There has been a spate of columns and commentary on the elusive George Soros. Even his son Alexander, is listed as a celebrity, flush with a 20 billion dollars allowance from his dad to continue the turpitude of the Soros agenda.
Here is what the Honorable Michael Mukasey has to say about Rachel Ehrenfeld’s superb book.
“Rachel Ehrenfeld here has undertaken an ambitious project – to sketch the sprawling agenda of a billionaire who has called the United States “the main obstacle to a stable and just world.” She shows how he has used his resources to undermine this country’s justice system, its sovereignty, and its social cohesion. The only other country on which George Soros arguably has inflicted comparable damage is Israel. Although Soros was born Jewish, he has done more to spread anti-Israel propaganda than anyone on the face of the earth, according to a former U.S. ambassador to Israel, and has cynically used his Jewish birth to hurl promiscuous accusations of anti-Semitism at anyone who dares to criticize him. In this wide-ranging description of what Soros does through the ironically named Open Society Foundation, Ehrenfeld describes not only the multi-faceted malign conduct of George Soros, but also the obstacles he puts in the way of anyone who would expose the financial underpinnings of his various organizations. Rachel Ehrenfeld brings skill and passion to present a damning indictment of a dangerous man. ”
*Michael B. Mukasey served as Attorney General of the United States from 2007 to 2009, and as a U.S. District Judge from 1988 to 2006.