THE COMEDIAN MORT SAHL MIGHT HAVE SUGGESTED THAT IF YOU REFUSE TO PROFILE THEN START A NEW AIRLINE COMPANY…..AL-AL FOR MOSLEMS ONLY…RSK You cannot stop the terrorist threat if you are unable to profile it Tony Blair understood the scale of the terrorist threat, and the most effective way of preventing attacks is to […]
“MILITARY OFFICIAL CALLS HIM “DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEE”….RSK Interpreter shoots dead two U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan As I have pointed out many, many times, there is no reliable way to distinguish a peaceful Muslim from a potentially violent jihadist. It isn’t as if there is one sect of Islam that has renounced and rejected violent jihad […] Obama’s National Security Adviser: Iran might “lash out” at Israel over pressure on nuke program In other words: Israel, please don’t pressure Iran about its nuclear program. “Obama aide: Iran may lash out at Israel over pressure on nuclear program,” from the Associated Press, January 30 (thanks to Alexandre): President Barack Obama’s national security […] Secy of State Clinton promises not to talk to the Taliban’s “really bad guys” The adolescent terminology is embarrassing, and even worse, it stems from a determination not to use the word “enemy.” Enlightened post-modern Westerners don’t have enemies, no matter how determined their actual enemies are to destroy them. Worst of all, Clinton […] THE WASHINGTON TIMES President Obama made a big deal last week about his purported federal spending freeze, but not enough has been said about how meager the supposed savings actually are. Historical context shows that any savings from this public-relations gimmick will be tiny. Frugality, apparently, is a concept Democrats have a hard time […] THE WASHINGTON TIMES When a man is apprehended with a cache of weapons, body armor, a map of a military installation and jihadist personal effects, the natural response of most Americans is to assume the situation is terrorist-related. The Obama administration says otherwise. Lloyd R. Woodson was arrested Jan. 25 in rural New Jersey. […]
To watch the video click: Palestine Replaces Israel on Globes Sold at Target By HASANI GITTENS Updated 6:45 PM EST, Thu, Jan 28, 2010 A rally of Jewish leaders took aim at Target stores Thursday for selling a globe that omits the name Israel but instead labels the region Palestine. “It is a very […]
——————— Last update – 21:16 30/01/2010 U.S.: Ambassador to Syria will ‘help change Syrian attitude in region’ By Jack Khoury, Haaretz Correspondent, DPA The new U.S. ambassador to Syria “will help change Syria’s attitude in the region in order to ensure stability and security,” an official in the U.S. embassy in Damascus said Saturday. […]
———————  Terrorists ‘plan attack on Britain with bombs INSIDE their bodies’ to foil new airport scanners  By Christopher Leake, Mail On Sunday Home Affairs Editor Last updated at 10:01 PM on 30th January 2010  Britain is facing a new Al Qaeda terror threat from suicide ‘body bombers’ with explosives surgically inserted inside […]
Subject: Sea level in Israel has been rising and falling over the last 2,500 years Rising and falling sea levels over relatively short periods do not indicate long-term trends. An assessment of hundreds and thousands of years shows that what seems an irregular phenomenon today is in fact nothing new,” explains Dr. Dorit Sivan, […]