More Mr. Nice Guy | The Weekly Standard More Mr. Nice Guy – While nukes proliferate, Obama fiddles. John Bolton, Weekly In his lengthy State of the Union address, President Obama was brief on national security issues, which he squeezed in toward the end. International terrorism, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and even […] Â “The Clash of Civilizations remains the only rational explanation and prescription for action. But it is also a difficult one, both practically and morally for many people to accept. But understanding the other side, requires understanding the flaws of the Assimilationist Model. For it is by understanding the nature of another’s delusion, that […]
KSM and His Great Traveling Terrorist Trial Is on the Move By Jazz Shaw Some things never seem to go away. These are generally held to include old luggage, herpes simplex type 2, and the idea of holding civilian trials for terrorists in New York. As I reported earlier in this space [1], reactions from […]
This is a very interesting column on Arab propaganda in “education”….It is puzzling, however, that the author’s name omitted here is Stephen Suleyman Schwartz…and he is a convert to Islam with a mixed bag of columns which are sometimes deceptive about the religion of peace……rsk Model Middle East Indoctrination By Stephen Schwartz Most Americans, even […]
THE COMEDIAN MORT SAHL MIGHT HAVE SUGGESTED THAT IF YOU REFUSE TO PROFILE THEN START A NEW AIRLINE COMPANY…..AL-AL FOR MOSLEMS ONLY…RSK You cannot stop the terrorist threat if you are unable to profile it Tony Blair understood the scale of the terrorist threat, and the most effective way of preventing attacks is to […]
“MILITARY OFFICIAL CALLS HIM “DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEE”….RSK Interpreter shoots dead two U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan As I have pointed out many, many times, there is no reliable way to distinguish a peaceful Muslim from a potentially violent jihadist. It isn’t as if there is one sect of Islam that has renounced and rejected violent jihad […] Obama’s National Security Adviser: Iran might “lash out” at Israel over pressure on nuke program In other words: Israel, please don’t pressure Iran about its nuclear program. “Obama aide: Iran may lash out at Israel over pressure on nuclear program,” from the Associated Press, January 30 (thanks to Alexandre): President Barack Obama’s national security […] Secy of State Clinton promises not to talk to the Taliban’s “really bad guys” The adolescent terminology is embarrassing, and even worse, it stems from a determination not to use the word “enemy.” Enlightened post-modern Westerners don’t have enemies, no matter how determined their actual enemies are to destroy them. Worst of all, Clinton […] THE WASHINGTON TIMES President Obama made a big deal last week about his purported federal spending freeze, but not enough has been said about how meager the supposed savings actually are. Historical context shows that any savings from this public-relations gimmick will be tiny. Frugality, apparently, is a concept Democrats have a hard time […] THE WASHINGTON TIMES When a man is apprehended with a cache of weapons, body armor, a map of a military installation and jihadist personal effects, the natural response of most Americans is to assume the situation is terrorist-related. The Obama administration says otherwise. Lloyd R. Woodson was arrested Jan. 25 in rural New Jersey. […]