Claudia Rosett :Homeland Security: With Talent Like This… Uh-oh. From the Homeland Security system that “worked,†we now have word that Secretary Janet Napolitano is mobilizing a broad response to the underwear bomber. As part of this security “review,†Napolitano is dispatching her deputy, Jane Holl Lute, “on a broad international outreach effort [1]†[…] A War By Any Other Name Cal Thomas Tuesday, January 05, 2010 Suppose Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, the Christmas Day underwear bomber, had succeeded and blown up Northwest Airlines flight 253, killing nearly 300 people on board and perhaps others on the ground? Would the response of the Obama administration have been different? The […]
There has probably never been an era in history when intellectuals have played a larger role in society. When intellectuals who generate ideas are surrounded by a wide range of others who disseminate those ideas– whether as journalists, teachers, staffers to legislators or clerks to judges– the influence of intellectuals on the way a society […]
Exclusive: Could an Important Ambassadorial Appointment Be Based on D.C. Political Games? Carolyn Cooke In March, 2009, El Salvadoran elections led to a major sea change in the political landscape of the country when a member of the Communist Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FLMN) Party, Mauricio Funes, was swept into the presidency. His win […]
January 4, 2010 Exclusive: Fatal Attraction – The Left’s Perilous Embrace of Radical IslamAlex Alexiev Shortly after 9/11 a lively discussion ensued on the pages of a prominent green journal regarding the possibility and merit of an alliance between the Greens, the Left and radical Islam. The discussion identified the emergence of radical Islam as […] Nothing from the government is ever free. The only question is how much you lose. Socialism’s greatest lie is that it promises the people something for nothing, services and programs of all kind that will either be “free” or more affordable than the free market variety. But just like the ads promising you a […]
Abbas and other Palestinian “moderate†leaders glorify Dalal Mughrabi, perpetrator of worst terrorist attack ever against Israeli civilians So, the new year starts where the old one left off. The politically correct agendas which run riot in the BBC and much of the rest of the mainstream media in Europe continue to ensure the […]
 Wacky jihad therapy failed to ‘cure’ plane-bomb plotter By CHUCK BENNETT CBC-tv WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? Jihadists paint and draw in art therapy class. This re-education didn’t transform ex-Gitmo inmate Said Ali al Shihri (inset) into an apostle of peace; he now leads Yemeni al Qaeda. Read more: A cushy Saudi Arabian […]
Attempted Murder of Danish Cartoonist Assailant May Have Planned Attack on Clinton By Politiken Staff,1518,669930,00.html The ax-wielding Somali man who broke into the house of Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard on Friday may have planned to attack US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Kenya. He spent seven weeks in prison last autumn. The 28-year-old […] The Terror War and the Double-Euphemism By Roger L Simon It should be no real surprise that the relatively-unknown John O. Brennan – rather than putative Homeland Security boss Janet Napolitano – was called upon to defend the administration against Dick Cheney’s criticism of terror war weakness on the talk show circuit Sunday. Napolitano […]