Obama Politicizes Christmas Day Terror Attack, Blacklists Fox News Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano couldn’t make it to Fox News? Taking his vendetta with Fox News to a new low, President Obama sent an administration spokesperson to appear on every network but Fox to discuss the Northwest Airlines flight 253 terror attack. White House […]
December 28, 2009 Exclusive – Oval Office Watch – Monday, December 28 Oval Office Watch ‘Health care for all’ is not a right; it is slavery – HERE.  Socialism Creeps In As America Sleeps – GO HERE.  So You Say You Want a Health Care Revolution – SEE HERE.  Give Me Liberty, […]
Has the Greatest Generation that won World War II given way to the Generation Looking for the Easiest Way Out? Only time will tell. Exclusive: Are We Under an Islamist ‘Tet Offensive’? Pam Meister “And prepare against them what force you can and horses tied at the frontier, to frighten thereby the enemy of Allah […]  Let My Terrorists Go For six years the burning cause of the American left was the fate of the captured terrorists being held in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. Civil rights lawyers, pundits and Democratic congressmen joined voices to denounce military tribunals, detention of captured terrorists without access to their ACLU lawyers and […]
TSA: Nothing Can Stand Between Us And Mindlessly Destroying The American Airline Industry An airline industry looking to “bounce back” in 2010 by bleeding $11 billion. A tourism industry coping with alienated Western travelers after Congress, at the behest of restaurant and hotel lobbies, imposed a $10 fine on incoming travelers to promote “Vegas-style tourism.” […] TSA Removes 2 Passengers From Phoenix Bound Flight 192 December 27, 2009 Two passengers were removed from a Phoenix-bound flight Saturday after others aboard the plane noticed “suspicious†activity. Suzanne Trevino, a spokesperson with Transportation Security Administration (TSA), said US Airways Flight 192 was inbound from the Orlando Airport when several passengers reported seeing […]
also see: Sunday, December 27, 2009 Percy Sutton Khalid al-Mansour: Percy Sutton Dies, Named al-Mansour aka Don Warden as Obama Harvard Law fundraiser Remember the story quickly quashed by media, when elderly Percy Sutton said he assisted Khalid al-Mansour in getting Barack Obama into Harvard Law? Two years later, Percy Sutton, age 89, has […]
HELLO? IS IT NOT TIME TO NAME THE ENEMY AND STOP HIDING BEHIND THE “WAR ON TERROR” WHICH IS ALSO A FIG LEAF….WHY NOT CALL IT THE WAR ON JIHAD….RSK The Terror This Time Janet Napolitano says the system worked. No, we were brave and lucky. A U.S. government that has barred the phrase “war […]
REVIEW & OUTLOOK DECEMBER 28, 2009 The New Climate Litigation How about if we sue you for breathing? Fresh from the fiasco in Copenhagen and with a failure in the U.S. Senate looming this coming year, the climate-change lobby is already shifting to Plan B, or is it already Plan D? Meet the carbon tort. […]
JIHAD GEOGRAPHY IS SILLY….THE ENTIRE ARAB/MOSLEM WORLD SUPPORTS THIS…..RSK The Detroit airline bomb plot was planned in the land of bin Laden’s ancestors. Richard Spencer reports. To try to blow up an airliner by sewing explosives into your underpants might seem more a ruse of desperation, something out of Blackadder, than anything from the […]