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World War I  began on 28 July 1914 and ended on 11 November 1918. One of the best books about this epic event was written by Barbara Tuchman. I am reading it again and her narrative, her elegant prose and her stirring depictions stand the rigorous tests of time…..rsk

PULITZER PRIZE WINNER • “A brilliant piece of military history which proves up to the hilt the force of Winston Churchill’s statement that the first month of World War I was ‘a drama never surpassed.’”—Newsweek
Selected by the Modern Library as one of the 100 best nonfiction books of all time

In this landmark account, renowned historian Barbara W. Tuchman re-creates the first month of World War I: thirty days in the summer of 1914 that determined the course of the conflict, the century, and ultimately our present world. Beginning with the funeral of Edward VII, Tuchman traces each step that led to the inevitable clash. And inevitable it was, with all sides plotting their war for a generation. Dizzyingly comprehensive and spectacularly portrayed with her famous talent for evoking the characters of the war’s key players, Tuchman’s magnum opus is a classic for the ages.

Criminal (In)Justice What the Push for Decarceration and Depolicing Gets Wrong and Who It Hurts Most Rafael A. Mangual


In his impassioned-yet-measured first book, Rafael A. Mangual offers an incisive critique of America’s increasingly radical criminal justice reform movement, and makes a convincing case against the pursuit of “justice” through mass-decarceration and depolicing.

After a summer of violent protests in 2020—sparked by the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Rayshard Brooks—a dangerously false narrative gained mainstream acceptance: Criminal justice in the United States is overly punitive and racially oppressive. But, the harshest and loudest condemnations of incarceration, policing, and prosecution are often shallow and at odds with the available data. And the significant harms caused by this false narrative are borne by those who can least afford them: black and brown people who are disproportionally the victims of serious crimes.

In Criminal (In)Justice, Rafael A. Mangual offers a more balanced understanding of American criminal justice, and cautions against discarding traditional crime control measures. A powerful combination of research, data-driven policy journalism, and the author’s lived experiences, this book explains what many reform advocates get wrong, and illustrates how the misguided commitment to leniency places America’s most vulnerable communities at risk.

The stakes of this moment are incredibly high. Ongoing debates over criminal justice reform have the potential to transform our society for a generation—for better or for worse. Grappling with the data—and the sometimes harsh realities they reflect—is the surest way to minimize the all-too-common injustices plaguing neighborhoods that can least afford them.

Elie Mystal’s Guide to Trashing the Constitution A review of the MSNBC race-monger’s anti-American screed. Jason D. Hill


Elie Mystal is a professional hater. He hates the United States of America. He hates white people. He hates conservatives. He hates Republicans. Most of all, he hates the Constitution of our U.S. republic. He thinks it is trash. Allow me to let the man speak for himself as he writes in the first lines of the introduction to his book Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to The Constitution:

Our Constitution is not good. It is a document designed to create a society of enduring white male dominancy, hastily edited in the margins to allow for what basic political rights white men could be convinced to share.

As a leftist he blasts liberals:

…[You] rarely see liberals make the point that the Constitution is actually trash. Conservatives are out here acting like the Constitution was etched by divine flame upon stone tablets, when in reality it was scrawled out over a sweaty summer by people making deals with actual monsters who were trying to protect their rights to rape the humans they held in bondage. Why would I give a fuck about the original public meaning of the words written by those men?

And further:

Redeeming our failed Constitution from its bigoted and sexist sins does not require new amendments. It does not require a few new ornaments upon its crooked boughs. It requires the emerging majority in this country to reject the conservative interpretation of what the Constitution says and adopt a morally defensible view of what our country means. I’m here to tell you that the Constitution is trash. Conservatives are the ones who say it always has to be.

For most of the book it is not at all clear whether Mystal’s quarrel is with the contemporary society and its white inhabitants whom he despises, or with the Constitution which he refers to a few times as a “violent piece of shit.”

Coleman Hughes discusses whether the future should be “colorblind.”


Coleman Hughes is the host of Conversations with Coleman. Racialized, his first book, is forthcoming from Penguin Random House.


Hughes: I think we should foolproof our systems against bigotry as much as possible. So I gave the example of cameras on traffic lights handing out tickets instead of cops. If racist cops are the problem, take the cop out of the equation, have it be automated. If you’re a teacher, grade your students blind, so that racial bias could never possibly be a problem. There was a news organization that did a careful sting operation on the housing market, where they sent trained actors of different races into a real estate office and saw how they were treated differently. We should fund and do more things like that. Make society more and more like a blind audition in order to take racial bias out of the equation.

Education is one of the only ways in which the state gets to intervene in a person’s odds of success at a very early age. One of my critiques of those I would call elite woke writers and thinkers is that many of their policies and solutions take people from the age of 18 and rig their life racially after that, in the name of helping them—things like affirmative action and diversity inclusion initiatives for adults. But you actually have far more influence over a person’s life trajectory from the ages of zero to 15. Those are the most crucial years of intervention, as a person’s brain is forming. Of the $23 million in New York that was earmarked for putting teachers through “anti bias” training, every cent of that wasted money should have been put towards early childhood initiatives, cognitively rich universal pre-K programs, and experiments in schooling like charter schools, towards making the environment for poor kids from ages zero to 15 and 18 as safe and as cognitively rich as possible. That word “safety” is another crucial one. Nothing in life matters if you feel unsafe, if you live in a neighborhood with lots of crime, and everything else is secondary and tertiary. It is one of the biggest disparities between the poor and the wealthy. In fact, what the wealthy use a lot of their money to buy a premium for is to live in safe neighborhoods. 

Bullies of Woke and Their Assault on Mental Health by Diane Bederman


New English review is pleased to announce the publication of our forty-fourth title: Bullies of Woke and Their Assault on Mental Health by Diane Weber Bederman.

Bullies of Woke and Their Assault on Mental Health is a ground-breaking work documenting the serious harm the ”Progressive Left” is doing to the mental health of our innocent children who are subject to the unrelenting pressure to conform to woke ideology as never before. Bederman is unsparing in her critique of the absurdity, anti-Americanism and anti-Western cultural ideas emanating from the Woke brigade. Our children are literally being bullied to death—committing suicide rather than endure the viscous and aggressive bullying to which they are routinely subject these days. Critical Race Theory, Transgenderism and the heavy-handed efforts to silence dissent are deadly foes of what was once broadly considered to be classical liberalism. Bederman’s book is simultaneously a guidebook to the modern woke movement and a call to action for the common-sense, silent majority to rise-up in opposition and restore our Judeo-Christian bedrock values in our homes, our schools, and our nations.

Advance Praise for Bullies of Woke:

The Bullies of Woke is Diane Weber Bederman’s most passionate defense yet of the West’s embattled, Judeo-Christian values in the face of the religious fanatics of “wokeness.” In this short but wide-ranging book, she empowers us to resist the Progressive bullying of Cancel Culture, Critical Race Theory, the abuse of language, the war on the traditional family, and more. For anyone beginning to despair that our civilization is lost, Diane Bederman points the way forward, with wisdom, compassion, and a fighting spirit.

—Mark Tapson, the Shillman Fellow on Popular Culture for the David Horowitz Freedom Center

‘Citizen Chronicler of the American Story’ David McCullough hooked readers on U.S. history. By James Freeman


What would we do without experts? The era of Covid has seen immense damage inflicted on Americans by some of the most highly credentialed people in our society. So let’s remember a remarkable man who didn’t leave something as important as U.S. history to the professoriate.

Bill Eville reported this week for the Vineyard Gazette:

David McCullough, a towering force in American literature and biography, winner of the President’s Medal of Freedom, two Pulitzer Prizes and two National Book Awards, died on August 7. He was 89 years old.
He died of natural causes at home in Hingham, the family confirmed, where he had lived for the past few years, with all five children by his side.

Candice Millard remembers in the Atlantic:

The first book I read by McCullough was John Adams, one of his many masterworks that begins with men on the move. “In the cold, nearly colorless light of a New England winter,” he wrote, “two men on horseback traveled the coast road below Boston, heading north.” For me, that was all it took. I wanted to know who these men were, where they were going, what was going to happen next. I did not care that the book was nearly 800 pages long. I was hooked.

So were countless others. McCullough didn’t spend a career on campus, and readers may have been better for it. In 2003 Librarian of Congress James Billington wrote:

David McCullough is the citizen chronicler of the American story for our time… As an independent scholar, he is not beholden to any of the ideological causes or methodological fads that often take possession of otherwise good historians in bureaucratized academia–and cause them to end up writing more for each other than for a general audience. Unlike many revisionist historians, McCullough basically likes what he is writing about; yet he seeks to clear away myths for which he can find no factual basis.

On Criminal (In)Justice What helps—and doesn’t help—the victims of violent crime. Rafael A. Mangual


My new book, Criminal (In)Justice: What the Push for Decarceration and Depolicing Gets Wrong and Who It Hurts Most, is not about me. It’s first and foremost about the far too many victims of the sorts of injustices that inspired the title—injustices like the 2019 murder of a young, unarmed Chicago mother allegedly shot by a parolee with nine prior felony convictions (including for second-degree murder); like the little boy forced to run for his life in that same city this summer, backpack in tow, as he dodged bullets meant for the group of young men he just happened to be walking past at the time; like the young woman who police say was stabbed to death in her Lower East Side apartment earlier this year by a homeless career criminal with not one, not two, but three open cases; and like the incredibly strong young woman robbed of a husband (Detective Jason Rivera) many of us watched her eulogize after he and his partner, Wilbert Mora, were murdered by a repeat offender out on probation. I wrote this book largely because I was tired of reading stories about heinous crimes carried out by offenders who had no business being out on the street—stories the data make clear are not outliers—and I wanted to do something about it.

That Other Watergate Scandal Tony Thomas


When the Watergate movie All the President’s Men came to Canberra in 1977, I rushed to the cinema. Half an hour into this engrossing drama, a middle-aged man in the row in front of me turned around and cursed me, “Thanks to you, I can’t see any more of this and I’m going home.” I was upset by his outburst, but in my high tension, I’d been heedlessly kicking the back of his seat.

I’m sure all the Press Gallery tribe were equally engrossed. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein (“Woodstein” for short) and the Washington Post broke the mould and won glory with their investigative journalism. They demonstrated the White House’s guilt for the Watergate burglary and forced the first-ever resignation of a US President, namely the Republican’s Richard “Tricky Dick” Nixon. Forty or so members of his fiefdom were convicted. Journos ever since, including myself, have fantasised about ourselves making history and millions with exposures of high-ranking evil-doers.

There were actually two burglaries of the Democrat National Committee (DNC) offices in Watergate within three
weeks in mid-1972. The first involved some successful phone-bugging; the bungled second burglary was mainly to photograph a large volume of documents. Security guards caught the five-man team red-handed. A sixth burglar lurking nearby escaped detection, never to be officially identified but now named as CIA contractor Lou Russell.

The SPLC Backs Woke History at James Madison’s Montpelier By Brenda M. Hafera


Virginia is for history lovers. George Washington’s Mount Vernon, Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, and James Madison’s Montpelier – a triad of epicenters of our nation’s past – are all within driving distance.

Those who own and operate these historic houses have a significant say over how the American Founding is taught. Unfortunately, as described in a new Heritage Foundation report, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) work has been influential at James Madison’s Montpelier.

You might think Montpelier would focus on Madison’s numerous accomplishments, particularly his role in shaping the Constitution and the nation. You would be wrong. They now concentrate almost exclusively on slavery, its “central role in the framing of the nation” and its “lasting legacies.” In so doing, Montpelier ignores and diminishes Madison and puts identity politics over the American Founding.

The SPLC is famous for maintaining a list of “hate groups” that has come to include individuals and organizations they disagree with like the Family Research Council, which was targeted by a gunman who found them on the SPLC’s “hate map.” Another of the SPLC’s initiatives is “Teaching Tolerance” (rebranded “Learning for Justice”). The project provides educational resources, including guides for “Teaching Hard History” (what they refer to as “frameworks”) for addressing slavery in classrooms. Their materials are often sent directly to schools, bypassing parents.

Jews as enemy aliens in Britain By Harold Goldmeier


Eighty million refugees roam the world today.  We view all of them through a political lens, and the language used to label runaways reveals our biases and defines their treatment.

There are 5 million (good) refugees from Ukraine.  (Bad) illegals flood America’s southern border.  British officers are deporting (bothersome) displaced persons to Rwanda.  Three million (ignored) Venezuelans seek political asylum in Colombia.  (Pitiful) African Blacks and Middle East Muslims drown, and others are enslaved trekking from Africa and Syria.  (Dismissed) Afghanis on the run are just dying.

My father was a German-Jewish (enemy alien) refugee.  The Nazis freed him from Buchenwald around 1940.  His mother bought him a visa to Panama.  Hitler expected refugees to be a burden to destination countries.  Dad traveled from Fulda to Hamburg, boarding a boat sailing to Panama.  The ship refueled and resupplied in England.  Dad jumped off.

The British interned him in a camp for enemy aliens, Jews and non-Jews, Orthodox and secular, working men and intellectuals.  Interns had to convince Colonel May that they were not spies.  From concentration camp to internment camp like a summer fling.  We visited a cousin who spent her teen years in a concentration camp.  My young son piped up, “I’m going to camp this summer.”  We busted out laughing until my cousin wished he would not go to the same one she survived.

Now there is a book that tells the rest of the story.  Internment in Britain in 1940: Life and Art behind the Wire by Ines Newman with Charmain Brinson & Rachel Dickson (Vallentine Mitchell 2021) fills in the details about the missing time.  They built the book around a diary kept by Newman’s grandfather, Wilhelm Hollitscher.