replaced “equality” with “equity,” subverted individual rights in favor of group identity, and convinced millions of Americans that racism is endemic in all of society. Their ultimate goal? To replace the constitution with a race-based redistribution regime, administered by “diversity and inclusion” commissars within the bureaucracy.

America’s Cultural Revolution is the definitive account of the radical Left’s long march through the institutions. Through deep historical research, Rufo shows how the ideas first formulated in the pamphlets of the Weather Underground, Black Panther Party, and Black Liberation Army have been sanitized and adopted as the official ideology of America’s prestige institutions, from the Ivy League universities to the boardrooms of Wal-Mart, Disney, and Bank of America. But his book is not just an exposé. It is a meticulously-researched and passionate refutation of the arguments of CRT—and a roadmap for the counter-revolution to come.

Book Review by Mark Durie: Kidnapped in Iraq: A Christian Humanitarian Tells His Story


Iranian-French humanitarian worker Goodarzy recounts his experiences in Syria and Iraq in Kidnapped in Iraq. He weaves together three strands.

The first tells about Goodarzy’s kidnapping in Iraq by a Shiite militia and how four captives found comfort in their Catholic faith while being shuffled from one place of imprisonment to another. Remarkably, the Covid-19 pandemic brought their release.

The second, which makes a majority of the book, recounts Goodarzy’s work in 2014-19 for the humanitarian organization SOS Chrétiens d’Orient. He travelled extensively for it throughout Syria and gives eyewitness testimony of a story rarely told: the struggle of Syria’s Christians to survive. He stresses that most of the parties involved attacked or betrayed Christians. While Sunni groups—ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra (al-Qaeda in Syria), Turkish forces, and the Free Syrian Army—did the greatest damage, Kurds were also no friends to Christians. As one old man said, “The Sunnites slit our throats for the caliphate. The Kurds hand us over to the same swine for their Kurdistan.” The only party which protected Christians was Assad’s Syrian Army, supported by Russian, Iranian, and Hezbollah allies.

The third strand contains a lament for France, which Goodarzy believes has become rootless, “incoherent,” “stagnant,” and a country “suited more and more to its retirees than to its rising generations.” When Goodarzy received news of the Bataclan nightclub massacre in Paris, he recalled the words of Syrian Christians, “What is affecting us here at home today will strike you tomorrow!” He found the French response deeply disappointing:

Feminism Overshot the Goal Peachy Keenan


The following essay is an excerpt adapted from Peachy Keenan’s new book, Domestic Extremist: A Practical Guide to Winning the Culture War, out June 6 from Regnery.

Feminists fought for decades to help girls succeed, but they overshot the goal. They crossed the finish line and then hit the gas and drove the car right off the cliff. The early feminists who wanted women to be treated as equals under the law would spin in their graves if they saw where their descendants have gone.

We can all agree that voting and equal rights for all people, including women, are good. However, “equality” and “feminism” are now just weasel words obfuscating nasty outcomes for your innocent daughters. The kindly, maternal figure of the traditional grandmother has been swallowed whole by the wolf—and she/they plans to eat you next. Too many of America’s boomer grandmothers are more likely to teach their granddaughters to make “My Body My Choice” signs than how to bake a pie. Grandmother, what sharp curettes you have!

In every way, the term “women’s rights” has been warped and hollowed out, a total misnomer, like one of those hilariously euphemistic government names for bad laws.

Your “right” to be treated equally quickly turned into your “right” to demand an abortion at nine months, your “right” to brag on social media about your lucrative career in socially acceptable sex work, and your “right” to be one of hundreds of jilted girls ghosted by a single male user on Tinder.


There has been a spate of columns and commentary on the elusive George Soros. Even his son Alexander,  is listed as a celebrity, flush with a 20 billion dollars allowance from his dad to continue the turpitude of the Soros agenda.

 Here is what the Honorable Michael Mukasey has to say about Rachel Ehrenfeld’s superb book.

“Rachel Ehrenfeld here has undertaken an ambitious project – to sketch the sprawling agenda of a billionaire who has called the United States “the main obstacle to a stable and just world.”  She shows how he has used his resources to undermine this country’s justice system, its sovereignty, and its social cohesion. The only other country on which George Soros arguably has inflicted comparable damage is Israel.  Although Soros was born Jewish, he has done more to spread anti-Israel propaganda than anyone on the face of the earth, according to a former U.S. ambassador to Israel, and has cynically used his Jewish birth to hurl promiscuous accusations of anti-Semitism at anyone who dares to criticize him.  In this wide-ranging description of what Soros does through the ironically named Open Society Foundation, Ehrenfeld describes not only the multi-faceted malign conduct of George Soros, but also the obstacles he puts in the way of anyone who would expose the financial underpinnings of his various organizations.  Rachel Ehrenfeld brings skill and passion to present a damning indictment of a dangerous man. ”

*Michael B. Mukasey served as Attorney General of the United States from 2007 to 2009, and as a U.S. District Judge from 1988 to 2006. 

Barack Obama’s True Legacy And how he continues to “fundamentally transform” America. by Mark Tapson


On the cusp of the 2008 presidential election, then-candidate Barack Obama galvanized an ecstatic crowd at Missouri University by claiming that he and his supporters were “five days from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Not making America great again, but fundamentally transforming her. This unsettling vow, from the man who would later declare that American exceptionalism was no more valid than British or Greek exceptionalism, promised not restoration, but revolution. It made clear that his incoming administration intended to toss the greatest country in the world onto the trash heap of history to make way for a Progressive utopia centered on social justice and on the dismantling of American power.

Obama’s threat took two presidential terms to gather momentum; former President Trump temporarily stalled its course, but then Obama managed to get a shot at a third term in 2020 – vicariously through his former Vice President Joe Biden. Under the decrepit figurehead Biden, Obama and his muses Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett could accelerate the fundamental change he promised. Indeed, it has been cascading to fruition so rapidly that one is reminded of a Hemingway character’s explanation about how he went bankrupt: “Gradually, then suddenly.”

The Biden administration is already securing its place in history as the most disastrous American presidency to date. In less than two-and-a-half years, the angry Divider-in-Chief Biden has presided over more domestic and foreign policy debacles than Barack Obama could ever have hoped for. As General Michael Flynn catalogs in the foreword to a brand new book titled Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America, our nation now faces

chronic unemployment and inflation, a border crisis, grave threats to our constitutional liberties, increased violence and lawlessness from the leftist groups Antifa and Black Lives Matter, a weakening dollar, the emboldening of our enemies worldwide, and even worse on the horizon… This is the world Barack Obama has made. This is his legacy.

Book Launch: Betrayal: The Failure of American Jewish Leadership by Charles Jacobs and Avi Goldwasser

The highly anticipated book, Betrayal: The Failure of American Jewish Leadership, curated and authored by Charles Jacobs and Avi Goldwasser, will launch on May 21 at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem.

This book is unique and long overdue. It is a thought-provoking work which analyzes and documents the failure of American Jewish leadership to effectively confront the ideological and physical onslaught that many in the Jewish community are experiencing. The contributing writers describe and explain the failure of Jewish leaders to stop the ongoing demonization and defamation of Jews and Israel in the media, on college campuses, in high schools, and even Congress.

This failure is scandalous, and reminiscent of Jewish leadership inactions during the Holocaust. It is due to several factors, but primarily a lack of understanding of the emerging threats and a deficit of courage. Too often Jewish leaders seem more loyal to a progressive ideology than to the safety of Jews.

The book sheds light on the importance of leadership and the crucial role which Jewish leadership must play to defend and protect American Jewry during a time of growing hostility.

Jacobs, Goldwasser, and a distinguished group of contributing authors — Alan Dershowitz, Mort Klein, Caroline Glick, Richard Landes, Jonathan Tobin, and Thane Rosenbaum among them — skillfully analyze the ideological onslaughts and physical threats that have become all too common. The authors delve into the pervasive presence of anti-Semitism in numerous spheres of American society, from news media to educational institutions, religious organizations, and, more recently, from political leaders.

Mike Pompeo’s Conservative Internationalism Daryl McCann


The coherent and successful foreign policy Ronald Reagan pursued from 1981 to 1989 might be referred to, at least in retrospect, as “conservative internationalism”. The American political scientist Henry R. Nau, in Conservative Internationalism: Armed Diplomacy under Jefferson, Polk, Truman, and Reagan (2013), argues that conservative internationalism features the best aspects of the three main US foreign policy traditions—liberal internationalism, realism or realpolitik, and nationalism—and in doing so creates a fourth, often overlooked, tradition. Conservative internationalism, according to Nau, aims to promote freedom no less than does liberal internationalism, augment diplomatic outreach with military superiority as does realpolitik, and maintain national sovereignty as per anti-globalist patriotism. Mike Pompeo, former director of the CIA, and Secretary of State from 2018 to 2021, makes the case in Never Give an Inch that the Trump administration, sometimes despite Trump himself, followed a conservative internationalist path and that its “peace through strength” attitude mostly worked.

Conservative internationalism, so defined, was the mainstay of US foreign policy for most of the Cold War years. There were exceptions. One of them was the realpolitik of Nixon and Kissinger bringing Beijing in from the cold in 1972 as leverage against the Kremlin. Nonetheless, it was the imprudence of liberal internationalism that explains why our power elites in the West thereafter downplayed Beijing’s imperial ambitions. Trump vociferously disputed the long-accepted Washington (plus Wall Street, the mainstream, academia, Hollywood and so on) consensus that Sino-American relations were a win-win for both sides. In Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again (2015), Trump fired off this broadside at Beijing:

They have destroyed entire industries by utilizing low-wage workers, cost us tens of thousands of jobs, spied on our businesses, stolen our technology, and have manipulated and devalued their currency, which makes importing our goods more expensive—and sometimes, impossible.

Writings: Commentary from Jack Engelhard the Voice of America’s Conscience   

A new book from Jack Engelhard, brilliant friend and fellow Zionist.rsk

Legendary American novelist Jack Engelhard is equally regarded for his high standard of journalism, which for many years appeared as Op-ed columns in the Philadelphia Inquirer, and also in such publications as The New York Times. Today he enjoys a large worldwide following for his columns that appear on the popular Israeli news/opinion website Arutz Sheva/Israelnationalnews, English edition. There he is recognized for his discerning eye on politics and culture in both the United States and Israel, where he has served as an American volunteer in the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). In Writings Engelhard pulls no punches in this collection of columns about the political climate here and abroad that affects people worldwide. He is our conscience of today, pointing out distortions and corruption of our government and leaders. He is never afraid to tell us the truth no matter how difficult it is to face.

Bruce Bawer’s ‘The Victims’ Revolution’ Buy it. Read it. Share it. Act on it. by Danusha V. Goska



Book-length works have tackled the decline of American education. A standout is James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose’s 2020 bestseller, Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity – And Why This Harms Everybody.

The single best book I’ve read so far on this topic is Bruce Bawer’s The Victims’ Revolution: The Rise of Identity Studies and the Birth of Woke Ideology. The book was first published in 2012; it’s been rereleased because it is desperately needed right now. My review in brief: buy this book, read it, share it, and act on it.

Revolution is the product of a highly intelligent mind, a dogged researcher, and a passionate soul who cares deeply about the future and wants to do what he can to affect that future in a positive way. Bawer is an award-winning writer. His prose is easy to read and quote-worthy. While Lindsay and Pluckrose emphasize theories, rendering their book a cold and dry read, Bawer emphasizes people. You meet real students in his book, the students whose minds are reduced to mush by Woke education. The polish of Bawer’s prose and the flesh-and-blood humanity of his approach do not in any way lessen the books’ intellectual rigor. As I read, I deeply admired Bawer’s scholarly research. He is clearly fascinated by his topic and he pursued Woke education not just in the dusty pages of dead French perverts, but also in young people’s minds and hearts, and in consideration of America’s future.

Bawer is systematic, passionate, and wide-ranging, an awesome combo. He introduces the reader to big names of foundational theorists, and also to almost comical student writing from Woke courses. He reviews historical events, and then brings the reader up to date with visits to classrooms and conferences. Reading this book hurt. I cried. But I’m really glad I read it, and I want others to read it as well.

Bawer devotes chapters to Women’s Studies, Black Studies, Queer Studies, Chicano Studies, and a chapter that addresses several other “studies” including Fat Studies and Disability Studies. Readers must understand that Bawer’s evisceration of these departments is by no means an expression of hostility to blacks, women, homosexuals, Mexicans, fat or handicapped people. Bawer is himself gay, and he has written significant works in support of equal rights for homosexuals.