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Early warning for secondary cancer. (TY NoCamels) Israel Technion’s Assistant Professor Dr. Daphne Weihs has developed a unique biomechanical method for the early detection of metastatic (secondary) cancer – a cancer that has already spread. It can also identify where the cancer has spread to and enable early treatment.

New imaging method for gallbladder removal. BioDesign students at Hadassah Medical Center / Hebrew University of Jerusalem, led by Egypt’s Dr. Muhammad Adileh, have developed “CholeVision” – a fiber-optic illumination system to reduce injuries caused during laparoscopic (keyhole) procedures to remove gallbladders.
http://new.huji.ac.il/en/article/28006 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTaqCaPOm7M

Successful trial of foot ulcer treatment. (TY Atid-EDI) Biotech Izun successfully completed a Phase II trial of its Israeli-developed IZN-6D4 to treat diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) in 82 patients at seven centers in Israel. DFU is responsible for 84% of diabetes-related lower-leg amputations. http://izunpharma.com/izun-pharmaceuticals-announces-positive-results-phase-2-randomized-trial-diabetic-foot-ulcers/

How proteins grow. (TY Michelle) A team of Israeli and US researchers has mapped out the fundamental dynamic that explains the production and distribution of proteins in a cell. http://www.nyu.edu/about/news-publications/news/2015/10/29/researchers-find-universality-in-protein-locality.html

The world’s 6th healthiest country. Israel is the sixth-healthiest country in the world and is the only Middle Eastern country in the top 10, according to recent world health rankings by media outlet Bloomberg. Singapore was first, followed by Italy, Australia, Switzerland and Japan. The UK is 21st and the US 33rd.

25% of blood donations are from IDF soldiers. A total of 68,500 units of blood – 25 percent of the total donated to Magen David Adom last year – were given by soldiers. Whilst handing out certificates, MDA blood services director Eilat Shinar said “You officers and soldiers are an example for pure and significant giving”.

FDA approves focused ultrasound treatment. (TY Atid-EDI) The US FDA has approved the next generation Exablate system from Israel’s InSightec to treat symptomatic uterine fibroids. Exablate uses focused ultrasound plus MRI, which is used to guide the ultrasound waves to the specific target tissue. Also (TY UWI) a video of Israeli doctors using InSightec’s Exablate Neuro ultrasound to cure Essential Tremor.

Munich marks this Kristallnacht by making room for boycotters of the Jewish State by Rabbi Abraham Cooper and Harold Brackman

The worldwide Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement is the twenty-first century’s highest profile anti-Israel global campaign that meets the “three D” ( Double standard, Deligitimization, and Demonization) litmus test for crossing the line between legitimate criticism of the Jewish state and toxic anti-Semitism: Never designed to help a single Palestinian, BDS singles out Israel exclusively for criticism, ignoring the major human rights abusers around the world, while distorting the Jewish state’s actions to defend herself from terrorist attacks by means of false and malicious comparisons with Nazi Germany and South Africa’s Apartheid regime.

So it is almost beyond belief that the city government of Munich is allowing a BDS event to be held in the Gasteig Building, a tax-payer funded city building, as part of Munich’s “cultural program.” German Jews are especially appalled by the effrontery that such an event would be scheduled on November 9, the same day that Kristallnacht commemorations are being held to remember country-wide November, 1938 Nazi pogroms that burned German synagogues, attacked and sent thousands of Jews to concentration camps.

‘British Sharia councils are leaving women open to abuse’

Islamic Sharia councils are discouraging women from going to the police in cases of domestic violence, a barrister has told the BBC.Charlotte Proudman said that women are being left in “very vulnerable situations where they’re open to further abuse and domestic violence”.The barrister’s comments came in a BBC East Midlands programme which also heard from a Muslim woman who said a Sharia council took the side of her violent husband.

The House of Lords debated a Bill which seeks to restrain the operation of Sharia councils in England and Wales last month.

Tabled by Baroness Cox – a Patron of The Christian Institute – the Bill seeks to challenge the suffering caused by “religiously-sanctioned gender discrimination” and the development of a quasi-legal system.

Speaking to the BBC, one unnamed woman said she had been in a violent relationship for over a decade – since she was married at 16.

Merv Bendle The High Cost of the Religion of Peace

Vast sums are being spent to combat Islamic extremism, yet George Brandis asserts with a straight face that only “ignorance” can explain the perception that Koranic teaching endorses violence. Either the Attorney-General is a mug or he thinks the rest of us are.
It seems Australia’s Muslim community is very high maintenance. What other religious group needs to have hundreds of millions spent on it to prevent terrorist violence and extremism directed at its host country? And why is this issue always obscured and surrounded by disinformation that treats ordinary Australians as stupid, gullible, and intolerant?

On the one hand, the threat of Islamist terrorism is very real. In the 2015-16 budget the federal government announced spending of $450 million directly linked to combatting terrorism and violent extremism associated with the Muslim community. ASIO will receive $296 million over six years to employ additional staff, information technology and facilities, while the ASIS annual budget in 2015–16 has been increased to $405 million. Telecommunications corporations will receive $131million to assist them implement the mandatory data-retention scheme, and some $22 million will be spent over four years countering online violent extremism. Border security will receive funding for training the new Australian Border Force, new information technology, and smart gates. It was also announced that the government will spend $545 million over four years through the human services budget to support social cohesion and community based programs to complement national security activities.

Palestinians: A World of Lies, Deception and Fabrications by Bassam Tawil

The only astonishing thing is that Abbas and the Palestinian leaders continue to refer to their wave of terrorism and bloodbath as a “peaceful, popular uprising.”

The terrorists were doubtless inspired by their president’s words. It is this kind of officially-sanctioned rhetoric that encourages young Palestinians to stab the first Jew they see.

This is not only a mountainous lie; it is an attempt on the part of the Palestinian Authority leadership to deceive the world into believing that Israeli security forces killed these poor innocent terrorists who were merely part of a peaceful protest. These “innocent” Palestinian men and women were “merely” in the process of trying to stab people to death.

The world in which Abbas and the Palestinian leadership live is a world of lies, fabrications and deception aimed at demonizing Israel and murdering Jews. The goal is not only to murder as many Jews as possible, but also to force Israel to its knees so that it will vanish as soon as possible.

Welcome to the world of the Palestinians, where we lie and then believe our own lies. And then want the rest of the world to believe them, too.

Sadly, the Palestinian Authority (PA) leaders are continuing to bury their heads in the sand and lying to everyone — from their people to the international community.

The current wave of Palestinian terrorism has entered its fourth week, but our leaders, above all the PA President Mahmoud Abbas, are continuing to talk about a “peaceful, popular uprising” against Israel. This wave of Palestinian stabbings, shootings and vehicular ramming has been anything but either “popular” or “peaceful.”

President Abbas and his top PLO and Fatah leaders have yet to explain to us what is peaceful and popular about stabbing an 80-year-old lady named Ruti Malka in Rishon Lezion, and a 70-year-old Jewish woman Jerusalem.

Instead of denouncing the terror attacks perpetrated by his people, Abbas continues to attack Israel for shooting the knife-wielding assailants to stop them. He has not missed one opportunity in the past four weeks to make false and libelous accusations against Israel. These include claims that Israelis are carrying out “summary executions” of “innocent” Palestinian men and women. In reality, these “innocent” Palestinian men and women were “merely” in the process of trying to stab people to death.


The Palestinian People Ask: Where Is Israel’s F.W. de Klerk? If a two-state solution fades away, Israel will consolidate apartheid across all of Palestine.By Saeb Erekat

This is specious and gratuitous libel- calling Israel an apartheid state, and by referencing de Klerk equating Israel with formerly apartheid South Africa. Saeb Muhammad Salih Erekat is the PLO Committee Chairman who most recently threatened to yank “recognition” of Israel .He is a member of the Fatah party which canonizes terrorists and reveres the memory of arch terrorist Arafat. And by the way, readers should take notice that after de Klerk ceded control, South Africa did not become a “peaceful democracy” but descended into mob rule, endemic corruption, usurpation of white owned farms and property and general chaos. One can only imagine what would become of the “two state dissolution” if Erekat and his genocidal minions got their way….rsk

“The only way to stop the deteriorating situation in Israel and occupied Palestine is to address the root causes. Israeli leaders, however, stubbornly reject this approach, instead choosing to blame, attack and incite against the people they oppress for refusing to submit to inhumane discriminatory treatment decade after decade.

Years of systematic violation of Palestinian rights, allowed by an unprecedented culture of impunity, have led to a situation whereby an unarmed, and very young, generation is willing to confront the region’s strongest military.

This young Palestinian generation, the Oslo generation, was promised freedom when the agreement was signed on the White House lawn 22 years ago. This generation was raised with the hope that the brutal Israeli occupation would soon come to an end. But it did not. The Palestinian people continue to endure humiliation; they cannot travel freely, their studies and work are impeded by checkpoints, and they cannot even marry across the Green Line without severe restrictions on where they may live. At every turn, Israel continues to demand our submission to its occupation, oppression and apartheid policies.

The Know Nothings: Edward Cline

Welfare statists refuse to grasp the fact that an Islamic society is not an “open society,” but a closed one, closed to freedom of speech, closed to freedom of thought, closed to productivity, closed to liberty, closed to the pursuit of happiness.

So, there you are, a Muslim male, age 25, in the prime of life, ready to settle in Europe. Specifically and preferably, in Germany, or in Sweden. You had a lively debate with your fellow travelers the other night in the barracks-like marshaling center somewhere in Syria, or Jordan, or Gaza, or Tripoli, or Turkey, over which country had the prettiest Caucasian women to rape or take as brides (if any are dumb enough to become Muslim wives). They are all fresh, exposed meat, and you are the cat always on the prowl.

You’ve been outfitted with two €500 bank notes, a fresh change of clothes, an iPhone or a cell phone, a backpack chock full of things to help you make the trek from Syria (or Libya or Turkey or Gaza) in reasonable comfort, such as halal power bars and “RTE’s” just like they give to American soldiers in the field, a basic medical kit that includes a bottle of Viagra, and a pair of the latest style tennis shoes that will wear well over a thousand miles of rough road and highways. You’ve also been given a handbook and map in Arabic of Europe showing the best routes to take to Germany.

The foundation of the special US-Israel ties Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger


The special attitude by the American people, and their representatives in both chambers of Congress, toward the Jewish State transcends transient politics, geo-strategic considerations and formal agreements…. A 6 minute documentation of the 400 year old roots of US-Israel relations: http://bit.ly/1ksah6q

1. Israel’s contributions to US national security: http://bit.ly/16FP01N

2. The mutually-beneficial US-Israel relations: http://bit.ly/1RniWWB

3. The Jewish-Arab demographic balance: http://bit.ly/1I60R9h

4. Is the Palestinian issue an Arab crown-jewel? http://bit.ly/1MZP1fo

Eco-green Sharia: Words of wisdom from Muslims about the environment. By Ruth King

Who would have thought that a group that has created so many terrorist “hot spots” would be so concerned with environmentalism?

Check out: Muslim Environment Watch and their goals:

“Environment, climate change, pollution etc. have occupied world wide attention, including the Arab and Muslim world, since the 1980s. Especially during the last twenty years, more and more environmental organizations have been established throughout the Arab and Muslim world and the awareness to environmental issues has increased.”

And lo and behold…

”The administrator and writer of this blog is Dr. Moshe Terdman, who has written on the subject of environmental security and who has conducted research and lectured on the subject of Islam and the environment and the environmental policy and projects in the Arab and Muslim world. “

What’s in a name huh?

They have published a book:” The Environmental Problem, It’s Causes, and Islam’s Solution. Hizb ut-Tahrir”

Now, we do know that they have been active in “population control” but they go beyond with critical analysis of climate change. They explain Western guilt in despoiling the planet:

“The western world in which the western culture is prevalent has formed the ideological foundation and the intellectual framework that has dominated the industrial revolution and its achievements.This culture is materialistic and benefit-oriented, and its philosophy dictates that the Creator (the Glorified and Exalted) should be separated from the affairs of life, just as it calls for freedom, including freedom of property and personal freedom. It makes benefit the criterion for actions and believes that man’s happiness is achieved through the realization of his maximum share of sensual pleasures. This culture also considers the economic problem as being the scarcity of goods and services, makes the state a tool to protect the freedoms, and assigns man the right to legislate.”

They also fault capitalism:

“The solution to the global environmental problems and problems concerning poverty and other global issues is to remove and discard the real reason, which has caused these problems, i.e. by a global rejection of the inhumane Capitalist doctrine, which still controls the destinies of nations, and by looking for an alternative that ensures mankind’s happiness and tranquility.”

“Moreover, there is no room for morality in regards to the economic transactions of Capitalism, since it is an economy that only aims at realizing material values, and which considers the increase of wealth for the individual as the key to success, regardless of the consequences to the society andnature. The founder of capitalism, Adam Smith, expressed this when he stated that greed is the individual’s moral, and thismoral controls the economy.”

Obama Shoots Messenger on Palestinian Incitement America’s Radical-in-Chief runs interference for a death cult. Morton A. Klein and Daniel Mandel

Last week, the Obama Administration publicly criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for incitement against Palestinians. What had he done? In a speech expounding the long history of Palestinian incitement and violence, predating Israel’s establishment by decades, Netanyahu had focused on the role of Haj Amin el-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem during the British Palestine Mandate, in urging Adolf Hitler to carry out the genocide of European Jewry.

Netanyahu’s point is undebatable: Husseini was not only a wartime Nazi ally, but, already in 1937, issued a seething, anti-Semitic declaration, calling upon Muslims everywhere to fight and kill the Jews, whom he described as the arch-enemies of Muslims and, indeed, mankind, and who were allegedly seeking to seize the Muslim and Christian holy places.

During the war, Husseini’s declaration was published by the Nazis as Islam und Judentum (Islam and Jewry).It was distributed to the mostly Muslim members of the SS Handschar Division he was involved in forming and which participated in war crimes against Jews, Serbs and other opponents of the Third Reich.”

Husseini’s role in the Nazi genocide and fanning Muslim anti-Semitism has been the subject of numerous scholarly books in recent years, including by Klaus Gensicke (2007), David G. Dalin and John F. Rothmann (2008), Klaus-Michael Mallmann and Martin Cuppers (2010), Andrew G. Bostom (2013), Barry Rubin and Wolfgang G. Schwanitz (2014) and David Motadel (2014).

Indeed, in his The Mufti of Jerusalem and the Nazis, Gensicke writes that Husseini’s “hatred of Jews knew no mercy and he always intervened with particular zeal whenever he feared that some of the Jews could escape annihilation.”