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Climate Change and Leftist Hypocrisy By Bruce Walker

Nothing exposes the cynical hypocrisy of the left more than its jihadist attitude toward the dubious theory of man-made global warming. The phoniness and selfishness of the left show up in several different ways.

The left pronounces manmade global warming “settled science” but then insists that we continue to spend billions of dollars in climate change research. If it is truly settled science, then we need to spend no more money at all on research, and if this supposed dire threat requires immediate action by governments, then even research on the best way to contain climate change is unnecessary.

Scientific research has value when there are “schools of thought” in science. If some scientists doubt climate change and others believe that climate change is global cooling and others think that any climate change is natural and not man-made – and if there are others who believe in man-made global warming – then there is a purpose and a value to research.

What climate change research really means is the heavy-handed use of taxpayer-funded leftist totalitarianism in the institutional bureaucracies of academia, whose sole purpose is to propagandize the gullible with specious reasoning, with the heavy stamp of “Official Science.”

Israel’s conquest by Islam: a new attempt that fails (Google translation of column) by Jean Patrick Grumberg

Israel’s conquest by Islam: a new attempt that fails
My title does not say “wave of violence” between Palestinians and Israelis. Neither conflict for the creation of a Palestinian state. Neither third intifada or Palestinian youths despair.
Because it is the invasion of the world by Islam. Feel at home in Europe as a peaceful form. In Israel, the invasion fails.
This morning, the Israeli army fired at a Palestinian who was trying to stab a Jewish citizen in the city of Hebron illegally occupied by the Palestinians. The barbaric terrorist is dead.

Just a few minutes, around 8:30, a Muslim terrorist was killed by a policeman. By the time the officer asked him his ID, the Muslim took out a knife to hit the policeman who fired.

Internationally, Israel raises its voice

Ron Pike Water on the Brain

There is a dangerous madness afoot in the Murray-Darling Basin. With the lunacy of green alarmists now firmly wed to the self-interest of a money-soaking bureaucracy, a problem that did not exist is being “remedied” with policies guaranteed to create a genuine disaster.
Now the subject of a Senate inquiry, the Murray-Darling Basin Plan (MDBP) became law as a result of lobbying by environmentalists and the unquestioning support for their cause by most media organisations during the recent drought.

As the long Millennium Drought dragged on and stored water became scarce, authorities correctly rationed its use to ensure basic needs would be met, even if the drought continued. Annual-crop irrigators were getting little or, in most cases, no water at this time. But environmentalists used this naturally recurring situation to make sensational claims and blame irrigators, miners, even the building of dams, for environmental problems that did not exist. They failed to appreciate that, despite the drought being the longest in over two hundred years and our vastly increased water needs as a result of population growth, sensible water management had kept most of our rivers running and all basic water needs supplied throughout the drought. This was in stark contrast to the four droughts in the hundred years prior to 1915, when the rivers of the MDB ran bone dry.

The Obama Intifada By Matthew Continetti

More than 30 dead in Israel as Palestinians armed with knives attack innocents. What’s responsible? A campaign of incitement, which slanderously accuses Jews of intruding on the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and murdering Arab children in cold blood.

And who is legitimizing this campaign? None other than Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, whom President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have long held up as a peacemaker. “I think nobody would dispute that whatever disagreements you may have with him, he has proven himself to be somebody who has committed to nonviolence and diplomatic efforts to resolve this issue,” Obama told writer Jeffrey Goldberg in 2014.

That’s a strange view of commitment. This is the same Abbas, remember, who rejected then–Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert’s absurdly generous 2008 peace offer. The same Abbas who resisted negotiations with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the ten-month settlement freeze in 2010, which Obama demanded explicitly on the grounds that it would give Abbas the cover he needed to begin talks. Abbas finally relented to Saudi pressure and attended a few meetings with Netanyahu that September. But under no definition of what the word “negotiation” actually means were these meetings for real: The freeze was about to expire, the get-togethers were perfunctory, and nothing of significance was discussed. The farce ended soon after.

The One-State Solution, Cont’d Palestinian terrorism and Israeli self-defense are not the same thing. By Andrew C. McCarthy

The next intifada is on, and the Obama administration, as one would expect, is on the wrong side.

There has been a spike in Palestinian terrorism over the past few weeks. One has to call it a spike because Palestinian terrorism is always thrumming — there’s never a real stop. About 70 Israelis have recently been mauled, and some killed, in over two dozen sneak attacks, mostly by stabbing.

The ultimate cause of the rampage is the Palestinian determination to eradicate Israel’s existence as a Jewish state by a two-track campaign of internal violence and international political pressure. As I’ve previously detailed, this is the “one-state solution” preferred by Islamists and Leftists. It is abetted, wittingly or not, by the “two-state solution,” a bipartisan Beltway obsession that entails pressuring Israel to accommodate next-door neighbors who will be satisfied with nothing less than burning its house down.

The proximate cause for the current bloodletting is incitement by Palestinian political leadership, particularly Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas (also known as “Abu Mazen”).

Obama Explains: ‘Tension and Suspicion’ with Israelis, Palestinians Brews ‘Potential for Misunderstanding and Triggers’ By Bridget Johnson

President Obama stressed at a press conference today that it’s “important for both” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas “to try to tamp down rhetoric that may feed violence or anger or misunderstanding” in the region.

At a press conference with South Korean President Park Geun-Hye, Obama — who’s made no secret of wanting a Mideast peace deal as one of his legacy issues — added that “I don’t think we can wait for all of the issues that exist between Israelis and Palestinians to be settled in order for us to try to tamp down the violence right now.”

“I think my views are well known that over time, the only way that Israel is going to be truly secure, and the only way the Palestinians are going be able to meet the aspirations of their people is if they are two states living side by side in peace and security. Those talks, which Secretary Kerry put an enormous effort in, and before that a number of our envoys and Secretary Clinton put enormous effort in, have stalled, and I think it’s gonna be up to the parties, and we stand ready to assist to see if they can restart a more constructive relationship,” he said.

Obama’s Palestinian Legacy in the Making By Rachel Ehrenfeld

Being caught taking a leaf out of the Palestinian blood-libel against Israel, the Obama administration had to retract its statements, which in essence repeated the Palestinians’ false accusations that the wave of Palestinian violence against Israelis is Israel’s fault.
The ongoing Palestinian violence targeting Israelis and Jewish religious sites has been deceivingly coined “popular resistance.” But “in Palestinian code, popular resistance means the use of violence without using firearms,” Gen. (res). Yossi Kuperwasser said in a telephone interview earlier this week with Omri Ceren of the Israel Project. The former chief of the IDF’s Military Intelligence research division, and until recently, director general of the Ministry of Strategic Affairs, explained, “throwing stones, using Molotov cocktails, and of course stabbing and riding over innocent people are the weapons used in the context of the Palestinian popular resistance.”

PA Tries to Claim Western Wall at UNESCO By Ari Yashar

Proposal, likely to pass due to Muslim majority, would have Kotel renamed Buraq Plaza and made part of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In an attempt to gain international legitimacy for its rewriting of history, the Palestinian Authority (PA) will submit a resolution to UNESCO (UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) next week claiming the Kotel (Western Wall) as its own.

The proposal calls to have the Kotel in Jerusalem – which is an outer wall of the Temple Mount that is the holiest site in Judaism – recognized as part of Al-Aqsa Mosque located on the Mount, reports Yedioth Aharonoth on Friday.

The PA is not a member of the UNESCO Executive Council, and therefore the proposal will be submitted for a vote next week on its behalf by the six Arab member states of Algeria, Egypt, Kuwait, Morocco, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

A very Syrious matter By Tabitha Korol

The Jewish Community Federations of North America have come together to provide humanitarian aid for Syrian refugees. The organizations, paid contractors who are identified in the Jewish Coalition for Disaster Relief, are too numerous to mention here, but include AIPAC, AJC, B’nai B’rith Int’l, HIAS, ORT America, and National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), who are furthering the cause of population redistribution.

Refugees, unlike migrants, are defined as those who flee their homes because of persecution. President Obama authorized the State Department to admit 85,000 refugees fleeing humanitarian crises worldwide in 2016. Just as these Islamists have invaded Europe, so our multiculturalists are funding their invasion into America, and despite Saudi Arabia’s air-conditioned tents that are erected and ready to accommodate three million for their annual pilgrimage to Medina, no “Syrians” are welcomed within the Islamic world. By definition, not only are these Syrians not refugees, but the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has confessed that they have no screening process for “Syrian refugees.”

California Congressmen, Rep. Ted Lieu (D-) and Rep. Mark DeSaulnier (D-)want feds to probe Exxon for climate change denial By Clinton Gillespie

Two California Congressmen believe ExxonMobil violated the law for “failing to disclose truthful information regarding climate change” and asked Attorney General Loretta Lynch to investigate and consider legal retaliation against the company.

In a letter to the Attorney General, Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Los Angeles) and Rep. Mark DeSaulnier (D-Walnut Creek) said Exxon violated numerous laws for “spreading this disinformation campaign”, including the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, known as RICO, consumer protection laws, truth in advertising, public health and shareholder protection, among other laws.

RICO is the same law that was used to fine the tobacco industry for failing to let consumers know the dangers of smoking.

Lieu and DeSaulnier wrote the letter after reading a report in the Los Angeles Times that Exxon’s executives funded climate change research, starting in the 70s, only to sweep it under the rug and deliberately deny its findings.