Exclusive: False ID Document Mill Shut Down in VirginiaMichael Cutler As you may remember, the findings of the 9/11 Commission determined that the 19 terrorists on 9/11 used dozens of false identities and variations of their true identities in furtherance of their terrorist objectives, paving the way for the Real ID Act. The Virginian-Pilot article […]
HOW ABOUT TARGET PRACTICE IN A CIRCLE?…..RSK http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,druck- Table Tennis for the Taliban Do Exit Programs for Islamists Actually Work? By Peter Neumann It sounds like a promising idea: Instead of confronting the Taliban on the battlefield, why not pay them to give up violence? But such programs have been tried before, and they have […]
A Citizen’s Guide to the Constitution By Rick Richman An important book for two groups: those who are conversant with the Constitution and those who are not. Seth Lipsky’s new book, The Citizen’s Constitution: An Annotated Guide, is an essential volume for an educated citizenry. Equally erudite and entertaining, it annotates each provision of the […]
http://www.tnr.com/blog/the-spine/maybe-i%E2%80%99m-getting-paranoid-%E2%80%A6-about-obama The Spine Maybe I’m Getting Paranoid … About Obama Marty Peretz More From this Author What Has Obama Leaned About Middle East Peace? The Guantanamo Obsession and the Prisoners Who Will Neither Be Tried Nor Released How Did This American Terrorist Slip By? I’ve just read the transcript of the president’s remarks about Haiti, […]
http://nrd.nationalreview.com/article/?q=NTNkMjM0ZTAwMDQ4MmRmYmUwODc0YjRmMTlhNGEyNGM= A Republic, If You Want It The Left’s overreach invites the Founders’ return MATTHEW SPALDING Our federal government, once limited to certain core functions, now dominates virtually every area of American life. Its authority is all but unquestioned, seemingly restricted only by expediency and the occasional budget constraint. Congress passes massive pieces of legislation […]
http://nrd.nationalreview.com/article/?q=OTZjYzE5OWEyNDMzMDI0ZGUxNDQ4MTJkNjNlNGJlNjg= Two Inconvenient Canadians The unlikely men who shook up global-warming science JAY NORDLINGER In 2006, a major American climate scientist referred to them as “two Canadians.†He did not mean that very nicely. They are also known as “M&M,†“M/M,†and “the two M’s.†In the recently publicized e-mails of the Climatic Research Unit […]
Airports Could Get Mind-Reading Scanners ARE LASCIVIOUS THOUGHTS SUBJECT TO SCANNING ALSO?…RSK  http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/20100129/sc_livescience/airportscouldgetmindreadingscanners AP – Michael Strong, manager for Application and Sales Support for Brijot Imaging Systems, Inc., is shown … Bill Christensen Technovelgy.com LiveScience.com Bill Christensen technovelgy.com livescience.com – Fri Jan 29, 12:16 am ET WeCU Technologies is building a mind-reading scanner that can tell if a given traveler is a […]
This is gonna work: UK, others to buy off Taliban with $500 million Gordon Brown proves himself to be a true son and heir of Aethelred the Unready. But the only problem with paying danegeld is that you never get rid of the Dane. “Taleban fighters to be ‘bought off’ with $500m,” by Sam Coates […]
http://www.jihadwatch.org/2010/01/saudi-arabia-christian-migrant-workers-forced-to-convert-to-islam.html Saudi Arabia: Christian migrant workers forced to convert to Islam Qur’an 2:256 says there is “no compulsion in religion,” and apologists often cite this verse to claim no one can be converted to Islam under duress. Claims about outright “compulsion” aside (and even then, a dhimmi must hope for well-behaved overlords), there certainly is […]
http://townhall.com/Common/PrintPage.aspx?g=e6ae63b3-12e8-436e-bac4-31c28f59e26f&t=c Courtroom Cirque du Jihad Michelle Malkin Friday, January 29, 2010 Imagine this nightmare courtroom scenario: Unhinged Jew-bashing, open mockery of American soldiers, juror intimidation and coldly calculated exploitation of U.S. constitutional protections by a suspected al-Qaida defendant. Well, there’s no need to wait for the Gitmo terror trial circuses. New York City is already […]