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CAIR Demands Muslim Indoctrination of 12-Year-Olds The story of a parent uprising in Tennessee. Matthew Vadum

The terrorist-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is demanding that public school students in overwhelmingly Christian Tennessee be taught that the Islamic prophet Muhammad is the one and only true messenger of God.

No one seems to know why the Volunteer State has become a target of Religion of Peace activists. A 2014 Pew Research Center study found 81 percent of Tennessee residents are Christian, and only 1 percent are Muslims. The national average is 70.6 percent Christian and 0.9 percent Muslim.

But the self-styled Muslim civil rights group is warning Tennesseans about a proposed law that would forbid public schools in the state from teaching the principles of The Religion of Peace and every other religion until the 10th grade. Of course, whether Islam is even a religion per se has become a topic of lively debate. As outspoken ex-Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali says “Islam is not a religion of peace, it’s a political theory of conquest that seeks domination by any means it can.”

As Hirsi Ali opines and FrontPage readers are painfully aware, Islam is not content to be treated equally alongside other world religions. It insists on supremacy. As the San Ramon Valley Herald reported, CAIR founder Omar Ahmad told California Muslims exactly that in 1998, years before Americans were paying attention to Islam.

Obama State Department Accuses Israel of Terrorism as Palestinian Terrorists Murder Jews By Debra Heine

n the most egregious example of false moral equivalence we’ve seen from the Obama State Department on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict to date, spokesman John Kirby actually accused Israel of perpetrating “acts of terror.”

The comments came during a State Department briefing Wednesday in response to questions about the recent spike of terrorist attacks in Israel.

“I would say certainly individuals on both sides of this divide are – have proven capable of and in our view guilty of acts of terror,” State Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters Wednesday following questions about the increased violence.

Kirby later accused Israel of using “excessive use of force” to combat the rising Palestinian terrorist attacks, which left three Israelis dead and 20 injured in the last few days.

A Jewish congressman is now asking the president to fire Kirby for making the “disgusting and shameful” remarks.

Israel Fails the First Duty of Government By James Lewis

The Israelis have their own problems with lunatic entrenched leftists making bad policy

I once faced an Arab kid in the Old City of Jerusalem, who was reaching for his knife. The whole thing was a stupid teenage prank, including my teenage friends and the Arab kid. We shut down the confrontation pronto, and nothing happened.

But it does give some insight into Arab knife culture.

When the Green Revolution was afoot in Tehran, with genuinely anti-mullah kids chanting against the regime from the rooftops, the mullahs sent in their thugs, the Basiji, to infiltrate the crowds to knife their young leaders on the spot.

Mohammed told his followers to “strike at the necks” of the unbelievers, as the subhuman monsters of ISIS show us every day on YouTube.

This makes it all the stranger that Israel doesn’t let its militarily trained citizens defend themselves against knife and car assaults with firearms.

Find out what’s going on in your community with ‘refugee resettlement’ By Carol Brown ****

Muslim invaders are arriving in cities and towns across America, with many more to come. Perhaps you’ve seen your town transformed. If not, you soon may. It’s call “refugee resettlement” which is code for transplanting entire communities from hellholes in the Middle East to once beautiful towns and neighborhoods across America.

There are many things we all need to know to ward off this systematic destruction of our communities, and indeed our country. Below you will find vital information, including ways to take action. First I will explain some of the factors that impact how invaders wind up where they do.

Preferred Communities Program (PCP): This program targets small towns and rural areas for refugee resettlement. The rationalization is that these settings are best suited to attend to the myriad needs of refugees as compared to large cities, and that smaller communities are more welcoming to refugees. PCP collaborates with the Office of Refugee Resettlement and partner agencies to identify communities they deem most ideal for refugee resettlement. Here’s the deal: Small towns and rural communities often have easy access to public assistance programs. That’s it. It’s all about where to get free money and services. (That’s how you wind up with pockets of Somalis in places like Wyoming.) Meanwhile, conservative areas of the country are being targeted, helping to turn red states to blue. For additional information on PCP, including lists of designated “preferred communities,” see here and here.

Revival of King David’s Shield By Nurit Greenger

Shield means protection. The Star of David, in Hebrew Magen David, when Magen means shield, is probably the most recognized symbol on earth but no one knows its history. This shield protected the Jewish nation, mostly spiritually, over the millennium of exile and suffering, just as its shields it today.

According to Kabbalah, the esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought that originated in Judaism, the double triangle of the Star of David (Magen David) symbolizes the connection of both dimensions of G d, Torah and Israel: the external level of the soul connects to the external expression of G d via studying the exoteric parts of Torah; the essence of the soul connects with G d’s essence through the study and application of the teachings of Kabbalah.

Marc Bennett is a film maker and an artist living in Colorado, there amongst nature. But Marc is also Jewish and with all that is going on in the world today, he came to the conclusion that he must do something, he must help his people, the Jews and the world. For that purpose he established “The History of the Star of David: an artwork celebrating Jewish culture, history, and identity.”

More horrible than rape: David “Spengler : Goldman

The body of a 20-year-old Syrian woman, “Rokstan M.,” was unearthed from a shallow grave in the small Saxon town of Dessau last week. Her father and brothers stabbed her to death on her mother’s orders, after she was gang-raped by three men. The rape left her “unclean” and the mother allegedly demanded the killing to restore the family’s honor. German police are seeking the father and brothers. That by itself is not newsworthy; what is newsworthy is the news itself, which appeared in not one of Germany’s major daily newspapers or websites. The tabloid Bild-Zeitung ran the story, along with the regional press, while the arbiters of enlightened opinion buried it. Der Spiegel, the country’s biggest news site, and the Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung, the newspaper of record, made no mention.

The case of Rokstan M. is heart-rending. She had found work in Germany as a translator for the government, but she knew her family would track her down and kill her. “I am awaiting death. But I am too young to die,” she had written on a social media profile. Her story deserves a line or two in the quality press. But it’s one of many that German leaders want to ignore.

Ideological Jihadist Victory Confounds Experts : Andrew Harrod

Over 14 years after 9/11, this is the best various experts can say about fighting the ideological war against groups like Al Qaeda or the the Islamic State. On the one hand, this panel was depressing, but at least there was some honesty.

“We are failing, don’t let anybody tell you otherwise,” stated former American special envoy Farah Pandith concerning the “war of ideas” against global Islamic threats at a September 30 Washington, DC, event. Pandith and her fellow panelists at the McCain Institute presented before a conference hall filled with 50 listeners a depressing picture of this ideological battle over 14 years after the September 11, 2001, Al Qaeda attacks.

“The field of Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE), Pandith stated while discussing the current umbrella term for ideological anti-jihadism, “has too few people, it is disorganized, and we do not have enough resources.” By contrast, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and other “bad guys are doing this 24/7” with ample media resources for jihadist messaging. Yet “during the Cold War, we fought an ideological fight” and “put money where our mouth is” in capabilities.



In this new episode of The Unknown, Anni Cyrus shares a Nightmare of Being a Woman Under Islam, telling a heart-wrenching true story.

Don’t miss it.

Are Sanctuary Cities the New Confederates? By Victor Davis Hanson

There are now 340 sanctuary cities in the United States — and the list is growing. All of them choose to ignore federal immigration law by refusing to report detained undocumented immigrants to federal authorities under most circumstances.

Partly as a result, deportations of those who entered the U.S. illegally are at a 10-year low — even according to the Obama administration’s new rigged redefinition of deportation as also occasionally preventing illegal entry at the border.

Some of the 1,000 undocumented immigrants who go unreported to federal authorities each month and are thereby shielded by sanctuary cities from deportation have been accused of violent crimes. According to a new report by the Center for Immigration Studies, more than 2,000 of the immigrants released have used their freedom to commit crimes.

Last year, San Francisco alone released from its custody 252 undocumented immigrants whom federal authorities had asked the city to hold, according to the report. Most notoriously, the city protected Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez — five times previously deported, seven times previously convicted of felonies — who once free allegedly murdered 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle in front of witnesses.

Blaming the Victims of the Palestinian Death Cult The international community’s response to unabashed slaughtering of Jews. Joseph Klein

Vicious attacks by Palestinians, using knives, guns and vehicles as weapons of choice against Israeli civilians, are escalating to an alarming degree. In response, the so-called “international community” is siding with the Palestinian killers and blaming the Jewish victims, despite the clear source of the violence. Spurred on by hate-filled social media postings exhorting Palestinians to go out and kill as many Jews as possible, would-be Palestinian martyrs – including women and teenagers — set out to do just that. In two dozen violent incidents since October 1st, at least seven Israelis have been killed and scores more have been wounded.

As just one example of the incitement to violence appearing on social media, the following tweet was posted last week under the hashtag “The Intifada Has Started”: “There is no greater reward in Islam than the one given for jihad, and there is no greater reward than the one given for #Slaughtering_the_Jews… Kill them wherever you find them.” (Source: The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI))