An Egyptian expatriate and human rights activist recently took to a Washington, D.C. podium to vehemently denounce the recent Iran nuclear agreement as “shaking hands with the devil.” Calling the accord an “unholy marriage” between America and Iran, the Rev. Majed El Shafie stressed to the National Press Club that the Iranian people will suffer under this accord, which he said will do nothing to stop Iranian nuclear proliferation and power ambitions.
“The first victim of this Iranian deal will not be American [and] will not be an Israeli, but will be the Iranian people themselves,” said Shafie, the founder and president of the human rights group One Free World International, adding that the agreement’s estimated $150 billion sanctions relief for Iran will simply strengthen an Islamic Republic regime notorious for its human rights abuses. “Things will get worse very quickly for Iranians.”
Shafie presented a recent OFWI report outlining the Islamic Republic’s human rights abuses of Iranians, especially women, who are “constantly subjugated and treated as less than human.” The report detailed the treatment of religious minorities like the Baha’i and reported that Iranians accused of homosexuality or adultery are punished with public stoning executions. In addition, young Iranian girls can legally marry at age 13 or even earlier with a court’s permission, and the government allows female genital mutilation, a practice that is widely observed in Iran’s Sunni regions.