Last week, a baby born in the Gaza Strip was named “Knife of Jerusalem” by his doting parents. Paying homage to terrorists is nothing new among Palestinians, but the parents in question wanted their tribute to be original.
Rather than imitating the common practice of immortalizing specific “martyrs” killed while committing atrocities, this family from Rafah decided to highlight the weapon of choice employed in the current jihad against the Jews.
In spite of its ongoing conflict with Hamas, which reigns in Gaza, the Fatah-dominated leadership of the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah was tickled by the couple’s innovative gesture. After all, murdering Israelis is a shared goal, regardless of other points of contention. For this reason, a photo of the newborn and his birth certificate adorned Fatah’s official Facebook page on Friday.
This is but one tiny example of the way in which Palestinian children are raised and groomed to glorify violence. First they imbibe it with the milk of their mothers, most of whom were born after the signing of the Oslo Accords, or were young children during that period. Then their teachers take over, feeding them false material from hate-filled schoolbooks supplied by the very PA that came into existence through a phony peace process only the Left imagined was genuine.
It is this incitement that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been denouncing, in an effort to explain to the world that the current wave of terrorism, characterized mainly by stabbing attacks, has nothing to do with Al-Aqsa mosque. It has everything to do, he is arguing, with the lies pounded into Palestinian kids’ heads from the time they emerge from the womb.
Nothing illustrates this better than a baby called Knife of Jerusalem.