Marilyn Penn Who’d have thunk that California’s show-biz governator would turn out to have so much more common sense than the billionaire third term mayor of New York City. Action-man Scharzenegger has proposed reducing the amount of money spent on prisons and re-directing it to the higher education system; towards that end, he will […]
Joel Fishman Makor Rishon 8 January 2010 Reality Bites Uncle Sam: Since the Six-Day War in 1967, Israel’s enemies based their propaganda war on several big lies, namely that Israel was the aggressor in the war, that there is such a thing as a Palestinian people who are the oppressed victims of Israel, that Zionism […] The American Spectator “The truth is that Obamacare is a care rationing, proxy death-paneling, taxpayer-abortion-funding, unconstitutionally individual-mandating, vast-bureaucracy creating, incredibly high taxing, free enterprise hobbling, doctor-patient-relationship interfering, medical-device denying, flexible savings-account destroying, trial-lawyer gift-wrapping, union-boss mollycoddling, medical price-increasing, job-killing, sinister power-grabbing, American republic-undermining mound of legislative plutonium.” Thermopylae for Health Care By Quin Hillyer […]
OPINION EUROPE JANUARY 7, 2010 British Radicalization Studies The U.K.’s universities offer the most conducive environment an Islamic extremist could inhabit outside Waziristan. By DOUGLAS MURRAY Shortly after he tried to bring down flight 253 to Detroit on Christmas Day, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab became the fourth former head of a British university Islamic Society (ISOC) […] J Street Leads Obama To Failure Time magazine has a piece summing up Obama’s year of failure regarding Israel and the Palestinians. We know that everything wrong in Washington is Bush’s fault (How long did FDR keep blaming Hoover before Roosevelt took responsibility? How long did Lincoln keep blaming Buchanan?), but the cold fact […]
More Pe’er protesters arrested in New Zealand January 7, 2010 SYDNEY, Australia (JTA) — Five pro-Palestinian protesters were arrested in New Zealand outside the tennis complex where Israeli tennis star Shahar Pe’er was playing. Among those arrested Thursday was the organizer of the protests, John Minto. It was the third consecutive day of demonstrations by […] Jailhouse Crock Detainees: On the same day three inmates break out of an Illinois prison, a state legislative panel approves selling another Illinois prison to the feds to house former Gitmo detainees. What is wrong with this picture? Only two weeks after a failed al-Qaida attempt to bomb a plane bound for Detroit, […] Spying On Icebergs? Climate Change: We can’t stop terrorists from boarding planes with explosive undies, but the CIA has assets sufficient to monitor Arctic ice and look for signs of global warming? Is al-Qaida recruiting polar bears? One wouldn’t think that the increasing polar bear population and the increasing rate of recidivism of former […] Poverty Canard Terrorism: Hillary Clinton, in extolling the role of development aid, repeats the old saw about poverty breeding terrorism. Nonsense. The new attacks haven’t been about living standards.We suspect Clinton was just trying to pump up the U.S. Agency for International Development mission and make the bureaucrats — like newly sworn-in USAID administrator […] Closing Gitmo: The President’s Naive Fixation By CHARLES KRAUTHAMMERPosted 01/07/2010 06:29 PM ET View Enlarged Image On Wednesday, Nigerian would-be bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was indicted by a Michigan grand jury for attempted murder and sundry other criminal charges. The previous day, the State Department announced that his visa had been revoked. The system […]