AT WAHHABI UNIVERSITY IN MORNINGSIDE HEIGHTS (COLUMBIA) THE MAN WOULD GET TENURE NOT JUST AN INVITE…..RSK Islamic preacher who called Jews ‘filth’ to speak at London university Will the Islamophobia never end? But seriously, how could King’s College allow this? Has multiculturalism and political correctness rotted their judgment to such a degree that a […] Iran equips airports with body scanners I’ll bet you thought body scanners were un-Islamic. After all, didn’t the Fiqh Council of North America just say so? And yet here they are being installed in, of all places, the Islamic Republic of Iran — here is the Fars News Agency story (thanks to Block Ness). […]
Going Cold Turkey Posted By David Solway One of the major questions confronting Western strategists and politicians today has to do with the political direction in which Turkey, a presumed ally and Western lynchpin in the Middle East, seems to be heading. Is it the beacon nation it has long been assumed to be, a […] Health-Care Humdrum by Jonah Goldberg The longest week I ever spent was the six hours I spent watching Thursday’s health-care summit. The better angel of my nature says that this confab is a wonderful spectacle of democracy. Serious men and women airing serious disagreements in a (relatively) respectful and substantive manner. Huzzah for democracy. […] The Oba-Kabuki health care show at Blair House kicked off with a big lie on Thursday morning — and it all went downhill from there. The taxpayer-funded infomercial backfired by exposing the president’s thin skin, the Democrats’ naked disingenuousness and the ruling majority’s allergies to political and policy realities. Responding to Sen. Lamar Alexander’s […]
Still Following The “Road Map” To Chaos: “Palestine,” Terror And Regional Nuclear War By: Louis René Beres President Obama, imprisoned by clichés, still seeks to follow the so-called “Road Map” to Middle East peace. At the core of this fictionalized cartography is a deceptively pleasing image of two states, one Arab, the other Jewish, living […]
An excellent kill By BENNY AVNI Last Updated: 4:43 AM, February 19, 2010 NY POST It looked a bit like a low-bud get Jason Bourne movie, but it was real: The police chief in the gulf emirate of Dubai this week walked reporters through camera footage of the Jan. 20 assassination of a top Hamas […]
Another Tack: ‘Dam butlab dam’  only for some By SARAH HONIG Jerusalem Post 19/02/2010 As in yesteryear, so in the 21st century, it’s axiomatic that Arabs have the right to inflict incalculable harm on Jews, but the Jews’ attempts to deflect such blows are evil, outrageous and deserving of merciless punishment. Terrorist arms […]
This is such a tidy scenario that could fool someone, but the Saudis are perfectly happy to use Israel for the time being….since they can’t count on Obama and Clinton’s feeble finger wagging. The House of Saud is an Islamothugocracy….whose “hudna” with Israel and Jews is a very temporary accommodation to save them so that […] Professor of Contempt The legacy of Howard Zinn. With Howard Zinn, contemporary American academia found its court historian. Zinn, who died January 27 at 87, was like a gigantic echo chamber, accurately reproducing — and actively reinforcing — every left-wing cliché with which the academy has abetted its sense of election these past several […]